The Plan


Chapter 2 The Plan


For the next couple of days between schedules and shows, I found out those things Sunggyu does that I have ever noticed before. For starters whenever he laughs he opens his mouth wide and his eyes absolutely disappear. He always has his hands on his pockets and even after receiving everyone´s schedule paper and all the stress from being infinite´s leader he doesn’t look tired or desperate. Now I know the reasons behind his nagging, we just sit there complaining at everything and anything. I also found out that he has the whitest skin in his belly, don’t get me wrong I haven’t been stalking him or anything but he has changing in front of me and I couldn’t help but look. He has a very attractive body the kind you can’t help but want to touch. Also he doesn’t like to show too much skin, whenever the cordi noonas gave him a new set of clothes to wear he change the shirts if the shirt is v neck or the neck is to wide, I don’t understand why since he has such pretty skin.


One night we arrived to the dorm very late, but decided to watch a movie since the next day would be our free of schedules day, so I decided to start my plan.


¨Gyu sit here¨ I said patting the empty seat next to me and the latter just let his body fall on the empty spot.


¨what are we watching? ¨ He asked looking at Hoya who had a few DVD’s on his hands.


¨Mmm we have a horror film, a comedy and paranormal activity 3¨ Hoya answered


¨Paranormal activity! ¨ I answered exited since I wanted to watch that movie a long time ago but had never the chance to watch it.


¨No way, I don’t like that kind of movies. I won´t be able to sleep for the next month¨ Sunggyu said and I learned a new thing, he is a scary cat.


¨Votes ¨ Hoya said ¨Raise your hand for paranormal activity¨ and without further questioning the movie got most of the votes.


¨Good nite then¨ Sunggyu said as he stood up, but before he walked away I took his hand and pulled on it.


¨Come on Gyu, it isn’t that bad it will be fine¨ I said without letting go of his hand, he just sighted sitting down and I smile at him reassuring.


The movie started and all the members where watching the TV intensely. I still had my hand on Sunggyu´s refusing to let it go whenever the latter tried to pull it away. As the movie started to get scary, Sunggyu started to move closer and closer and out of nowhere my heart started to beat faster and faster. Sunggyu removed his hand from mine and covered one of his eyes while the other was still looking at the screen. I found myself looking at him instead of the movie. I have never seen this side of him and it was absolutely lovely.  I pulled on his hand and a scream came out of one of the girls in the movie had both of us jump in surprise and he ended up burring his face on my lap. I laughed a little before pulling him into a sitting position. I hugged him and made him burry his face on my neck. I found his ear and whispered.


¨I have never seen this side of you before hyung, I like it a lot¨ he looked at me and I saw him blush a little out of embarrassment. He tried to move away but I kept him on his place. He turned his attention back at the movie with my arms around him still. After a little while the movie was over and sungyeol and sungjong were sprawled in the floor asleep. I saw Sunggyu look at them and his eyes softened. I felt a pang of jealousy run trough me but I wasn’t sure why. Sunggyu pushed me away and stood up and in a second Sungjon was picked up from the floor and into Sunggyus arms.


¨Take Sungyeol to his room¨ he told me back in his leader mode. And I had to follow his instructions.  After I took Sungyeol to his room, I walked to our shared room and waited for Sunggyu sitting on his bed. When he came back he pushed me off his bed and lied on it. ¨Go to sleep hyunnie¨ he said and closed his eyes. I was looking at him.


¨Hyung, do you like me¨ I asked him sitting on the floor


¨What? ¨ he opened his eyes and looked at me.


¨Hyung, I like you. Do you like me? ¨


¨Of course I like you why wouldn’t I ¨ he closed his eyes again.


¨but I like you like hyung¨ I said smiling as he blushed still not opening his eyes.


¨Don’t be stupid Woohyun, and go to sleep¨


¨I stupidly like you hyung¨ I said smiling. It took me by surprise when he suddenly stood up and sat on the floor in front of me.


¨What do you want? Go ahead tell me, you don’t have to sweet talk to me¨ I smirked as I moved closer to him.


¨Hyung take out tomorrow, I want to go and eat and to the mall and I have no money¨ I pouted and he rolled his eyes. He was about to nag but I moved even closer. ¨Please hyung¨ he was a little startled and just nodded. I smiled and stood up.


¨Ok now let’s go to sleep¨ I got into my top bunk and covered myself with the blanket ¨Good nite hyung¨ I smiled to myself this was the best plan ever and it absolutely worked. I knew sunggyu is really stingy and doesn’t like to spend money this is why he always has money on his wallet and I was about to take advantage of this.  I couldn’t wait for the next day to come.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a gold digger or anything and I didn’t want to take advantage of the leader, o wait I do want but only for this once is going to be about his wallet.

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Chapter 20: Omg okay i love this haha.all otp woogyu myunggyu n hoya n woohyun fighting over gyu!!i like myunggyu the most xD kyaaa
Chapter 20: first I found the first chapter a long long time ago on LiveJournal but has no other chapters, so I searched it on AFF and here they areeeee!!!

hhahaha I'm here for Woogyu so yeah I don't like the ending even thou Woohyun and Hoya deserved it at first but not like this ;_;

still, nice story! ^^
Axiela #3
Chapter 20: Just found your fics and I must say i am amazed. i came here because of Hogyu and left squealing happily as I saw the Myunggyu conclusion... I absolutely loved the story and the competition between Hoya and Woohyun was funny, though I would have liked more Hogyu moments lol
If you have any other fics with Sunngyu as the main, could you direct me to them please? I really enjoy your writing style and would not mind reading some of your other works.
Thanks for your hard work and for sharing with us =)
kyucute #4
Chapter 20: WOW, NICE FF, AMAZING ><
I saw the last chapter's title was 'The Backfire' so at first I was like "What's this, is Gyu going to do something at the end? Is he the one to backfire the others or what?"
Then during the ending of chapter 19 when Gyu said that he's going to where he belong, I suddenly thought of Myunggyu. Alas, I was right. ^A^
GOSH that was so wicked. But I liked it nonetheless. You should write more! :D
Chapter 20: =O= <----- *my face till the end!* what the happened?! I face palmed myself so hard that my forehead is sooo red right now! lol oh well.... this was twisted alright~ really twisted! i still liked it though! myunggyu....well... I guess anythings is possible right?! huh~ poor boys~
Chapter 20: oh. just hv time to read this.
the ending is sooo epic kkk
ritsuke05 #8
Chapter 20: im hating myungsoo and sunggyu lol
ahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahhahaha myungsoo is my bias though ...... but! they hurt namstar and hobaby!!!!
Chapter 20: Omygyu that came out of left field I liked it thou can I request a myunggyu from u then (-;
persona-x #10
Chapter 20: Ohmy. You recognized my name? O_O? ....ide.. *bows down to you*