September 20th

Tears of December

“Ah, it hurts.” Tao whimpered, as the needle extracted blood from the inside of his bones. Kris squeezed Tao’s hand, and kneeled beside his bed. “You’re doing great. Its almost finished.” Kris said, trying to sooth Tao.


The doctor pulled the needle out and squeezed its contents into a test tube, and sealed it tightly. “Alright. We are done for today.” The doctor smiled at Kris. “Please allow Tao to get some rest.” Kris nodded and the doctor left the room.


Kris moved out of the way as Tao was put onto an IV drip. “Do I have to?” Tao whined. “I want to go play with Kris today.” The nurse who was hooking him up smiled gently. “I’m sorry, Tao. You have to stay here today and rest.” The nurse patted his cheek and left to do her nurse duties, leaving Kris and Tao alone.


Tao was pouting and mumbling something about not being able to go outside. Kris pulled up a chair and sat beside him. “Are you hungry? I brought some food.” Kris took a take out container of fried rice out of his backpack. Tao squealed in delight. “Yes! I’m starving, and I hate hospital food.” Kris smiled and helped Tao eat.


Kris watched Tao eat the rice happily, like a child with an ice cream cone. Kris also noticed Tao’s eye circles were darker than usual. “Well, I should leave and let you rest.” Kris started to get up, but Tao grabbed his arm. “Wait! I want to talk to you some more.” He managed to say, around a huge mouthful of rice.


Kris sat down again, waiting for Tao to finish eating. When he was done, he burped and sighed. “That was delicious!” Tao patted his stomach, which was so flat Kris swore there were only ribs. “I’ll bring you more next time.” Kris said, expertly throwing the container into the garbage can.


Tao suddenly looked really sad. “Do you think I’ll live to see New Year’s?” Kris was shocked. “Of course! You’re so full of energy, and you are really optimistic. I don’t see why you wouldn’t survive.” Kris took Tao’s hand and squeezed it.


Tao squeezed back, but didn’t look very assured. “I overheard the doctors talking. They said I had an 80% chance of surviving for one more year.” Kris took Tao’s chin with his free hand and made him look at him. “Don’t say that. It’s 80%. I believe in you.”


Tao sighed with a tired smile. He turned his head to look out the window, at the university’s skyline. There really wasn’t much to see, other than small lights in the distance, and the occasional blinking lights moving across the sky. “There’s always that 20% though…” Tao said.


Kris got a bit angry. “Don’t say that Tao.” He said forcefully. “There’s nothing that can’t happen if you don’t believe. I know that many people still die from illnesses, but they never gave up. Remember what we promised, all those months ago? That I would take you to Canada once you got better.” Everything Kris had been holding back, he let spill now. Usually, he was the cold, un-feeling type of male, the typical male lead in a drama. Kris didn’t care if he sounded stupid; he just wanted Tao to understand that he would get better.


“And then I said we would go to Stanley Park, in Vancouver.” Kris continued. “It’s really nice there, and you wouldn’t want to miss it. I’ll take you to see my high school, and everything and anything you want to do, or see. There’s also other things, like ---”


“Kris, you’re crying.”


Kris blinked and touched his eyes. He was crying, and he didn’t even notice. He was too busy trying to think of reasons to convince Tao not to give up. “Oh. I am.” Kris blushed a light pink and wiped the tears away. Tao smiled gently and grabbed a tissue. He patted Kris’s face, smiling. “I haven’t forgotten. But I just want to go wherever you are.”


Kris blushed a little deeper. Tao burst out laughing, his eyes disappearing. “I guess that sounds really weird, doesn’t it?” Kris didn’t answer. In truth, he was embarrassed from the things he had said earlier. He felt a bit awkward after saying it, no matter how genuine.


Tao’s mouth opened into a yawn, and his eyes started to droop. Kris smiled, thinking how cute the sleepy panda boy looked. “I’ll let you rest.” Tao grabbed Kris’s arm. “No, I want to talk more.” Then he yawned again. Kris sighed, and ruffled the boy’s hair. “Come on, you’ll have to sleep eventually.”


