
Even In Death

"Everythings packed?" Luhan asked, looking through their bags for the eleventh time.
"Yes, everything is packed. We're only staying for the weekend. Relax." Sehun jumped into the passenger seat and tapped on the door. "Let's go!"
Luhan started the car up and turned the radio on. He found a radio station playing "0330" by U-Kiss and decided to keep it at that.
"Ready?" He said, looking back and checking his mirrors to see if everything was clear.
"I was ready days ago..."
"Okay then. Let's go meet up with Chanyeol and Kris."

And just like that that they drove off. Unlike the last time, they were more talkative.
"You know Sehun, these past few weeks...they felt like déjà vu. I feel like we've done those things together already..."
"You're right," Sehun took a second or two to think about it an then added, "Not that I'm complaining." His mouth pulled into a wide smile.
When the next song came on, Luhan became frustrated.
"Why is this song always on?" He questioned. "Even in Death" was playing and it gave him chills.
He reached for the knob but Sehun stopped him.
"I like this song. It reminds me of what....of what we have."
That made Luhan blush. Content with the song again, like old times, he left the radio alone.
Sehun began to sing along with it.
"I will stay forever here with you, my love. The softly spoken words you gave me, 'even in death our love goes on.'"
"We're almost there, Sehun." Luhan cut him off. "I can't wait to meet Kris."
But Sehun continued singing. "And I can't love you anymore than I do-"
"Sehun, st-"
"Peole die. But real love is forever."
And the song ended. Sehun, resting his head on the head rest, turned to face Luhan.
"Lulu, Oppa. I love you." He said and leaned in to kiss him on his cheek.
The car stopped at a red light. Luhan turned the radio off, looked at Sehun and said, "I love you too." Green light. Go.
Luhan started forward again, unfortunately- another car ramming into them...from the passenger side.

"SEHUN! SEHUN!" Luhan yelled, as he was being dragged away from the car.
"Let me go! SEHUN! SEHUN! Are you okay?! Sehun!"
"Sir, please calm down." One of the taller men requested.
"My fiancé is in there!"
"Sir, they're checking the car right now. Please stay put."
Luhan tried to breathe but he couldn't and still managed to yell his fiancé's name repeatedly.
"Sehun! SEHUN! Answer me! Please! Answer me!" Tears streaming down his face. Eyes already turning red.
He watched the man in the blue uniform signal the other man, the man nodded back in response. The taller gentleman turned and looked at Luhan, with little emotion on his face.
"Sir, there is no on else in the car."
"What?" Luhan choked. "What do you mean? I was just talking to him. I JUST saw him."
"Get him to the hospital." The shorter one ordered.
"Sehun!" he yelled again, while being pulled into an ambulance. "I'm fine, okay? Let me know if my
fiancé is alright!" He started crying again, this time out of frustration.
The man looked at him, lost and unsure of what to tell him. Finally he said, "You'll get to see them at the hospital."

About an half an hour later, Chanyeol and Kris found Luhan laying in his hospital bed.
"Luhan!" Chanyeol exclaimed, happy to see Luhan's eyes opening up.
"Chanyeol..." he choked out. He was exhausted from all the test and questions the doctors and nurses made him go through.
"How are you feeling?" Kris asked, leaning over the bed railing, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I'm fine...Where is he?"
"Your fiancé? I'm not sure." Chanyeol answered, starting to worry again.
Luhan frowned at him, becoming upset with him for still playing games in this type of situtaion.
"Are you mad at him?"
"Mad at who? Your
fiancé? I don't know him Luhan." Chanyeol straightened out his back and unfolded his hands.
"You do know him, he's your best friend."
Hearing this, Chanyeol grabbed a hold of the railing and leaned into Luhan. He gulped, afraid of what he was about to hear.
"What's his name...Luhan?"
"It's Sehun, silly." He spat out a small laugh, but ended with a cough.
"Sehun...?" Chanyeol sighed and closed his eyes. He felt like a fool to continue asking these questions but he had to, to make sure.
"What's his full name?"

