December 23rd

Tears of December

December 23rd



The cheerful atmosphere of Tao’s hospital room was laden with a kind of heaviness. They were all scared. Something sinister hung in the air, since it was nearing the end of the year. But no one wanted to say it out loud. 


Kris had practically lived at the hospital for the last two weeks. He refused to leave Tao’s side, no matter what the doctors said. Just like the security guards, they had given up. They knew how important Tao was to Kris. They all knew, so they were determined to make the best of their time together.


“Let’s party!” Sehun said, laying out an assortment of food and drinks on the table. Kris placed a slice of strawberry cake on a plate and gave it to Tao. Tao had gained some energy back from the past few days, and Kris was glad. There was still hope he would get better.


Tao happily nibbled on the cake, while watching Sehun and Luhan argue over which game to play first. “We have to play something that Tao can play too!” Luhan said, pointing to Monopoly. Sehun pouted. “But I wanna play Twister! Tao can call out the colours!”


Kris sighed at their bickering, but in truth, he was enjoying himself. His best friends and his true love all in one place, were having fun and smiling. This was what he had been missing out for the last ten years, the time between his mother’s disappearance and meeting Tao.


“Let’s play Twister first!” Tao said, finishing off his cake. “It’s going to be fun with five people.” He said, a hint of evilness in his voice. Sehun handed Tao the wheel. “Spin it well.” He said, with a wink.


They decided the order would be Sehun, Chanyeol, Kris, Baekhyun, and then Luhan. The mat was extra large, laid out across the floor. Tao spun and called out, “Left foot red.” Sehun placed his left foot on the red circle. The first round went by smoothly, no casualties.


At the end of the third round, the five boys had their bodies all mixed up, tangled in every way possible. “Sehun, stop touching my !” Chanyeol yelled. Sehun groaned painfully. He was facing the ceiling with both his arms wedged between someone else’s body parts. “Ow Kris stop that!” Baekhyun yelped as Kris kept leaning onto the small boy’s body. Baekhyun was practically underneath him.


Tao laughed and spun the needle again. It was Luhan’s turn. “Right hand yellow.” Tao said gleefully, knowing what Luhan’s next move would be. Luhan smiled and forcefully hooked his arm under and around Kris’s leg, causing the tall boy to slip and fall directly on top of Baekhyun.


A thud was heard as the air was knocked out of Baekhyun’s lungs. Kris toppled over kicking Chanyeol in face. “Ow, Kris!” Then his other foot contacted with Chanyeol’s left leg, causing his knee to buckle and crash into Sehun who was barely holding himself up. He slumped to the ground, on top of Chanyeol.


Tao was laughing like he just saw the funniest show in the world, and in a way, it was. “Luhan is the winner!” He declared, as the victor stood up, triumphant. The other four boys lay in a pile, groaning. “Wow, Luhan, your luck is quite good.” Tao said with a smile. Luhan returned his smile warmly. “I’m just smart, that’s all.”


Chanyeol stood up, rubbing his cheek. “I bet you two rigged it.” He mumbled grudgingly. He helped Baekhyun up, whose hair stood up in tufts. “He couldn’t have done that, Chanyeol.” He said, smoothing out his chocolate brown tresses. “That’s too hard.”


“Let’s play again!” Tao said, earning laughs from the gang. Baekhyun sighed. “I don’t wanna end up at the bottom again.” Sehun patted him on the head. “Is that an invitation, shorty?” Baekhyun kicked Sehun in the shin. “I am not that short!” He fumed.


Chanyeol wedged his way between the two boys. “Alright guys, break it up.” Chanyeol wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s waist. “You’re perfect to me.” He gave him a little kiss on the top of his head. “I’m not short.” Baekhyun muttered again.


Tao squealed in delight, because to him, it was like a Korean drama was unfolding right in front of his eyes. “You guys are adorable.” He grinned as he watched Chanyeol and Baekhyun perform PDAs. Kris laughed and squished Tao’s cheek. “What’s up with you today?”


Luhan clapped his hands, getting the attention of the other boys. “So how about that game of Twister?”






The day went on, full of happiness and fun. Night approached, so the gang, excluding Tao and Kris took their leave. “Be strong!” Chanyeol said, giving a fist bump to Tao. Baekhyun and Luhan gave him a hug, while Sehun ruffled his hair. “You’ll definitely get better.” He said.


Tao smiled and waved goodbye to all of them, content with the day’s events. “When I get better, let’s do this again.” He said. Kris helped him lie down and tucked him in. “That’s a good idea. We can all go to Canada or China and travel.” Kris smiled, kissing Tao’s forehead. “Go to sleep.”


Tao nodded and closed his eyes. Kris watched him sleep for a while, before nodding off and drifting into his own dreamland.






“Kris, wake up.” Tao shook Kris’s arm as hard as he could. “Kris. Kris.” He called, his voice hoarse. Kris yawned and rubbed his eyes. “What’s happening?” He mumbled.


