Chapter 3

Exchange Lover

‘WHAT???!!!! OMG… Repeat again what you just said. I don’t think I’m listening very well’ Jessica said


‘We helped you and Taeyeon to register for a program name ‘Exchange Lover’ as our gift for your birthday!’ Sunny said


Taeyeon and Jessica eyes widen


‘Since both of you don’t have lover so we thought about finding one for you guys… We lied to the person that both of you are lover so you can join that program’ Luna said


*Nobody knows that they are dating*


‘No way! We will not attend!’ Taeyeon said


‘But we already paid for the registration fees and sign a contract with them… If you don’t turn up we have to pay for their loss!’ Sunny said


‘How much is it?’ Taeyeon asked


‘About 7 month of your salary? It’s really a lot so you guys better attend! Just go relax yourself … You can go overseas with the partner that you choose in that program too!’ Luna said


Taeyeon and Jessica look at each other without knowing what to say, they should have told other their relationship…


And the same thing happens on Yuri and Tiffany


‘I will pay for it… So stop this stupid topic’ Yuri said


‘It’s not only about money; they have the right to sue us! You don’t want to visit me in the jail right? I told them that you guys are aware of this before we sign up. Now you tell them that it’s a surprise by us so you guys won’t attend that stupid program, they will surely get mad and sue us’ Hyoyeon said


‘Some more it’s just a month… and you guys can use this chance to get a lover!’ Amber said


The next day


Yulti went to the exchange lover program with their luggage, it’s not what they normally would do but Hyoyeon and Amber are their important friends so they agreed to attend this stupid program…


‘Actually, think of it again… this is so interesting… I wonder who we will end up with... But no matter who’s that person, you are going to be faithful to me right?’ Tiffany asked


‘Of course… that’s a stupid question to ask… You are my beloved Fany’ Yuri said with a sweet smile


On Taengsic side


‘Sica… I’m getting nervous now… I can’t imagine being separated with you for a month!’ Taeyeon said


‘Yea… it’s such a torture! But for the sake for money… we shall overcome it together!’ Jessica said


The program started and they are sitting down in a long table, there are many people here but all of them are normal couple that is mix with one girl one boy… Now everyone is looking at Taeyeon and Jessica thinking if they are seriously a couple … At this time Yuri and Tiffany came in, hand in hand and sit down in front of Taengsic without looking who’s the person in front of them.


‘Okay, now that they number is equal… We shall start the exchange lover program!’ the organizer said


Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany and Yuri look up and were stun to see who’s in front of them


Taeyeon POV


Yuri… Am I dreaming… its Yuri!!


Jessica POV


Why is she here? She should be studying in America!


Tiffany POV


I can’t believe I can still see her in my life... I thought that time would be our last goodbye…


Yuri POV


Taeyeon… I miss you … I seriously miss you a lot… how have you been?


They continue to stares at each other without saying anything…


Taeyeon POV


Who’s the girl beside her? She looks beautiful and seems to be really rich… Did her parents approve their relationship?


Jessica POV


So she had gotten a really rich girl like her to be her lover… I knew that this would happen… she will never love a poor girl like me…


Tiffany POV


I wonder if she’s having a stable relationship now… That girl looks like a kids… Is she younger than Sica?


Yuri POV


Is that girl her new lover? She seems pretty cold… When did Tae starts to like this kind of girl??


‘Okay, did everyone found their target? We shall start to exchange lover in 3 minutes times…’ The organizer said


Taeyeon POV


Can I choose Yuri? Would I hurt Sica if I choose Yuri?


Jessica POV


I can’t choose Fany…  She must be really happy without me…


Tiffany POV


I think she must be really irritated to see me… I shall not choose Sica…


Yuri POV


I can’t betray Fany… but… I want to talk to her again... I want to feel her breathing in my embrace again….


‘Now… Everyone let’s starts to exchange your lover! Those without partner will automatically be put in a team…’ the organizer said


After 10 minutes… everyone had finish exchanging their lover other than Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany and Yuri …


Just when Yuri and Taeyeon is about to choose each other, Tiffany and Jessica suddenly stand up at the same time while Jessica is pointing at Yuri and Tiffany is pointing at Taeyeon


‘I choose her!’ Both of them said at the same time


-At the Airport-


‘Yuri… you are not angry right? I didn’t choose her because I’m interested to her or whatever… I’m just randomly picking out of the two of them’ Tiffany said


‘I’m not angry… Don’t worry, I’ll be fine…’ Yuri said


Yuri POV


Why didn’t I react faster than Tiffany? If I did… I could have end up being with Taeyeon…




‘Don’t worry, I will never like that girl… it’s just a month… very soon I’ll come back to you’ Jessica said


Taeyeon nodded


Taeyeon POV


Is she thinking the same thing as I did? How regret I am to not stand up before Sica… I want to talk to Yuri again….


