The Hunter's Move

Snow White and the 7 Kisses


After a 5 minute walk through the trees, we arrived at our destination. The 7 men’s house had multiple stories and was spacious.

Upon arrival, the 7 men introduced themselves to us. I mentally noted down each of their faces and names, making sure I didn’t forget. Soohyun, Kiseop, Eli, AJ, Hoon, Kevin and Dongho.

Kibum and I were shown to our guest rooms and left alone for the rest of the night to wash up. I unpacked some of my clothes and hung them in the wardrobe. After that, I went to take a quick shower.

The rest of the night flew by quickly. I explored the house and chatted with a few of the men, finding them quite nice. Before I knew it, it was already close to midnight.

I went to the large bed in the middle of my room and laid down. I closed my eyes. One, two, three hours passed, and I was not asleep. I sighed and dragged myself out of the bed, deciding to head to the kitchen and get myself a glass of water. My ankle already felt better, which wasn’t really weird since I healed fast.

In the kitchen, I switched on the lights and shocked myself, falling over. Kibum was there, drinking water in complete darkness. I stood up and brushed myself off. “You scared me!”

“I did? I’m sorry,” he merely replied. He seemed amused.

I stuck my tongue out at him, got myself some water, and sat beside him. The silence was comfortable for the both of us.

After awhile, he asked me, “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Yeah.” I glanced over at him. His features were very sharp, making his face very handsome. I mentally slapped myself for staring at him and concentrated on my cup of water.

“You really don’t remember me, do you…” he suddenly said.

I shot Kibum an incredulous look. “What?”

He looked into my eyes. “In elementary school… there was a boy that confessed his love to you, right?”

I gulped. “Yeah, why?”

“I was that boy.”

I stood up suddenly, almost knocking my chair over. I studied his face. Yes, there was a slight resemblance. I had forgotten that memory.


The younger me walked down the hallway of the school, humming a happy tune. Suddenly, from behind, I felt someone tug at my sleeve. I turned around and faced a cute boy. “Yes?”

“Um… you probably don’t know me but… whenever I hear you sing, my heart just beats faster. I think… I like you…” With that, he ran away, leaving me standing in the hallway, speechless.


It was the first time anyone other than my parents had made me feel loved. The first time I realized that there were people other than my parents who loved me too.

That forgotten childhood memory I had so wanted to remember. So Kibum was that boy.

I looked straight into his eyes. “Thank you… for that day.”

He walked over to me. Feeling awkward, I walked backwards. However, he didn’t stop walking and soon had me backed against the wall.

“You have no idea how much I missed you. I still loved you all these years…” Kibum breathed softly on my face.

My heart sped up and my breathing became faster. “Kibum…”

He leaned in. “Do you… love me?”

I shook my head.

“Can I make you love me then?”

I just stood there, trying to control my breathing. Kibum leaned in slowly and I turned my head. “Kibum…oppa… I don’t know you that well, but thank you for making me feel loved that day. I’m sorry but… I don’t know whether I like you or not.”

He stopped leaning in. “Will you give me a chance then? To prove to you how much I love you…”

I looked up into his earnest eyes. “Yes,” I whispered. He leaned in slowly, and just as our lips were about to meet, we heard the presence of someone else in the kitchen.

Letting go of me, Kibum immediately walked over to where our empty cups sat and started washing them in the sink. I moved away from the wall and said hi to the person.


“Hi…” It was Kevin. He was yawning and rubbing his eyes sleepily. “What are the 2 of you doing here?”

“Drinking water…”

“Oh okay… you should get back to sleep…”


“Tomorrow, is it okay if we leave you and Kibum at home? We have to work tomorrow…” he yawned again.

“Um, sure.”

“’Kay. Don’t talk to any strangers that come by our house, it could be dangerous.” With that, he trudged back out of the kitchen, leaving me and Kibum alone again.

I silently walked out of the kitchen that was starting to fill with the awkward silence between me and Kibum. Soft footsteps followed me, even after I entered my room.

“Why are you here?” I turned and faced Kibum.

He walked over to my bed and made himself comfortable there. “Let’s sleep together tonight, I can’t sleep alone in that huge room…” He took off his shirt and threw it on the ground.

I shut my eyes tightly. I didn’t know what to do. I had caught a glimpse of his shirtless body, and already I could feel my cheeks burning. “P-put your shirt back on!”

“But I don’t sleep with my shirt on…”

I gave up and opened my eyes. Walking over to the bed, I avoided any eye contact with him or his body, and laid down, back facing him.

A strong pair of arms wrapped themselves behind me. I turned around, about to whack Kibum, but was caught speechless . His unclothed body was facing me, and I could see his chocolate abs. His arms tightened around me.

Unable to move any more in his arms, I soon drifted into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, I woke up and found myself in the same position, with Kibum still hugging me. He was awake.

“Good morning~” he let go of me and stretched.


“Shall we continue what was interrupted yesterday?”

“Huh?” My eyes grew wide.

Without saying anything, Kibum slowly leaned in towards. This time, there was no escape. His arms were around me once again, strong like a vise. “O-oppa…”

He placed his lips on mine softly. And, truly, in that one kiss I could feel that he loved me. No possession, no greed, just love. I kissed him back, my mind becoming blank.

Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking us apart from each other. 



Author's Note


Ok guys i'm sorry for taking so long to update, i had writer's block T-T 

I hope this update is okay though.... hehehe Kibum's chocolate abs 

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samara12 #1
Soo Coool
I like so much
but i thought the prince would be Xander
I like it very much ^^
kpopmusiclover #3
Happy ending^^
kpopmusiclover #4
Update soon~
@Angel_Norry : UM LOL i'm sorry but i didn't know... QuQ
Angel_Norry #6
Good chapter! I hope she's ok?!?
kpopmusiclover #8
Update soon~
Casandra #9
Update soon. .