D.O's House + 2 Altercations

Until It Ends

As me and Kai left the school I couldn't help but grin about the altercation I had with that girl NaRae and was just curious of how this gonna turn out.

In the middle of mmy thoughts Kai said Casanova what images are you coming up in your head and about who.

Chanyeol- Ha, Im sorry but you can immediatly disclide you from the pretty boy ert crew you and Sehun got going on.

Kai- Im not a et, woman just find me interesting and I find ALL women interesting so I must explore

Kai said that with a big smile on his face as if we was the one imagining something in his head

Chanyeol in a joking way- Your'e disgusting, You know that?

Kai- Yup

It was pretty mch silence except for all the street noise like breif conversation between two people as they walked passed us, the sound of car riding past and and the honking of buses. I can say that the sounds were loud but peaceful in their own way.

Chanyeol- How long til D.O's

Kai- Just a few more blocks and we should be there but I'm hungry let stop at that food cart and get a fish cake

Chanyeol- Your just like a kid

They both walked up to the cart and Kai ordered what he wanted and ask Chanyeol if he had wanted something, he replied No. The scenery was a little familiar to the place that Chanyeol his Dad and sister used to stop by on the way back from the hospital. Chanyeol began to go back on those days.


Back in July when the air was hot and things were normal.....whatever that meant

Me my sister Yura and my dad were leaving the hospital from seeing my Omma. She looked well as if she was getting better besides the fact that she didn't have as much hair as she did before the illness and kemo. I could remember when I was younger and if I had ever hurt myself she would comfort me and I would just lay there in her arm and smell her long black silk hair. Even though she didn't have it anymore she looked the same and just as beautiful. My dad would always buy me and my sister fish cake to cheer us up after seeing Omma and would ask if we wanted to do anything else I would always reply to go to the aquarium that was only a street away from our most favorite fish cake cart. Fish were my favorite because there were som many of them and they all acted and reacted different, just like people. They all had different shapes and sizes and faces but I loved each one the same except for my most favorite one the Yamabuki Ogon. It was an all gold coy fish that I see for the first time with my mom when she was well. I wanted the fish so bad but she told me that veryone was so busy and that the fish would get lonely and feel unloved living with us. I didn't want that to happen so I didn't argue or fuss I just accepted it.


Things were pretty different back then the way me and my family got along beside the fights that we would have with each other, but I thought that was "normal". I have changed since then beind a naive  kid and believing in everyone I loved with my all and cared. I cant say that I am the same now Im more mature, more adult like I could even say that Im a man.

Kai did  what he was good at when it came to Chanyeol in deep thoughts he interrupted but this time he was a little more serious

Kai- Are you O.K?

Chanyeol- Why would you ask that of course I am

Kai- Your all alone in a big house by yourself and you dont have your dad or your sister and your mor die...

Chanyeol- How about you mind your business before you start something you don't want between us

Kai- You may scare off other people like that but your not going to do that to me I'm not scared of you

Chanyeol looked at Kai in disbelief and forcefully put his hand on Kai chest making him stumble

Kai aggressively pushed his hand jerking Chanyeols body

They both stood there with anger in thier eyes and Chanyeol said out of anger since I introduced you to D.O my friend how about you not even come just go home

Kai smirked and sai- I'm as much of a friend to D.O as you are

Chanyeol- Comparing me and you is like water and oil it's just not quite right

Kai- And what exactly do you mean by that? huh

Chanyeol chuckeled and asked What do you think it mean?

Kai- Is this about money?

Chanyeol- If the shoe fits wear it

Kai said shocked- Don't remeber where you got it

Chanyeol couldn't control his anger and punched Kai in his face and yelled Off


2 years ago Chanyeol's mom passed away and left abaout 80% of her insurance money to him and the other 20% to her daughet even though she abandoned them for years, she was still her daughter.


Kaii knew that what he said was gonna piss Chanyeol off beyond beleif but he's not the only one that has problems or can hurt.

Kai gave Chanyeol a Grimace and turned around walking the only way leaving him standing there angry and a  bit sorry with his thoughs as usual.

Chanyeol couldn't believe that in so fast he lost one of the friends that he has had for year and was true, who care for him almost as much as D.O. He felt sorry but couldn't say it even if they were his last words.

Chanyeol stood there and watch Kai walk away getting smaller and going further

Just standing there a voice came from behind Chanyeol saying Dont you think that's a little too much drama for a sidewalk as small as this?

He turned around and once again saw Yura his older sister

Yura just stared at him with a warm yet unstable smile it was almost scary

Chanyeol just stared and finally ended what seemed like a stare contest and walked away without even saying anything

Yura- So your really not going to say anything at all to you older sister your treating me as if I'm a stranger


Yura calmly said- Calm down can't we just talk like normal people

Chanyeol rudely and sarcastically says- I don't talk to strangers my mom taught me that, she was a good person you should've met her could have taught you alot

Yura- Chanyeol stop!

Chanyeol- Why it hurts, or are you disgusted at how you acted during the time I needed you most? You dont deserve a second chance so stop begging because it doesn't suit you

*sniff sniff *

Yura says while sobbing- I'm sorry for what I have done but I cant take it back even when I want to I just could be ther and watch my mom die! I'm not as strong as you...

Chanyeol grins- Did you follow me or something? huh? Just go back to whe...

Yura- I won't leave you alone until you accept me as your sister again, Just please

Chanyeol- I can't, I won't, Never!

Yura- Please?!?

Chanyeol- I'm late for going to my friends house, I hope this is our last encounter if you want to be a good sister fullfill that wish.

Chanyeol continued his trip to D.O's house leaving his sister behind

Walking and trying not to think about both the altercations he just had he wonders why does misfortune follow him. He says aloud as he is finally approaching D.O's door Why am I like this?

Chanyeol opens the door to D.O and Sehun both on the long Black leather sectional to the biggest living room he' has seen. Even though he wanted to join them he couldn't and could only say I'm staying the night here. He walked off to the room that specifically made for him when he visits D.O.

He closed the door and pulled out his phone to call his landlord that he needed a new key she told him that it will be delivered to his schools main office so to pick it up from there.

*knock knock*


D.O- Its me

Chanyeol opens the door and lets him in

D.O- What's Wrong?

Chanyeol- Im tired of hearing that it's getting annoying

D.O- Oh I'm sorry for caring, Thats what I do

Chanyeol- I left my keys in my house so I have nowhere to go so I'm staying the night here until tomorrow. Okay?

D.O- Sure if thats what you want, but where's Kai?

Chanyeol- I don't know could care less

D.O looked at him and could tell something happened but didn't bother toaske so he just left the room

Chanyeol flopped down on the bed and couldn't help but think about how he was going to face Kai tommorrow. Why did D.O have to bring him up?

Chanyeol dozed off while thinking



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Sorry I dont really write stories but I hope you guys like it and excuse any mispelled words or whatever


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