Found It.

I'll Guard You. (Sequel To I'll Protect You.)


Meanwhile, ChangJo was on his knees in the pouring rain.

Jeans dirty, shirt soaked, and his vision was blurred by the pouring rain.

*Aish stupid RaNia.*

Cursing mentally, he felt around for the ring, when he was positive he scoured the entire campus grounds, he kicked the floor, "DAMMIT!"

BaekHyun's eyes softened, "You must really care for my _________, huh."

Looking around, BaekHyun felt around for the ring, using the ring on his finger.

But before he could find it, ChangJo walked to the school's fountain and sat down on the edge.

"My pants are wet, might as well."

Sighing in defeat, he looked at the coins in the fountain.


ChangJo sifted through the numerous coins and felt his heart beating faster, *I'm sure it's here somewhere. It has to be.*

"No way..."

BaekHyun's ring was glowing, as well as your ring.

Which was indeed in the fountain, not that ChangJo could see it glowing anyways.

Just as he was about to give up, the rain stopped, and ChangJo saw shiny silver metal glinting in the water.

Heart elated, he jumped up, "YEAH! WOOHOO! WHO-"

And fell into the fountain.

He opened his hand to make sure your ring was still there.


Jumping up and out of the fountain, he ran to Niel's house.

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Chapter 40: Wow... Didn't see that coming... At first I thought my heart stopped beating when i read the chapter... But luckily I digested the ending well.. Well.. It was pretty good... In all ways,, love it!! aND,, It's kinda sad.. well,, ya know... That it was just a dream and she left exo and HaeIn... But also a happy ending.... sHE FINALLY gets to be together with Baek... <333333
Chapter 40: whut? i dont get it
Chapter 40: Best story ever but I like the first story more
meHEARTu #4
Chapter 40: I'm not rude but what kind of ending is that?
Chapter 40: it was... a happy ending?? but...WHUT.
Chapter 40: omgggggggggg whattttt
Chapter 40: the ending was so unexpected!
Chapter 40: the ending makes me feel so depressed
but kinda glad that baekhyun's who she ended up with in the end
such a bittersweet ending
PrincessKitty #9
Chapter 40: It is confusing but it is still a awesome story^^