Thanks To YOU

Thanks To (One Shot) 


The two friends smiled sadly as they walked down the lively streets of Seoul.


They saw many couples walking down the streets holding hands and smiling lovingly to each other.


Mika chuckled silently as he thought of that time…


“Mika oppa!!! Should we sneak out today!?”


Karam stared at the couples kissing beside the brightly lit fountain. He wanted to break down and cry.


 “Karam oppa~ Saranghae!!!”


Mika saw the look on Karam’s face as he stared at the couple. Mika sighed and lightly pat Karam’s back.


Karam looked at Mika and gave him a sad smile.


“It’s another Valentines…”Mika smugly said.


Karam nodded in agreement.


“One year now, hyung…” Karam looked up to the sky. “Min Young-ah…” Karam sadly called out.


Mika had tears forming in his eyes. ‘Min Young…’


The two started walking towards the cemetery. Mika held blue tulips while Karam had daisies.


They walked over to a grave painted white with the name KANG MIN YOUNG carved on it.


They put their flowers down and smiled.


“Annyong, Min Young-ah…” Karam called.


Mika nodded and slightly touched the carved stone.


“How are you? Are you happy up there?” Karam asked, smiling.


“Min Young-ah… It’s been a year now… Are you happy to see your oppas?” Mika jokingly asked.


Just then, a gush of wind passed.


The two smiled and nodded their head.


“Min Young-ah… Even if you can choose between us, oppas will always love you…”Karam whispered and Mika nodded in agreement.


A couple of minutes later, the two left and walked back to the streets, thinking of the young girl who was supposed to be beside them right now.


“Annyonghaeseyo! Kang Min Young imnida~ Nice to meet you~” Min Young greeted, sitting on her hospital bed.


Karam and Mika were on a fan mission. And their mission was to meet up with Min Young.


Karam silently gasped as he was the girl. She looked like and angel.


Mika looked at her in pity. He thought of how such a young girl like her was dying of brain tumor. They were told she didn’t want to take medication and be useless and be a burden when she finally can’t walk, talk, or do anything. So she decided to silently pass on one day.


“Yah~ Yah~ I don’t want to be pitied~” she kiddingly scolded Mika and Karam smiled.


Mika stared at her in shock but laughed after.


They started talking about small things.


And then, for the next few days, they visited her every time they were free.


She admitted she was a fan and of course, the two boys were happy to hear that.


Slowly, and slowly, they started falling for her.


Soon enough, she started getting weaker and weaker and DGNA became busier and busier.


When the two had finally visited her again, she confessed.


To both of them.


The two didn’t like the fact that they would share her love but still accepted her.


Until one Valentines, when she finally stopped suffering and moved on. And that was the end…




“Oppas have to stay strong, okay? Hwaiting~ Saranghae… Chongmal…I’ll always be with you…” 





a/n Well... it was short.... bt oh well... how was it? ><


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party-party #1
Chapter 1: sad. i hate sad but this is an exemption
whiteshirt #2
Chapter 1: too short but it was nice
ItzJaeKay #3
Ahhh this was sad to read<br />
But I really liked it<br />
Wants to make me tear up a bit