Tao pouted. “Yeah, but I’m old enough to stay up late.” Kris grinned, his pearly white teeth showing. “You have to rest, or else you’ll be sick longer. That’s just a longer time before we get to go to Canada.” Tao’s eyes widened as he processed the thought. “Right!” He tried to lie down, but winced because the IV restrained him.


“Be careful!” Kris got up and adjusted his IV so it wouldn’t be hurting him. “I guess you can’t sleep now.” Tao smiled triumphantly. “Ha. I win.” Kris ruffled his hair. “Promise me you’ll sleep after the IV is gone?” Tao sighed. “Fine.”


They talked until the nurse came in and took the IV away. “Visiting hours end at 10pm.” She said. Kris nodded and glanced at the clock. 9:30pm. He still had a bit more time left. The nurse dragged the IV away and Tao and Kris continued their conversation.


“Now will you sleep?” Kris said, raising and eyebrow. Tao crossed his arms and thought. Finally, he sighed, and the tiredness could be heard. “Fine. I’ll sleep.” With the help of Kris, Tao lay down on the bed and snuggled under the covers. “Aren’t you going to go?” he asked.


Kris smiled. “I’m going to make sure you keep your promise.” Tao huffed. “Jeez. You’re such a party pooper.” Right after finishing his sentence, he laughed. “I said poop.” He kept laughing, until his eyes drooped close.


Kris watched him sleep, then five minutes later, Tao opened one eye. “Hi.” Kris jumped a little, and then blushed. “H-Hello.” Tao giggled. “Why are you surprised?”


“I-I thought you were s-sleeping.” Kris rubbed the back of his neck.


Tao smiled. “Can you sing me to sleep?” Kris blinked. “I can’t sing.” Tao gave him the puppy eyes and pouted. “Pwease?” he said, as cutely as possible. Kris gulped and tried to resist, but to no avail. He succumbed to the power of Tao’s cuteness. “Fine. But only a little bit.” Tao nodded with enthusiasm.


Twinkle Twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.


Tao had fallen asleep by now, so Kris sang in a whisper.


Twinkle Twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are.


Kris finished the song, and the only sound that could be heard was Tao’s soft breathing as he slept. Kris watched the steady rise and fall of his body, the way his eye circles looked less doom impending, and how peaceful his face was. It was like all the stress the illness had laid on the fragile boy was suddenly lifted.


Kris wondered why he felt so different around Tao. Before, Kris put on a fake smile only for those with authority. He wasn’t the social one either, and didn’t have many friends. Although all the girls swooned over his good looks, he didn’t have interest in them. The guys were either too jealous or too scared to approach him. Kris didn’t really mind, even if he felt lonely sometimes.


Then out of nowhere, this panda-looking boy enters his life. Now is blushing, smiling, laughing, and saying sappy things, all for this boy. Maybe his dad was right, maybe he was gay. Kris smiled to himself. Does it really matter? I’m already stuck in the loop. Kris thought.


He looked at the clock. 9:55pm. I better leave before the nurses get to me. Kris put on his backpack and was about to leave. Then he remembered he had forgot to do something. He went over to Tao’s bedside and brushed the hair from his face, letting his hand linger over his soft skin.


“Goodnight, Tao.”


A/N: Hello again!!! I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I had to update my other story :P I'm so glad you guys didn't unsubscribe though!!! But if you did, I'm hurt. I'm very hurt .-. (They probably aren't going to see this though OTL)

Anyway, I'm so grateful for your wonderful comments!!! I love you all so much! Thanks so much for reading, and I promise to update faster next time!

Also, something interesting is going to happen next chapter, and it features Baekyeol :) Just a little teaser XD

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Chapter 30: no tao ;-;
Chapter 18: the feels :')
so cute ^ ^
Wonderful, just beautiful (:
Chapter 32: Awwww, what a sweet ending! I'm glad that they all ended up with happily ever afters <3
Awww that was so cute!!
Chapter 32: awwwww weeee~ kris has his angel back! yaya~!
baekhyun and chanyeol, they're meeting again. happy ending!!!
Chapter 32: glorious. squee tao angel~ <33
keke~ loved itt~ ^^ lookin forward to your new stories as well :)
JennyLovesRIce #10
Chapter 32: yay~ happy ending ^^