Hold Her.

I'll Guard You. (Sequel To I'll Protect You.)



You bit your lip in worry and fear.

"What do I do?"

You whispered, folding your arms over your knees.

You the feather and sighed.

*It's not like I can just walk up to him and ask him, 'Hey do you have my ring?'*

You tapped the windowpane and twirled your hair nervously.


Meanwhile, ChangJo had just woken up.

Groggy and tired, he felt for his phone.

When his hands felt something else, he turned towards it and saw a very familiar ring, except this time it had a wing carved into it.

"What the.."

ChangJo left it on the table and went to wash.

*Maybe I took it by accident. Whatever. I'll just give it to her.*

After washing and dressing, he slipped the necklace into his pocket and headed towards your house.

At that exact moment, you stepped out of your house with the intentions of finding ChangJo.

His eyes widened, you looked up and met eyes with him.


Your face flamed, *Really? Hi?*


ChangJo nodded in greeting.

The two of you spoke at the same time.

"I....came to...give you-"

"I think..you..have my-"

You paused, "You can go first."

"No you can go first." ChangJo shook his head.

"Um..no, it's okay."


ChangJo held up your necklace.

Your eyes flashed in recognition, "Yeah..."


ChangJo took your hand and placed the jewelry in your hands.

At that moment, you didn't want to let go of his hand.

Neither did ChangJo but he didn't want to scare you off again.

You whispered, "Thanks."

"No problem." ChangJo warmly smiled, making your heart flutter.

"Then I guess..I'll be going now..."

You nodded even though every fiber of your being wanted to beg him to stay.


You called his name.

He turned around in surprise, "Yeah?"

BaekHyun appeared, you saw him clearly, as he whispered into ChangJo's ear, "Hold her."

"BaekHyun oppa...?"

BaekHyun gave you a reassuring smile before disappearing behind ChangJo.

Although you had no idea what BaekHyun whispered in ChangJo's ear, you looked at him.

*Hold her?*

He looked at you and slowly approached you.

Your head tilted in confusion and curiousity.

Wordlessly, he wrapped his arms around you and drew you close.

Your hear palpitated, beating faster and faster.

*Oh my gosh. Can he hear my heartbeat?*

You waited patiently for ChangJo to let go of you.

His ears were bright red, "Sorry..I shouldn't have done that."

He turned to leave.

"No wait. Stay."

You whispered, voice barely audible.

"You want me to stay?"

ChangJo's voice was mixed with skeptic and confusion.

You nodded, "Please?"

"You're not going to..run away again?"

You froze before shaking your head no.

Smiling softly, he pulled you in for another hug, "Good because I'm not leaving."

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Chapter 40: Wow... Didn't see that coming... At first I thought my heart stopped beating when i read the chapter... But luckily I digested the ending well.. Well.. It was pretty good... In all ways,, love it!! aND,, It's kinda sad.. well,, ya know... That it was just a dream and she left exo and HaeIn... But also a happy ending.... sHE FINALLY gets to be together with Baek... <333333
Chapter 40: whut? i dont get it
Chapter 40: Best story ever but I like the first story more
meHEARTu #4
Chapter 40: I'm not rude but what kind of ending is that?
Chapter 40: it was... a happy ending?? but...WHUT.
Chapter 40: omgggggggggg whattttt
Chapter 40: the ending was so unexpected!
Chapter 40: the ending makes me feel so depressed
but kinda glad that baekhyun's who she ended up with in the end
such a bittersweet ending
PrincessKitty #9
Chapter 40: It is confusing but it is still a awesome story^^