


“Good morning, Kris. You’re clean already, I see.” You said cheerily as you opened your eyes. Kris simply smiled and kissed your forehead. You kicked off the covers and jumped off the bed. You opened the sliding doors and breathed in the fresh air and felt the sunshine on your face.

“I’ll go shower first, okay? Then we’ll go grab breakfast.” You smiled at him and skipped into the bathroom.

10 minutes. You’re done with your shower and you stepped out, drying your hair. “What should I wear?” You tapped your bottom lip thoughtfully and pulled out a cute pink polka dotted dress. Kris’ eyebrows rose in interest but you gave him a knowing smile. He held up his hands and looked the other way. After slipping on your undergarments, you put it on and adjusted the ribbon around the waist.

Kris sat on your bed and you blew him a kiss from your dressing table. Brush hair, check. Lip balm, check. A little bit of foundation, check. You smiled and a dimple appeared on your left cheek. You grabbed your purse and Kris’ hand and out of the door you went.

“GOOD MORNING EVERYONE.” You called out as you both descended down the marble staircase. One by one, the maids smiled and returned the greeting.

The smell of pancakes wafted in the mansion. You sniffed and closed your eyes. Ah, bliss. Like a magnet, the smell pulled you to the kitchen. Mrs. Song, the family cook, greeted you and placed two plates before you when you sat on the kitchen counter.

You and Kris oohed and aahed. The stack of pancakes before you seemed like it was glowing, as if a mini sun was behind it. Maple syrup was drizzled and fresh strawberries topped it.

Kris nudged your elbow when he saw you were about to drool. He raised an eyebrow, and motioned for you to eat. You chuckled and grabbed the knife and fork. “Thank you for the food!” You said and dug in. You took a bite and turned to give Kris a syrupy grin. Kris rolled his eyes playfully and moved his food around the plate.

Mrs. Song smiled but the smile vanished when she turned towards the sink to wash the dirty dishes. She tries to blink back the tears but they fell anyway. I wish that never happened to you, Allie.

“We’re finished! Thank you again, Mrs. Song. We’ll be going now!” You said and you practically flew out of the door. Mrs. Song sighed and sadly cleared your empty plate and Kris’ untouched one.

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