The slow and quiet beep of the heart monitor made Kris’s heart drop into his stomach. “Oh no.” He immediately clasped Tao’s hand in his. “Tao, don’t go. I still need you.” Kris said desperately. His heart beat fervently.


Tao smiled softly. “I know, but it’s okay, Kris. You’re strong. You can survive.” His voice was quiet, but Kris could hear him. Tao wrapped his thin, bony fingers around Kris’s long, healthy ones.


“I don’t want to survive, not without you.’ Kris pleaded, his voice shaking. Tao nodded. “I know.” He said again. “I can’t keep this up any longer.” Kris touched Tao’s face lovingly. “You’re so beautiful, even at death’s door…” He said as he attempted to blink away his tears.


Tao smiled, the corners of his eyes scrunching up in the way that Kris loved. This time, he loved it even more, but it hurt him as well, since the only love of his life was about to die. “Let it out, Kris.” Tao said. “I love you so much, and it hurts to see you like this.”


Kris cried for a good minute before wiping his tears and taking deep breaths. Tao watched him the whole time, holding his hand and waiting for him to finish. Finally, Kris was calm again. “I’m sorry. I love you.” He said quietly. “I love you.” He said it a second time for emphasis.


Tao shook his head. “Don’t be. I was happy with you, and I have no regrets.” The heart monitor slowed and quieted even more. Tao whispered something. It was so quiet Kris had to lean in and listen.


Please let your smile be the last thing I see.


Kris gulped and almost started crying at his lover’s sincere, last wish. The corners of his lips twitched awkwardly until they formed a gentle smile. His smile was full of pain, but at the same time, it was full of warmth as well. It held all the memories of playing, going out, and just spending time together, as well as all the kisses and touches they shared. Even though his heart was at the breaking point from knowing he will have to go on alone, Kris managed to lift the corners of his mouth into a smile. He knew he would not smile again for a long time, so he put all his effort into making this one special.


Tao smiled back, and he mouthed something. His lips were barely moving, but that didn’t matter. Kris knew what he was saying, because his heart heard it.


I love you.


The heart monitor paused and became a single, long, beep.




A/N: Sorry for not updating in so long!!! I was away at a school trip, and then all this homework got dumped on me OTL OTL What is wrong with my teachers =.=

So... This is what happens to Tao... don't kill me *hides*


There's more coming because this story is not over. I won't tell you how it will end, but you'll see. So please don't unsubscribe cause Tao died. This story is about angels and demons, remember ;)

Also because I can't create long choices for a poll, here are my story ideas! Please choose one that you would be interested in reading :D All of them will be EXO fanfics, with various pairings :)


1. There are twelve princes who rule the twelve kingdoms. One night, one of the princes recieves a vision from the Oracle. Now the oracle usually only sends messages to the spiritual mediums who advise the king, but not this time. The prince then calls the Secret Council together, in which all the princes come together in a secret location and talk about their problems. They realized their world is in danger of being take over by demons, and it is up to them to save their world.


2. At a mental asylum, there are 14/15 (some will be OCs, as supporting characters) boys with diffrent conditions. They each had their own problems, but when something goes wrong, they realize their mental disabilities may not be JUST disabilities. Also, the mental asylum isn't what they think, and it is up to them to discover the secrets of this place. 


3. 12 boys find an online game. They click on it, and unknowingly, they get transported to this seperate dimension. They start off tihnking that they must kill each other, but they soon find out there are others in this dimension. They learn they must defeat the others and save the world in which they live in.


4. Everyone in this world has a special power. At the age of 13, they are sent to a school located in the sky on a cloud, and they must learn to control and use their powers. At this school, there are 12 very different boys, with almost nothing in common, but they are suddenly thrown together and sent to the high tower. No one has been sent to live and learn at the high tower for the past 350 years. These 12 students soon learn about their histories, and why they are different from the others. 

Yeah I know they are long descriptions, but please take some time to read them and choose! I don't know which one to write, and I don't want to write all of them.

Thanks so much everyone!! I really appreciate your help!! I love each and every one of you for reading and subscribing and omg I have 96 subbies. You guys are fantastic, and thanks for commenting too! I love you all <3

Peace <3

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Chapter 30: no tao ;-;
Chapter 18: the feels :')
so cute ^ ^
Wonderful, just beautiful (:
Chapter 32: Awwww, what a sweet ending! I'm glad that they all ended up with happily ever afters <3
Awww that was so cute!!
Chapter 32: awwwww weeee~ kris has his angel back! yaya~!
baekhyun and chanyeol, they're meeting again. happy ending!!!
Chapter 32: glorious. squee tao angel~ <33
keke~ loved itt~ ^^ lookin forward to your new stories as well :)
JennyLovesRIce #10
Chapter 32: yay~ happy ending ^^