Chapter 1

The Lost Golden City

     The sun set on the west horizon painting the sky gold and tinted the clouds slightly pink. The singing birds slowly quieted as they prepared for their slumber and cricket cries now filled the closing day. The little animals and creatures scurried to their homes as the people of Zola ushered their children as well. Zola. It has always been a quiet but peaceful place to be in; before and after the Shadows took over. It's a town that doesn't starve but also doesn't thrive with luxury. A place that isn't paid much attention to or bothered. 

     There came a knock at the north side of town. On the front steps of the cottage stood a hordes figure holding a bundle of cloth. The stranger was exhausted and their clothing was torn in several places. A young lady n her early twenties opened the old wooden door with surprise. 

     "It's okay! It's me. Jina," said the stranger as she notices the lady's fright. "Please, Eunim-ah. I need your help. There is no one else I can turn too in this short coming."

    Eunim peaked out of the door from left too right before allowing Jina into her cottage. "Come  in."

     "Oh, thank you so much!"

     The two women sat down in the dining room at a round wooden table  an awkward silence hung in the air momentarily. "I'm sorry. For coming like this with no notice," quietly spoke Jina as she hung her head low. "You're the only one I can trust."

     "It's alright. What's done has been done,"Eunmi reassuringly patted Jina's shoulder. "This must be her."

     "Yes. She's only three weeks old. I haven't eve gotten the chance to name her." Jina smiled softly down at te bundle in her arms. 

     "Three weeks old and still unnamed?!"

     "Yes. I've been on the run trying to stay hidden. As soon as I saw her eyes I knew."

     "Well, you can relax now and finally give her her name," soothed Eunmi. 

     Jina silently glanced out the kitchen window an admired the sunset. The gold was fading turning into indigo and the stars winked in the sky. She knew this would be her last chance as she will never see her daughter again. 

     "Haneul-ah," Jina suddenly said. She looked don at her baby girl. "Kim Haneul-ah."

     Eunmi nodded her head in agreement. "Where's Taehyun?" She couldn't help but ask. 

     A sad look washed over Jina's face at the mention of her husbands' name. She looked away trying to avoid direct eye contact. "He was travelling several miles behind us making sure he covered our tracks well." There was a pause. "He got caught a few days ago."

     "I'm sorry to hear that." Eunmi reached over to wipe away the tear that slowly slid down Jina's cheek. 

     Jina abdruptly stood up from her chair. "It's getting darker out. I better get going." She gently laid Haneul in Eunmi's arms. 

     "Why don't you stay the night or at least eat something to regain your energy. You look so thin," Eunmi suggested. 

     "No, no," Jina shook her head as she opened the door. "It's much too dangerous for the two of yu if I stay longer than needed. I need to go back and erase my trails and creat a new one that leads away from Zola."

    Eunmi wrapped her free arm around Jina and brought her into a farewell hug. Jina hugged her bck in response as she fought back her tears. 

     "Raise and teach her well. Don't let her out to oten until you've learned to do something about her eyes," Jina choked. They drew out of the hug ad Jina gave the sleeping Haneul a finally kiss on the forehead. "Be a good girl, okay?"

     Eunmi stood at the front door of her cottage wih Haneul in her arms as she watched Jina draw her good back up as she made her way back from where she entered. Eunmi slowly bega to close the door but stopped when she head her name called.

     "Eunmi-ah," Jina turned around and looked back at the cottage. "Be careful of who you tell yor secret to."

     The two woman exchanged a final goodbye with a nod and the night engulfed Zola. 

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exo_angel1206 #1
Chapter 1: REALLY GOOD PLEASE KEEP ON WRITING!!!! I'ts awesome so far!
fmoyre #2