Separate ways

Exo Oneshots

You exited the big house with tears in your eyes.

Why would someone say that harsh things to you? Deep inside you knew they had a bit of truth in them but you weren't the only one who were at fault here.

The more you thought about it the more difficult it was for you to face the truth. You had to do it for him, so he could be happy and safe. You had to do it no matter how much pain it would bring you.

Yesterday morning his mother came to the place you worked and asked you to come by her house to talk about something important. You gladly agreed.

You had met his mother many times and she was a very nice woman. She cared a lot about her family and especially Luhan. She was very clever as well and you that she wanted to talk about something really serious just by the look in her eyes.

You weren't prepared for what she was going to say, though...

"I want you to break up with my son" she had said looking everywhere than you.
"He is going to debut in a few days and I don't want you to distract him from his goal. He will have a very hard schedule and I don't want you to take every single bit of rest time he has. I want the best for my son and I can't let you ruin his future." she continued.
" know I wouldn't do th-" you wanted to oppose to her words but she didn't let you finish.
"I know you like my son and he like you back but all this has to stop. It lasted for two years already. Time to say goodbye." she interrupted you.
"Do it for him.. You know it's the best thing to do" she told you and with that you quickly left her house.

As you walked down the street to your apartment, you made your decision.

You wiped your tears away and texted Luhan to meet you at your place when he had time.

A few hours later he knocked on your door and you let him in. You were looking at him and only at him. You wanted to remember every little detail of his body,every single move he did...because soon things would get difficult.

He took of his jacket and left in on one of the chairs there.He sat on the couch,like he always did, grabbed one of the magazines on the table and started turning the pages stopping every now and then to read something.

"Luhan..." you started and he immediately turn to look you in the eyes.

You were actually going crazy. You couldn't tell him you met his mother. You couldn't blame him. You couldn't blame his schedule or you job and studies. There was only one thing to blame...

"Luhan...I like someone else..." you told him and his smile faded.

"I want to be with that someone else. I can't be with you anymore" to continued.

Your words were like a whisper now.He seemed to have a hard time thinking of what he just heard and you quickly tried to make it  more simple so he could understand.

"I want us to break up!" you said a lot louder than you wanted.

"How long is this going on?" he asked you and his voice sounded dry and husky.

"I met him two months ago" you lied to him.

The magazine fell from him hands and he slowly got up on his feet. He took a few steps towards the window and just stayed there looking as the cars passed outside.
He, then, turned around to face you. He had tears in his eyes and his lower lip was trembling. He approached you step by step,  slowly and you looked at him from top to toe.
When he was only inches away from you, he raised his hand to slap you. You knew you deserved it and closed your eyes getting ready for it, but his hand never touched your face.
You opened your eyes and saw how pale he looked.

"I trusted you" he simply said. Then he passed you took his jacket and left you closing the door with a loud bang as he left.

The moment the door closed, your knees gave in and you fell to the floor. You could finally let the tears you were holding fall free.

You knew that life from now on would be hard but you also new that you did what you did for his own good...

He would never know how much you loved him and all these were lies but you were happy that you did the right thing. Even if it lead you on separate ways...


{ You can check the sequel to this story here }

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Chapter 12: part two for Separate Ways plzzzzzzzzzzz i want him to know the truth behind why she broke up with him and that there isno other guy
Noo!! Not Kyungsoo! cant be.
Ugh great my two biases ended up in the sad stories :( just my luck T_T
whuuuut? ah Xiao Lu!!! Hey 'You', you need to tell him about the truth :( say that you met with his mother huhuhuhuhu *what I've been doing? LOL* a lot of sad ending stories here hffft. but nice work :D
Luhan. These are so sad. ;(
OhMyKrisus #6
noooooooooooooo kris
OMGOMG. <|3 Kriss!!
@6. /crying. DDD:
OhMyKrisus #9
awwwwwwwwwwwww poor baekie