Introducing SPICE- Leader Kim Kye-Hee

Spice (New Girl Group)

Kim Kye-Hee



  • Kyte likes to consider herself more of a Rock Chick than a girly girl, however due to her height, she is seen as cute. Sometimes, when she really wants something, she uses this to her advantage and brings out her cute smile and voice - she doesn't, however, believe that a person should have to act a certain way to be accepted and so she dresses the way she feels comfortable in her military style and skinny jeans. Despite this she doesn't want to be always 'one of the boys' and lets her feminine side seep through her personality alot.
  • She tends to laugh a lot, even at the silliest things, and adores her friends - they are the only ones who keep her sane. When she becomes hyper, as is highly probable, she dances in the middle of the street and then laughs at herself. She has a firm belief in being who you want to be and not caring what others think.
  • A lot of girls respect her because she refuses to dance provocative, as she sees that as physical attraction not talent. A lot of younger girls come to her for advice and she is seen as the 'auntie' of the group. She loves making others smile and when it comes to giving advice she is much more mature.
  • Kyte, at heart, is a complete romantic and loves jane austin and period dramas. A lot of the time she daydreams about how life would have been and about her 'mr. darcy'. Deep inside she is still waiting for him to come along.
  • She has a deep interest in the paranormal and about ghosts. Due to her over imaginative brain, she becomes a little scared when ideas come into her head about any ghosts. Despite this, she loves to investicate stories about ghosts and has always wanted to visit an apparently 'haunted' building of some sort.
  • If her friends are too scared to perform, she knows exactly the right solution - she knows that they are comfortable when she is around acting like an idiot and so Kyte dances around (ballet style?) whether it be on stage or off, to make them feel more comfortable. This way of sacrificing her appearance gives her a lot of respect.
  • Whenever she is hurt she feels like she can't trust anyone, apart from her closest friends, and tends to curl up and cry. She relies on her friends so much, even if she appears to be a very independent person.
  •  In the past she has been very insecure about her height since she is below average, and people have often insulted her, assuming that she is anoxeric because she is skinny - she is only this weight because if she was any bigger, she would look out of proportion. Slowly, she has grown out of this insecurity but occasionally she becomes upset about her appearance.

Bias: Mir

Position: Main Dancer

Band Position: Secondary Guitar, Music Composer

Stage Name: Kyte

Fan Club Name: Breezers

Trivia: Blood Type: A

Star Sign: Cancer

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just out of curiosity is youngmi mean to yunmi for a reason. like b/c yumin did sonmehting to her like stole her guy or something. sorry if i m weird i always like the random person. so i kinda felt bad for youngmin. n i don't like yumin b/c it might be like this manga how the twin was evil 2 the other twin /c tat twin stole her guy w/o even knowing. perhaps tat happen to youngmin and yumin. then i might like youngmin more than yumin. the manga is called Papillon - Hana to chou in case ur curious. don't hate me if i m wrong though
cminutebyminute #2
Sooo good!!
Mir is adorable~!! ^^
Accidentally_in_love #4
ooh, Jjong and Kihae... a bit shifty?? something going on there, eh? or... are they up to something? :o<br />
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and Mir, kiss me more on my face XDDDD<br />
and Yoseobiee, so cute "I don't even know her" osshhiiieeee LOOOLL<br />
can't wait till ur next update!! <3 x
AJ and Hoon dont look like members of U-Kiss yet!!! TT_TT I MISS XANDER AND KIBUM OPPAS~!!!!!!!!!!!
Accidentally_in_love #6
is Seunghyun telling the truth or..... <br />
dun dun DUUUUN!! I kinda thought he was innocent or that it was exactly like it was told... but I still think he's hiding something.<br />
Anyway... WHAT THE FECK, YoungMi, EEFF YOOOOUU!! Why do they need someone to replace YuMin? They didn't need a stand in replacement... YoungMi hasn't even had training!! and because Mir is recovering from his injury, MBLAQ have been performing without him which still works...<br />
GRRR, I hate our Manager as much as YoungMi now... well maybe not AS much but still :P