Chapter 2

One Fine Spring Day

Next chapter~~


Yesung’s POV

Kyu and I walked into the classroom, which was still nearly empty even though class would start within a few minutes. We took our seats near the front of the room, something Kyuhyun insisted on. If it were me or if I didn’t know Kyuhyun I’d take the seat in the back near the door straight away. I’d be able to do whatever I want and leave the classroom the second the bell rings. But as it happens, I do know Kyuhyun. So here I was, sitting in the front row, like Kyuhyun wants, so he can pay attention to whatever the teacher has to say about history.

Students slowly started entering the classroom until finally the teacher made his appearance as well. The teacher; Mr. Kim was above all else, a weird and very boring man. He had an extremely big nose and his hair was very asymmetric, like a wig put on lopsided. Everything the guy said was without any intonation whatsoever. And when someone as much as sneezed, Mr. Kim would stop midsentence and glare at the interrupter. In short; Mr. Kim give me the creeps and I hated his class.

The only good thing about history-class was that Siwon was there as well. As if on cue Siwon entered trough the sliding doors in front of the classroom, soon followed by Eunhyuk, one of his friends. Eunhyuk was a friendly guy and seemed to be always smiling. I’ve seen him dance once at a competition. He was really, really good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone dance as great as he does.

I was following Siwon’s movements with my eyes, until I felt a sudden sharp jab in my ribs. ''Ouch!'' I said out loud, garnering the interest of students around, including Siwon’s and Eunhyuk’s. I felt my head becoming hot and red as I tried very hard to disappear, without success of course. From my slouching position I glared at Kyuhyun, who was smirking but otherwise seemed to ignore me. Bastard.

I didn’t take long before Mr. Kim began class. As per usual he started off by staring at every student for a few good seconds, like he wanted to say; ‘if you dare to talk’. When his creepy stare landed on me, I sat up straight, looked down at my table like it was the most interesting thing in the world and waited patiently until I felt his look go away. Also as per usual, when Mr. Kim noticed the absence of a student who did not call in sick, he locked the door.

It probably wasn’t even a minute later when Donghae, another friend of Siwon, tried to open the door. Nobody knew why, but Donghae always seemed to be late in the morning. You could almost hear Donghae sigh, when he realized he couldn’t open the door. Mr. Kim sat at his desk, staring at nothing in particular, while pointing in the general direction of the principal’s office. Dejectedly Donghae moved away. After this Mr. Kim opened his book and started talking about whatever he was talking about. It’s not like I could pay attention when Siwon was in the same room. I constantly tried to sneak peeks of him, while Kyuhyun kept on shoving me with his elbow.

After some time Donghae reappeared outside of the classroom. Not unlike usual Mr. Kim stopped midsentence when Donghae knocked on the door. Mr. Kim stood up from his chair and walked over, while Donghae shoved his ‘LATE’-note under the door. Case in point. Mr. Kim was weird with is medieval methods of teaching. He opened the door after picking up the note and gave Donghae a creepy smile. ''How nice of you to grace us with your presence, Mister Lee Donghae,'' he bit out monotonously. Donghae gave a short nod before going over to where Eunhyuk and Siwon were seated and took the seat behind them.

Class seemed to drag on for hours and hours, even though it only were about 50 minutes. Then finally the sound of freedom sounded. Well, at least freedom from the hell that was history-class. I dropped my notes, book and pencils in my bag and waited for Kyuhyun to do the same so we could get out of here. Kyuhyun, of course, took all the time he needed. I sighed loudly, making sure the younger could hear me. It didn’t have any effect, though.

Then Siwon, Eunhyuk and Donghae walked passed. ''How could you be late again, Hae?'' I heard Eunhyuk say, something akin to worry resounding in his voice. Donghae just smiled. ''Oh you know~'' he said like he had no worry in the world. It was clear though, that Siwon and Eunhyuk did in fact not know. I immediately started wandering what Donghae wasn’t telling, even though it wasn’t my business at all.


Second period passed by quickly, as it always did. After all, music was my favourite subject. I prefer to think that it’s Kyuhyun’s favourite subject as well, rather than Mathematics which he claims is his favourite. We left the classroom quickly, just to be ahead of the rest of the school and made our way to the school canteen. We went to buy ourselves some food before we sat at our usual table all the way back in a corner of the canteen.

After only a short while, Kangin-hyung came over with Leeteuk-hyung and sat at our table. Leeteuk-hyung was nice, but that didn’t mean I could talk to him all that easily. Still, from all the people in school, Leeteuk-hyung was one of the few who I dared to share at least a few words with. I ate my sandwich and listened to the conversation going on between Kangin-hyung and Kyuhyun. Or.. Well… It was more like a discussion, rather than a conversation, as it was yet again about honorific use and respect and… I tuned out half-way so I didn’t hear when apparently Kyuhyun made a spot-on remark that had Leeteuk-hyung laughing his unique laugh. That alone was enough to make a smile appear upon my face.

I think we still had about 15 minutes left of the break when Kyuhyun suggested to take a quick walk around the school. I agreed quickly when I saw that Heechul-hyung was coming over with Hangeng-hyung. I stood up and swung my bag on my back before walking behind Kyuhyun to the exit.

The weather hadn’t changed much since this morning. It was a bit warmer than before and the clouds that had been there this morning had now disappeared. The sunlight gave the trees around the school a nice, vivid green colour and made the entire surrounding a bit less gloomy.

We were walking near the soccer field when I suddenly felt something hit my head hard. The next thing I knew I fell to the floor, my surroundings no longer in vivid colours, but black.


Thank you for your concern!
I'm still a bit sick, but whatever; I'll be okaaaay~~

About this chapter; the teacher? Mr. Kim?
He's the exact copy of a teacher I once had.
Creepy dude with his stares and late-notes under the door.. D:

*gives lots of hugs and cuddles!* <3

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410 streak #1
Chapter 4: you're not going to finish this? I want to know the ending! T^T
Chapter 4: It's so cute! Please continue the story
jongwoontrash #3
jongwoontrash #4
Chapter 1: Awuuuu~ Kyeoptaaaa~
Cloudest #5
Could you please continue this story?! :(
ELFlisa #6
Chapter 4: Update soon....please!!~~~
Chapter 4: Yahhh~ why did you stop writing this?! It was going so good! Please think of continuing this, yes? I want to read YeWon mpreg! //pouts//
redcoral #8
Chapter 4: I am new reader here. I love this story. But aren't you continue this?
Chapter 1: Please update, author-nim! > <
KcuLL22 #10
Chapter 4: update pls~~~