Forbbiden 2 LOVE..(HAITUS)

the next morning~

i showered quick and texted jay to make sure he was still up for shopping..

2 jay:

hey you still wanna go shopping?

2 ***

of course ill pick you up at 12. (noon)

2 jay:

arasso^^ ill be waiting.

damn two hours hmm what should i do/ well yesterday we got

so drunk we messed up our house better clean!

you were cleaning and cleaning just keeping your mind busy and then

someone came into the kitchen.........

jia_***-ah what are you doing?! you woke me up ahh! my head hurts..

sorry unni jays coming in a hour now and i want  to keep my mind busy for now

jia_fine if you want to keep your mind busy at least make breakfest so we can all eat

ima make coffee go wake up the rest. ill get the things out

arasso unni~

jia_"mumbling" this girl i swear when shes in love nothing can stop her aish!

shes going to drive us crazy hopefully she doesnt get hurt with this..


MIN_shut up! i dont want to~

aish! really?! dine ill go wake up amber~

ambers room was all the way in the back she always stayed there except

when she wanted to go out to recalli dont think ive ever been to her room 

just got me curious as i was turning the knob...

amber_what are you doing?

i-i was going to wake uyou up~ hehe :)

amber_im already awake as you can see

she was just wearing her bath towl on and looked at me mad what

did i do?! was it because i didnt knock?

amber_m-maknae! stop staring!!! you know i hate it!..now go ill be out when

im done ....:)

arasso unni! ill be waiting in the kitchen^^~

i walked into the kitchen then jia turned around

jia_want to make pancakes?


as we were making the pancakes it was like the smell went all over the house

cus then men walked in the kitchen and shouted PANCAKES!!! like she was about to explode when we finished we all sat together and started eating i looked at the clock



he should arrive any second!


amber_you pabos! jay duh! (i cant believe they forgot already)

min_well just finish eating i dont want you to get sick :)

jia_go! go! change  your wearing your workout clothes

arasso unnis if he comes stall him for me~ oh and dont let jia near him!

jia_why not?

screaming:because i know how you are!

jia_aish! this girl!

i heard you~

jia_good! now go and change!

min_what should we do like how do we stall him?

amber_easy we enterogate him keke~

jia_so thats why she didnt want me near him! its not like im going to hurt him or am i? oh well~

           *knock* *knock*

min_well nows our chance "smirk"

jay_oh hello jia..min..amber!

min/jia/amber: hello jay!

min_what brings youo here?

jay_i came to take ***-ah shopping

jia_oh well usually when guys take girls out shopping means

he wants something dont you think amber? "smirk"

amber_oh course not ;)...well what do you want with our maknae? we know everything now..now talk!

jay_listen i dont want to hurt her

min_then dont

jay_i really like her

jia_then why did you tell her those things?!

jay-b-because its true

amber_we dont want our maknae to get hurt and you wouldnt want to get hurt either

jay_fine! ill try if thats what you want me to do!

min_well..well we really dont care its not possible for a dear

idol to fall inlove with just a regular girl is it? we'll just leave you alone..

jia/min/amber_bye~ "smirk"

what was i thinking? i should really help her find someone now ..

hello im back~ well i was just changing keke~

no problem lets go already

did unnis do something to you?

n-no they gave me water :)

well lets go~

arasso get in the car (starts driving)

well what kind of party is it?

just a regular party

ahhh so i can just wear jeans and a t-shirt? "teasing him"

no!~ you need to look formal~

oh its that kind of party alright then

were here lets go in

b-but that is really expensive

haha i know just go in and try these on^^

how did you get alot that fast?

i came in earlyer and asked for the prettiest and xiest

dresses in advance so here try them on :)

ok you tried on alot of dresses and he kept saying no

you then tryed on a dress and came out

he jaw droppeed

she looks so beautiful and y

that dress looks wonderful lets take it

are you sure? it doesnt show too much?

no it doesnt its perfect lets take it

ok let me just take it off

ok :)

umm jay can you go outside so i can take it off

oh y-yea

what was i thinking i cant be in their with her while shes changing! i need to chill but

that dress does look beautiful and it will catch peoples attention especally of who

im thinking well just wait till tomorrow hopefully he does lay eyes on her he can take care of her well..

jay~ im done^^

alright lets go its too late ill drop you off

de i cant believe it took that long just to get a dress

well you need to look beautiful it is a special occation^^

but that was an expensive dress ill pay you back forsure

anni its no big deal besides you'll meet my friends and co-workers

about that who..

ssshhhh thats a secret ;) dont worry about that its just a bunch of idols

but not to worry they'll be nice ^-^

ahhh ok well start driving already hehe

keke~ arasso are you always this bossy? and cheerful?

well...thinks of all the times and finds out there too many ..well i am the maknae arent i?

oh yea  true haha

oh jay are going to be people my age?

umm duh there all around our age

really/ there people that are 17?

w-what your 17?!

yea i thought you knew

well with that body and how you acted i thought you were 20!

no keke~ everyone always thinks im older but im not but dont worry age is but a number~ :P

arasso well now i think B.A.P and dongho and TEEN TOP are around your age .

w-what?! B.A.P?! DONGHO?! TEEN TOP?!

yea....ooops i runined it didnt i?

no not really im just surprised keke~

its getting late and we still havent reached your house ill spee up

before your unnis get mad

especally amber shes scary and yet younger than me

de i dont want to worry them

you reached your house and you said goodbye and he gave you your dress and heels

you entered the house and screamed




nothing just checking if anyones home :D

amber_oh nah its only me the other 2 went to a club or something

idk..so maknae howd your date go? ;)

i-it wasnt a date unni he just bought me a dress and shoes for tommorrow

and we talked

amber_hmm well to me you'll have his heart in no time :) well go to sleep...i am anyways ...goodnight

unni goodnight ^-^

oh one more thing..

yes unni?

dream of jay ;)

heheheh~ ill try as hard as i can for him to fall for me ^-^ hopefully hehe~


well what do you guys think? will he? im anxious to know and im the one wrighting it lol




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yozent #1
Haha I knoe ..I shall update as soon as I get to a laptop ^-^ ..thank-you again :)
WOW!! Jay is being such a jerk. Wonder what's gonna happen next. Can't wait to find out.. ^_^
So cool. This is a pretty interesting story. I like it! Can't wait for next update... ^_^