I....Love you

Between two MEN?!

Changmin was distracted by the promising scent of BBQ'd pork down aisle eight. His stomach growled in anticipation as he made his way past the few people in the shopping mart and came face to face with the most beautiful thing his eyes had ever beheld; free food samples.


his lips Changmin reached out his hand and took the largest piece of pork he could find, swallowing it in one bite. Without hesitation he grabbed another, catching the attention of the shop clerk who was managing the samples. “Sir,” she called out to him and gave him a once-over, clearly checking him out “Didn't you already have a sample?” Changmin grinned sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. “I didn't really get to taste the first one...I consumed it too quickly! Is it alright with you if I take one more?” He put his palms together and gave her a pleading look, his growling stomach catching both of their attention.


“Very well, just one more sir!” Changmin grinned thankfully and snatched up a few more samples before taking off as fast as he could down an aisle, his nose leading him to the next free sample. Nobody could stop Changmin when he was hungry.


As he made his way through the pasta aisle a familiar voice halted him in his tracks and reminded him why he was at the store in the first place! “Max? What are you doing here?” Jaejoong cocked his head and pushed the cart up to his maknae, laughing at the bbq sauce on Max's lips, betraying where he was. “Ruining your dinner?” Jaejoong joked.

“A-Ani! I was just....”Changmin shuffled from foot to foot and quickly shoved the last sample in his mouth, swallowing it quickly.


“Hungry?” Jaejoong finished for him, his hand inching towards Changmin's face. “Aish, when did my maknae grow up so? Able to feed himself....” A chuckle came from the older man's mouth and Changmi blushed. “I...”


Jaejoong wiped off the small amount of bbq sauce and pat Changmin on the head lovingly. “And you wonder why I adore you so much...” Changmin stared blankly at Jaejoong before his eye's widened.


“Ahh! Hyung! I remember why I followed you!”


“Because you love me?” Jaejoong smiled and bit his lower lip, batting his lashes at Changmin, making the younger tense up.




“Aha, got you! Now tell me what you need maknae?” Jaejoong smiled brightly and Changmin nodded.

“Yunho hyung wants to come over to dinner...he has some things he wants to tell us! I told him I was gonna ask you first....but I know you will say yes!” Changmin sounded so excited that there was no way in hell Jaejoong was gonna crush his heart.


'No.'He wanted to say. 'I couldn't handle watching you two together...I know what Yunho is going to do...he's going to confess, and take you away from me, just like the first time....'


“Of course.” Was what Jaejoong voiced out, trying his hardest not to allow his tone to waver.


“Thanks hyung! I'm going to call Yunho and tell him! Oh, and can we make Bulgogi tonight? Yunho hyung loves that! Thank you!” Then Changmin took off, not even bothering to look back or wave at Jaejoong.


Which is a good thing, because Jaejoong's expression was one of pure heartbreak and pain.






“Yunho, hyung? Jaejoong said okay! Please, what time will you be here!?” Changmin had a huge grin on his face as he sat on the living room sofa, drawing a heart with his finger on the silky cushion.


“I was thinking around six?” Yunho's voice sounded calm and Changmin wondered how the man he loved could be so cool all the time.


Even when put in uncomfortable situations, he always managed to sieze control of the problem and it up like a hoover vacuum.


“That- That's perfect hyung!” Changmin gave him the address and hung up the phone, letting out a tremendous scream. He was so excited, but so nervous at the same time!

What did Yunho wanna talk about? Why did he want to meet the others!? Was he finally coming too? Or was it bad news? No, it couldn't be bad news! Yunho wouldn't wanna make Changmin upset in front of JYJ, they could be scary!


That meant.....Yunho had to be coming to profess to Changmin!


“I need to get ready!” The maknae was overcome by excitement and nervousness, which unfortunately lead to a small taste of nausea, and as he made his way up the stairs he gripped his tummy and grunted.


“Maknae, you alright?” A familiar deep voice came from behind him and Changmin whipped around. “I'm great Yuchun hyung! Yunho's coming to dinner! Isn't that great!? I'm just a bit nervous is all....”


Yuchun let out a smirk and inched closer to Changmin, “That's great news Changmin! Maybe.....”


“Yunho's coming to dinner...” A weak voice interruped the conversation and Both men turned to stare at Junsu, his eyes red and bloodshot. His face haggard.


He looked stressed, and sad....and Changmin didn't like it at all.


“Yep! Junsu, are you okay?” Hie voiced his concern and watched as Junsus eyes flickered to Yuchun.


“Of course!” Then Junsu was smiling again, hiding his pain.