Taeyeon went to the washroom since there are still plenty of times… When she reaches the washroom she saw Yuri coming out. Both of them stare at each other like how they used to with tears forming in their eyes


Yuri pulled Taeyeon into the washroom and locks them in one of the cubicle…


‘I miss you’ Yuri said


‘Me too’ Taeyeon said sadly


Yuri can’t help but to hug Taeyeon tightly… Finally she found her… the one that use to be the most important person in her life…


‘There’s so many things that I want to tell you but we don’t have much time, give me your number… I’ll contact you once we return from this stupid program’ Yuri said


Taeyeon nodded and key her number into Yuri’s phone, Yuri take the phone and press the dial button so that Taeyeon will have her number too.


‘Last but not least… although… both of us had found another partner but I still want to tell you … I didn’t forget you… You have been in my heart all along… Tae… I love you’ Yuri said


Tears start to run down without her control… It has been so long since she hears these words from Yuri … and she seriously misses the old days when they are still together…


On the other side


Tiffany is sitting at the bench quietly waiting for Yuri; at this time Jessica approach her


‘Seems like you’re doing fine without me’ Jessica said and force out a smile


‘You too… you seem to be really happy with that kids’ Tiffany said


‘She’s same age as us… don’t look down on her!’ Jessica said


‘You never change at all… always loved to assume… until now you still thinks that I look down on you too?’ Tiffany asked


‘Your new lover is the proof that you don’t like poor girls… That Kwon Yuri… she’s really rich don’t she??’ Jessica asked


‘I didn’t love her because of her money, I love her is because she’s amazing… Put some respect when you are calling her name!’ Tiffany said


They have not seen each other for so long; they couldn’t admit that they still miss each other… And it seems like only the cold words could bring them to talk to each other … Even though, it hurts… But that’s the only things that they can do now…


So, the trip begins with Yulsic going to Japan and Taeny going to Shanghai …


Before starting the trip, the organizer let all the couple to hug each other again and then turn towards their new partner with a handshake to starts the event… When Yuri and Jessica look at each other they would have a really strange feelings like they are born to hate each other but when they touches each other hands the impact in their heart seems to be really strong … On the other side Taeyeon and Tiffany which are the more gentle one just look at each other feeling very awkward, when they touches each other hands they can’t help but to blush and look away


Jessica POV


This is the girl that Tiffany Hwang love… I shall not get connected with her too much… And she even had the face that I hate the most! So proud of herself!


Yuri POV


This girl is seriously irritating… That cold princess look and arrogant attitude … How did she makes Taeyeon fall in love with her?! Damn… I already start to hate her…


Tiffany POV


Even though she looks like a kid but Jessica said that we are same age so she must be some really childish person… Anyway… who cares…? I’m just going to get over with her for a month.


Taeyeon POV


Somebody that Yuri love must not be too hard to talk to … But she’s full with branded staff from head to toe… A perfect match for Yuri… Haiz… I already start to feel jealous…


So... here's the start of the compicated relationship within Yuri, Taeyeon, Jessica and Tiffany ... Hope that you guys enjoy this and sorry for the long wait :)

Forgive me if there's any typo or language mistakes ^^

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novarias #1
Chapter 3: Awww when Yul pulled Tae and all the moments geez. I love this. TaeRi is LOVE! I really cried haha and my heart beat so fast w/ YulTae moments! Please get the Anericans get back together they deserve each other LOL
Chapter 5: please update soon :))
Chapter 4: Taeri and Jeti~~~
imzara #4
Chapter 5: Yulti is lover . Taeri is 1st love . Yulsic have a big chance to liking each other from now on . So , i don't mind any pairing u'll pair at the end , keke~

Are u gonna end this soon ? btw , i like this chap. ^^
YuKirei-- #5
taeri :-D
well, let's read!
F1e_4pple #6
Chapter 5: TaeRi, please... i love this couple but it's so damn difficult to find a one, especially the nice one. But yours, it's daebak. i do love this... please make it TaeRi *puppy eyes*

love taeri moment here. i don't care if they're being selfish. i think they deserve it. They truly love each other, so let them be...

i'm glad you finally update this. thanks so much :D
F1e_4pple #7
taeri <3
thanks a lot :)
Chapter 4: omg haha I want TaengSic to be quite honest... I think it will be nice to see Yuri and Jessica being rivals for Taeyeon. And Tiffany can find someone better than all three of them LOL XD
Chapter 4: Yulsic or taeri!?! I cant make up my mind!
Chapter 4: Happy tat u back, author-nim!!