He Will Be Loved

He Will Be Loved (oneshot)


Something’s wrong, dreadfully wrong. He felt uneasy, felt the anxiety creeping up his heart. It’s raining hard, the rain drops clattering loudly against the tinted windows. What could go wrong? He thought. It’s raining, everything could go wrong. Chanyeol jolted up from the bed, he cannot fight the anxiety that he’s feeling. He walked towards the closet and pulled out a coat.

                He saw a familiar figure crouched down by the bank of the river. The said figure was drenched in the rain, his back facing Chanyeol, his clothes soaking wet as he hugged his knees, clearly not caring about the heavy downpour. Chanyeol quietly approached the man and as he drew near, he can hear the man’s muffled sobs. With the umbrella gripped tightly on his right hand, he placed it just above the man’s head, stopping the drops of rain from hitting him.

                The man looked up; the once dark grey sky is now covered with a blue umbrella. He quickly wiped his tears away then looked over his shoulders. “Thank you Yeol.” He said before sad smile grazes his lips. In all honesty, he wasn’t surprised that it was Chanyeol. He wasn’t surprised that Chanyeol found him. And he wasn’t surprised the Chanyeol knew that something is wrong. But he’s intrigued. Intrigued how Chanyeol always manages to know when he needed him.

                Chanyeol sat beside him and offered him a handkerchief. He took it and muttered an almost inaudible “Thanks” before wiping his wet face. Chanyeol watched him. This man never fails to amaze Chanyeol, the way he smiles, the sound of his laugh, the way his eyes would light up in happiness and how it would fade to a dull in sadness. He’s extremely beautiful in Chanyeol’s eyes. No one and nothing could ever compare.

                “Yeol…” the voice stops his train of thoughts. “He… broke up with me.” A tear manages to escape from those tantalizing eyes. Seconds later, the man broke down to a crying fit.

                Chanyeol pulled him into a tight hug. If only the man in his arms didn’t love that bastard who made him cry, he’ll be in big bloody mess now. “Just let it out.” He said huskily, the cry became louder.

                “Why? Why did he leave me? Am I not enough?” He asked. He broke the hug and looked at Chanyeol intently. “Tell me, am I ugly? Is something wrong with me?”

                “No. No, don’t say that. Nothing is wrong with you. Listen to me Baekhyun, you are beautiful. You are and you always will.” He countered before caging Baekhyun again with his tight embrace. ‘How about me Baek? Am I not enough? He thought as he closed his eyes and a lone tear fell.

                “Go take a shower. The last thing that I want to happen to you is to get sick.” Chanyeol said as he tossed a towel over Baekhyun. He brought Baekhyun to his house and insisted that he stay for the night since it’s late. They’re in Chanyeol’s room.

                “Yes I will.Thanks!” Baekhyun replied before entering the bathroom.

                When Baekhyun disappeared from his sight, Chanyeol took off his coat along with his shirt and pulled out another towel to dry his –not so wet- hair. With the towel still draped over his head, he approached the bed and sprawled his body, his bare –y- back touching the mattress. He could hear the gush of water from the shower room. He closed his eyes and drifted to oblivion.


                A soft voice lightly awoke Chanyeol. He slowly sat up before opening his eyes. When his eyes adjusted to a crystal clear view, his head immediately snapped to his side. Beakhyun was hovered beside him. His right knee and hand pinned on the bed supporting his weight while his left leg touched the floor. Baakehyun’s wearingnothing… but the towel. Chanyeol scrambled his way on the opposite side of the bed

                “Yah! You’re over reacting. I was just waking you up!” Baekhyun accused as he straightened himself up.

                “So…sorry…I was just..uhm..shocked.” Chanyeol tensed, his eyes roaming up the ceiling and down the floor, not daring to look at Bakehyun’s half- form. He’s probably as red as a tomato now. He blew out a hot hair, taking quick glances at Baekhyun. It confuses him how hot the room had suddenly become.  He could almost feel the sweat forming on the side of his head.


                Chanyeol jumped in surprise when he felt the hot breath of Baekhyun on his ear. He pushed Chanyeol down the bed before crawling on top of him. He instinctively placed his hand on Baekhyun’s well-toned chest to push older man away but immediately pulled it back as bolts of electricity run down his spine the moment he made contact with the skin.

                “Wh- what are you doing?” He stammered as he tries to crawl backwards. Baekhyun caught both of his wrists and pinned them down on the either side of his head.

                “Baekhyun this is not righ- unf!” his words were swallowed by Baekhyun’s lips. He kissed Chanyeol passionately, powerfully.

                Chanyeol squirmed underneath, still dazed and startled with Baekhyun’s action. He struggled to get off Baekhyun’s tight grip, struggled to fight the urge of kissing the older man back. This isn’t right. But his resolve betrayed him. Chanyeol kissed Baaekhyun back, with the same amount of passion and need.

                In no time, they’re both stripped of their garments, grinding and ing against each other. They were a mess, the bed producing a squeaking sound every time they move. They kissed and touched each other endlessly. When they both came, Chanyeol collapsed on top of Bakehyun. They were both out of breath.

                “Chanyeol-ah…” Baekhyun panted out.

                “Shh… sleep beautiful.” Chanyeol replied, covering Baekhyun’s eyes with his palm, shutting them to oblivion. Chanyeol sprawled beside him before pulling Baekhyun into a tight embrace.

                He will be loved. He smiled before closing his eyes.


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should I write a sequel?


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Chapter 1: do a sequel. include "the talk" and a confession from yeol.
keke. I was just waiting for someone to ask for a sequel before I do one, And now LT_Kyungsoo mentioned it. I might consider doing one. :DD
Sequel? ;_; It can't end like that, without them proclaiming their love to one another. <3
Good thing Baekhyun broke up with his ex or else there would be no Baekyeol!! :D