But he wasn't fooling anybody.


“Hyung....” Changmin trailed off, as he continued his climb up the stairs, wrapping his arms around his precious hyung.

“Junsu....please don't be sad. It breaks my heart.” Tears welled up in both mens' eyes and Yuchun silently watched, his eyes locked on the two, mouth set in a firm line.


“Changmin, don't you have to get ready for Yunho's arrival?” He interrupted and Changmin jumped upon the realization that he only had two hours to ready himself.


“Junsu hyung, after Yunho leaves tonight....we should talk, yes?”


Junsu nodded his head then walked back into his room, closing the door quietly.




Yunho arrived at exactly six, and when Changmin opened the door he smiled so brightly, Yunho could feel his heart beat increasing dramatically.


“Yunho...” Changmin breathed out and threw his arms around the man he loved, his eyes starting to water, he was so happy.


It was like he had just won the lottery, it wasn't everyday that a Jung Yunho was born and it was even less likely that he would fall for someone like Max.


“Hey Minnie.” Yunho pressed his lips to his boyfriends cheek, then made his way into the house, his eyes surveying the JYJ members.


“Yuchun, Junsu....Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong and Yuchun awkwardly nodded their heads. Uncertain of how to react.


This man had gone a different path then them....had chosen a different side from theirs.


Were they happy to see their once-bandmember, or were they furious that he was so happy?

So happy without them?


“Yunho hyung!” Junsu wasn't like the other two, he had missed Yunho with all his heart and soul and wasn't going to let the past bring down this momentous occasion.


With a squeal of delight he hugged Yunho and began to cry, all the stress of the past few days wearing on him. Luckily everyone thought it was just from happiness.


Yunho returned the hug and fought back all of his emotions.


“Hey Junsu....have you been behaving for Yuchun?”


The atmosphere in the room grew awkward after that question, as nobody knew what to say.


“.....Yes....” Junsu whispered and pulled away.


It broke Max's heart to know that his hyung was hiding his true feelings.


“Yunho we cooked Bulgogi for you!”


“We?! What do you mean we!? I COOKED IT ALL!” Jaejoong screamed and thew his hands up in the air, letting out an exasperated sigh.


“The only thing you did, was succeed in eating half of it before Yunho even got here! You should be ashamed!”


Changmin pretended to pout and grabbed onto Yunhos arm, pulling him to the kitchen


“Come and look! It took Jaejoong over an hour to make it for you!”


Yunho didn't fight Changmin and willingly followed him to the kitchen, his heart warming.


This was how he remembered DBSK.


This is how things were suppose to be.....


“Changmin...” He stopped the maknae and wrapped his arms around the taller, younger individual.



“Yes?” Changmin breathed out, both of them were unaware of the awkward stares they were receiving.


“I came to make things right. With JYJ and....with you. Changmin, I want us to be together. Because....”


Junsu covered his ears, and closed his eyes, making Jaejoong look at him.

He wanted Changmin to be happy, but he once heard the exact same words from Yuchun and look where he was now.


“Jae hyung...I....I'm not feeling well, excuse me.” He covered his mouth, tears spilling from his eyes and took off up the stairs.


“I love you.” Yunho spoke the words out loud and gently pulled Changmins lips to his, their eyes closing, enjoying the feel of the other.



A/N: Questions? Comments? Concerns? 

Hint: Just because Yunho confessed, doesn't mean things are going to go well for them ^^ EHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEH

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sueisa #1
Chapter 11: So good
kyuhyunleeteuk #2
Chapter 11: The chapter was awesome and I love your story :D
redblood20 #3
Chapter 11: So good...
Chapter 11: i love your story so much xD
AishahChangminnie #5
Chapter 21: God I love this story !!! When will you finish this story ??? Can you update as soon as possible ??? Please ~ *puppy eyes* What happen between YooSu ?? Aaaa~ Yun kiss Max ~ I'm worry about Jae feelings... I wish everyting going to be okay ^^ I will wait until you update author-nim
Chapter 20: is this story still on-going? if did pls update soon.. i've fallen in love with your writing style and i really like the story ..
Chapter 21: woa I love this story :) max is so cute, too cute ^.^ aw poor junsu I wonder why micky is like that....hummm...
Chapter 1: this story sound so interesting ,,,like it , but i have something to say that makes it weird for me is they were living together for so many years if you are begin with the time wehen they were five so call eachother as shim and uknow is kinda unusaul :)
HominYC #9
Chapter 21: poor junsu I am so sad for him , I hope yunho can do something