"What is it?" He became frustrated.
"Oh Sehun...Chanyeol, why are you asking-"
"The one we went to school with?" He cut him off again. "My best friend?"
"Yes, Chanyeol! Why are you playing games at this time?!" Luhan yelled with his dry throat.
Chanyeol stepped away and turned his back to him. He looked over his left shoulder to Kris and asked him to leave the room for a minute. Kris nodded, giving Luhan a concerned look and then exited the room.
"What's wrong?" Luhan asked.
"Luhan. Sehun wasn't in that car..."
"Then where is he?! What happened to him?!"
He started breathing faster, losing himself in a mixture of emotions. "What happened Chanyeol?"
"Luhan..." Chanyeol started to turn around but stopped midway. "Sehun's been gone...He passed away last year...Luhan, he's not here anymore."
Luhan stared at him for a moment or two and started to chuckle.
"Okay Chanyeol. Joke's over, where is he?"
"I'm not joking, Luhan." Walking back to the bed and gripping the railing once again. "You guys were in a car accident last year...remember? Sehun didn't make it."
"What are you talking about? What accident?"
"The car accident you and Sehun were apart of. I guess that part of your memory didn't come back..."
Shocked and confused, Luhan's words stopped forming sentences.
"Sehun...but...I saw...he was..."
Chanyeol snatched his hand and squeezed.
"I'm sorry..."
"Wait, but...I saw him...I hugged him. I....felt his touch and everything..."
"No...maybe you were just seeing things."
"But why...does it feel felt so real." Tears started forming in his eyes again. "He held me..."
Chanyeol placed his hand on top of Luhan's head and played with his hair. Lips pursed, trying to control his feelings.
"'re old memories."

And then it hit him. He remembered when he told Sehun that it felt like déjà vu. The car ride, the song...

"They don't know you can't leave me
They don't hear you singing to me

I will stay forever here with you
My love
The softly spoken words you gave me
Even in death our love goes on"

"Our song..." he whispered.
"Our song." he coughed. "Even in Death. That was our song...that's what he sang to me...before he died."
The tears poured from his eyes. Kris appeared again at Chanyeol's side.
"Is everything okay?" He asked Chanyeol.
Chanyeol, unsure of what to say, shrugged his shoulders. Kris sighed and looked over at Luhan crying.
"Is that why he left me before...? Because he died...?" he asked out loud. "Why did he come back? Why couldn't he just...-"
His eyes widened as a tall man ran in next to Chanyeol and Kris.
"Sehun!" Luhan yelled. "They told me you were dead!" He quickly sat up in bed. Chanyeol and Kris exchanged looks.
"Luhan, Sehun isn't-"
"He's right there! Can't you see him?!" Pointing frantically at the empty spot next to Kris.
"Luhan..." Chanyeol was lost for words. what could he say?
"Lulu, are you okay?" Sehun asked.
"They don't believe me, Sehun. They think you're dead."
"I am dead, Luhan. But I came to stay with you."
"Stay with me...? But-but why?"
Sehun smiled and answered, "Because I love you."

Luhan thought about all the times they spent together, since he'd come back. The coffee he never drank. The food he wouldn't eat. How he never drove anywhere and how Chanyeol never called him by his name.

"Can I come with you?" Luhan asked the empty spot. Chanyeol standing wide eyed and fidgeting, keeping silent and listening in.
"It's not your time." Sehun walked forward and attempted to grab a hold of Luhan's hand, but his hand went right through his.
"But I don't want to stay here without you." Again, his eyes turned red and the tears poured.
"Don't cry, Lulu. We'll be together again..."
Sehun began to fade.
"Sehun! SEHUN!"
"We'll be together...again..."

A few days had passed and Luhan was at home by himself like the old days. No more answering phone calls. No more going outside. No, nothing. He stayed in his bed night and day. Sleep or awake and only got up to use the bathroom. But one day when he woke up, things were different. He woke up with a smile . He went downstairs and the stereo, plopped a CD in and let it play. He sang along, twirling around the room.
"I will stay forever here with you, my love...."
He grabbed the wine bottle from the cabinet.
"The softly spoken words you gave me, even in death our love goes on..."
He took out the bottle from his pocket that he took from the medicine cabinet from the bathroom.
"And I can't love you anymore, than I do..."
Luhan flopped down on the couch and finished singing.

"People die. But real forever."

He shoved a mouthful of pills in his mouth and washed it down with the wine.
"See you soon, Sehun." He smiled, closed his eyes, and waited to be with his love again...

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Sherynel #1
Chapter 6: Omg! I just can't take this end! :'( I never cried so much over a fanfic :(... I just love this story but it's so f***in sad I can't stop crying
Please keep on going with your fanfics you're so talented :)
Chapter 1: Oh god my tears!!!! I love this, I love you, I just need some tissues and a thick pillow for my sobs!
aplus125 #3
YESSSS I MADE SOMEONE CRY WITH MY WORDS >=] Thanks for reading <3 ^_^ Glad you liked it~
myguardiansuho #4
I legit cried. Omg this was so great. 5 out of 5, man. ;___;
myguardiansuho #5
Waah, this sounds interesting! OuO I'm looking forward to your updates~