December 11th

Tears of December




“Clothes! Bags! Cake! This place has everything!” Tao exclaimed. Kris facepalmed as he wheeled Tao into the festively decorated shopping mall. There was a giant sleigh hanging from the roof of the mall, complete with a jolly looking Santa and all the reindeer. It hung above a beautiful Christmas tree, with sparkling glittery ornaments and wreaths. There were meticulously wrapped presents under the tree, for families that didn’t have enough money for a nice Christmas.


“Tao, calm down or else the roof is going to cave in.” Luhan laughed, leaning his head onto Sehun’s shoulder. They looked like mother and father, watching over their enthusiastic son. Kris smiled and patted Tao’s head. “Don’t get tired now. We have a full day ahead of us.”


Sehun examined the map of the mall. “I think we should split up for now, and then meet for lunch at around 2:30. We’ll decide what to do after during lunch.” Everyone nodded in agreement.


Luhan laced his fingers through Sehun and tugged his arm. “Clothes. Now.” He said, with a playful smirk. Sehun blinked, then returned the smirk. A message seemed to transfer between them, a message that only they knew. Sehun turned to his friends. “Catch you guys later.” He saluted and followed Luhan to who-knows-where.


Kris’s eyes widened as he realized what his friends were up to. “Not again…” He groaned. Tao looked at his boyfriend innocently. “Kris, what’s the matter?” He asked. Kris took the handles of Tao’s wheelchair and pushed him away. “Nothing, you’re too innocent.” He muttered.


Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand and smiled. “Where do you want to go first?” Baekhyun put his finger on his chin. “I want some new clothes.” He looked up with puppy eyes. Chanyeol’s heart immediately melted and he involuntarily squeezed Baekhyun’s hand. “Let’s get some new clothes then.”


They rode the escalator to the top floor, choosing Armani Exchange as their first destination. Baekhyun immediately shuffled through the clothes with great speed, picking out whatever he liked and throwing it over his elbow. Chanyeol, on the other hand, surveyed the store and picked through the rack that held the clothes he deemed fashionable.


Chanyeol picked up a jacket he liked and nodded in satisfaction. Baekhyun appeared out of nowhere and shook his head. “Chanyeol, that’s not a good colour for you, and its definitely too small.” He criticized.


Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. “That shirt doesn’t look too good either.” He gestured at the sweater lying at the top of Baekhyun’s pile. It was a black long sleeve, but it had strange leather patterns on it that were shiny and garish. “I like it!” Baekhyun said defensively.


Chanyeol sighed, knowing this fight was as good as lost. “Fine, you can choose some clothes, for me, but you can’t buy the clothes that I think you look bad in, okay?”


Baekhyun’s jaw dropped as he began to protest. Then he sighed. “Deal.” He said reluctantly. Chanyeol grinned and gave Baekhyun and quick peck on the cheek. “We’ll both be happy then.”


After three long hours of shopping, the couple dragged themselves and their shopping bags to the food court, where they decided to meet. Kris and Tao were already there, waiting for them. Tao had various sized shopping bags hanging from the handles of his wheelchair. “Chanyeol! Baekhyun!” He called, waving his hand in the air.


“Where are Sehun and Luhan?” Baekhyun asked, looking around. Then he saw the two figures walking towards them. Luhan’s hair was messy, and he kept running his hands through it to smooth it down. Kris sighed. “Really guys?” He said.


Chanyeol burst out laughing. A few strands of his hair were out of place, but it wasn’t as ruffled as Luhan’s. Sehun appeared out of nowhere and grinned. “Oh, the usual.” He patted Luhan’s head while smiling devilishly. Luhan’s face went a rosy shade of pink as he pummeled his boyfriend with his fists.


Baekhyun and Tao looked at each other with wide eyes. “Do you know what they are talking about?” Tao asked, innocently. Baekhyun shook his head. “Maybe it’s some joke from a long time ago.” They both nodded and decided that that was what they were laughing about.


After the initial commotion settled down, Kris suggested that they put their bags away before getting something to eat. They all went to their respective cars and drove to the Golden Dragon, as Kris also suggested. 


It was about 5:00pm when they finished their shopping and dining. Luhan was hosting a party at his and Sehun’s apartment (which was huge), and almost the entire medical and engineering schools were invited. Drinks and food was served, placed in huge bowls and there was alcohol. Lots of alcohol.


The music shook the ground as Chanyeol made his way across the hall to where Baekhyun was mingling with a few students from the engineering school. “Baekhyun!” Chanyeol yelled. Luckily, they were standing in a relatively quiet corner of the apartment. Baekhyun smiled and waved. “Chanyeol!”


Chanyeol squeezed past the last of the people and sighed in relief. “Hi.” Chanyeol said. “Can I borrow you for a second?” Chanyeol laced his fingers through the shorter male’s and smiled. Baekhyun nodded, and followed Chanyeol to the empty balcony.


“What is it?” Baekhyun said curiously. Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Uhh… well it’s a special day today… kind of.” He stammered.


Baekhyun frowned. It wasn’t his or Chanyeol’s birthday. It wasn’t a monthsary either. “Umm… It’s December 11th…” Baekhyun said.


Chanyeol sighed. “Okay, I’m not good at this. I’ll just get straight to the point.” He took a few deep breaths. Baekhyun thought the way Chanyeol’s acted nervous around him was really cute. Then again, I do it more often.


“This will be really cheesy, okay?” Chanyeol said, already cringing slightly. Baekhyun laughed and patted his shoulder. “I like cheese.”


“You didn’t like my cheese and ham omelet.”


“Get to the point.”


Chanyeol grinned and took a small package out of his pocket. The plastic bag crinkled, but the contents were unknown. “It was September 2nd when I first met you, and it wasn’t exactly the best way to meet someone. You were getting beat up by some drunk thugs.” They both laughed softly at the memory.


“But you were memorable.” Chanyeol continued. “Although I don’t really believe in fate and whatnot, it must have been some strange bond that brought us together. I mean, the guy you meet at a bar happens to be your roommate. That usually only happens in dramas. This is real, and I know it is. I’m happy Baekhyun. Even though I’ve probably told you a million times, I’m glad to have met you. My afterlife was meaningless before I met you.”


Baekhyun nodded slowly. “Yeah you said something about that the night at the ski resort.” He still didn’t know what was going on, so he just stared at Chanyeol with innocent eyes.


Chanyeol laughed in embarrassment. “Look, what I’m trying to say is I love you. I would do anything to make you happy, even if it is breaking up with you.” Baekhyun pouted. “I don’t want to break up with you.”


“I never said you did.” Chanyeol countered, effectively shutting Baekhyun up. Then he continued. “I know we’ve had our ups and downs, and it must have made us closer. Everything we’ve been through, since that first night, I feel like… it was meant to be.”


Chanyeol reached into the plastic bag and took out two bracelets, one black, the other white. Chanyeol placed the white on in Baekhyun’s hand. “For the angel that fell upon my eyes on September 2nd. Happy 100 days, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “Y-You remembered?” He gasped. Chanyeol blinked. “Yeah, of course.” A blush crept over Baekhyun face as he fumbled for something in his pocket. “I bought something for us too.”


Baekhyun pulled two phone charms out of his pocket. They were metal, and in the shape of birds. One was black, and the other was white, like the bracelets. “Umm, you can choose which one you want first.” Baekhyun said, holding them out.


Chanyeol thought for a moment before taking the white one. “I’ll think of you every time I see this.” He grinned and kissed Baekhyun on the forehead.


“Cheesy bastard.” Baekhyun retorted, pouting. “But you love cheese.” Chanyeol laughed. Baekhyun was about to reply, but Chanyeol swooped down and attacked Baekhyun’s lips with his own. Chanyeol let his hand roam Baekhyun’s back while the other held the back of Baekhyun’s neck. Baekhyun’s hand reached up and caressed Chanyeol’s jaw, his thumb tracing his jaw line. Their lips danced in perfect harmony, like they were made for each other.


A single thought crossed their minds at the same time. I wish this moment could last forever.






A/N: Hi everyone!! I didn't do an author's note last time because I was in a bit of a rush, but you are probably sick of me by now haha OTL I'm glad you guys are still reading though :D I know things are slowing down, and yes, this is intentional. Everything is fluffy now, but be warned MUAHAHAHAHAHA *bricked* 

Thanks for reading!! I hope you'll continue reading until the end, and I'll try my best to not make it boring OTL

Until the next update then :) <3

PS. Please read Revenge is Bittersweet! (RiB for short). Its a hunhan story, the every same hunhan as the ones in here :) Its like a canon. Thank you!!! <3



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Chapter 30: no tao ;-;
Chapter 18: the feels :')
so cute ^ ^
Wonderful, just beautiful (:
Chapter 32: Awwww, what a sweet ending! I'm glad that they all ended up with happily ever afters <3
Awww that was so cute!!
Chapter 32: awwwww weeee~ kris has his angel back! yaya~!
baekhyun and chanyeol, they're meeting again. happy ending!!!
Chapter 32: glorious. squee tao angel~ <33
keke~ loved itt~ ^^ lookin forward to your new stories as well :)
JennyLovesRIce #10
Chapter 32: yay~ happy ending ^^