First Day

I Hate This Co-Ed School!

"Trust me," JaeMin's dad turned to his son, "you'll like this school better than your old one."

"Dad, I have no friends," JaeMin retaliated.

"You'll make new friends. You don't need them," he replied.

"Bull.." JaeMin muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" his father turned to look at his son who glared back.


The driver drove until JaeMin stopped him one block from the school.

"You can stop here," JaeMin ordered quietly, "I can walk from here."

"Just keep going," his father commanded as the car continued, "Why should we stop? Don't want to be seen with me?"

"Yeah," he bluntly replied.

After a quiet ride, the limo finally pulled into the school. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, dad. Just... let me make my own decisions for once... just this one time," JaeMin's frail body exited the car. JaeMin began to run from where the car had been parked. He slowed down to catch his breath. When he closed his eyes, he crashed into another boy probably in the same grade as him.

"Ow! What the hell! Watch where you're going, short kid!" the tall boy rubbed his pointy nose "Don't you belong in middle school?" the boy teased.

"Don't you belong in university? You're probably like 20. What? Too dumb?"
"You little-!"

"I'd watch out if I were you... Lee KiSeop," JaeMin walked off proudly to the courtyard where the second years were to meet.
"Hey need a ride?" a red haired boy asked a girl walking to school. She ignored and continued to walk. The car drove by slowly as the driver read her school name tag, "Jeon. Ji. Hee. Jeon JiHee, what a pretty name for a pretty lady!" now JiHee turned at him and glared at the male smiling cheesily.
"DongWoo, quit scaring her," she might think you're a e or something," another guy in the passenger's seat of the red vehicle teased.

DongWoo replied, "Shut up, WooHyun," he stepped out of the driver seat and approached JiHee who was slightly backing up. "Come on," he grabbed her wrist, "I'll drive you to school." She tried to pull her arm away but failed to do so and shut her eyes. *If only JiHwan didn't walk with his friends he'd be here! Why me!*

"I'd let go of that hand if I were you," a boy warned as he grabbed DongWoo's wrist and pulled it away from JiHee's but kept his grip on his wrist until DongWoo winced and pulled back.

"Ow!" DongWoo nursed his wrist, "Who are you?" he tried to search for the name tag.

He looked at JiHee then put an arm around her shoulder, "I'm her boyfriend." He smirked as JiHee and DongWoo stared at him in disbelief.

"She already has a boyfriend, DongWoo, get in the car," the window in the backseat rolled down, revealing Lee HoWon. Hoya smirked and said, "Hello Son DongJun."

DongJun's, arm still around JiHee, eyes widened. "A-annyeonghaseyo..."
"Hoya you know him?" DongWoo was shocked.

"Yes. We're close friends. We're almost family," he emphasized on almost and smirked at DongJun once more, who was now boiling with anger.

"Well, it was nice seeing you, but we have to get to school. Bye!" DongJun dragged JiHee with him. Until he was stopped by a limo.

The driver stepped out, "Master DongJun, by orders of your brother, we ask you to get in before something could happen to you." DongJun opened the door and motioned JiHee in and entered himself.

"Thank you... for back there," she whispered. DongJun nodded his head and told the driver that he could proceed.
"I see you already have female suitors," DongJun's older brother, DongWoon, turned from the passenger seat.

"Shut up," DongJun grunted as he and JiHee both looked out the window.
JiHee could feel the blood rising in her cheeks and her heartbeat quicken. His hand brushed against hers, and they let their touch linger for a while before quickly pulling away. *Why is my heart like this?* JiHee touched her chest.
"Driver," DongJun uttered, "drop her and me off at her school then drive DongWoon hyung at school."

"What about you?" DongWoon asked his younger brother.

"I'll walk..." he looked out the window once more. He turned to JiHee, "What school do you go to?"

"Huh? Oh! Godeunghakgyo Janghakgeum Hakgyo," she replied.

"Great. Same school as me," DongJun complained, "People are gonna see me walk out of a limo."

"But people saw you walk in it..." DongWoon remarked, "Hey! Isn't that Lee HoWon in that car? Why are they following us? Could they be going to the same school?" he turned to smirk at DongJun, who ordered him to shut up and threatened him with his feet.
They finally arrived at the school. DongWoon ran to the courtyard where the third years were called. JiHee and DongJun waited for the second years to be called as the limo drove away.

"Thank you," JiHee blushed as she tucked her hair behind her ear and bowed.

"No problem," DongJun smiled, "oh hey they're here. Act like earlier." DongWoo and four others began to walk toward the gate where DongJun and JiHee were.

"Bye, oppa, I have to go soon," JiHee hugged DongJun and watched DongWoo looking at them.

"Be safe," he hugged her back then let go and held her hand, "Promise me you'll take care," he kissed her forehead, and the two began to walk to the courtyard hand in hand. By now, DongWoo was looking pissed, and DongJun was smirking to himself.

The two looked at the board set up for who was in which class. They saw three people making a big deal about being in Class-F and heard fan girls scream, "SUNGDONG GU UHLJJANG!!!" as two boys ran to the restrooms.

"DongJun-sshi! Your name is here under Class-F as well," JiHee called. The two walked off to take their seats.

"It's okay, HwaYoung-ah, I'm in Class-F, too," TaeYeon comforted her sulking friend as they walked over feeling deflated.

"It's you again!" KiSeop screamed pointing at JaeMin.

"Got a problem? Seriously, get lost. I can have you deported with just the snap of my fingers," JaeMin retorted as he snapped his fingers for emphasis as he walked to the seats in the courtyard for Class-F.

"Let me guess, my dad got your parents to enroll you here, too?" Jay pointed at JiYong, YoungBae, and DongWook. The three nodded.

"Jay-yah! We're in the same class!" JiYong cheered as he checked the board.
"Jinjja?!" Jay smiled knowing he'd have someone he knew in his class.

"Yup! Class-F!" JiYong smiled greatly as Jay looked at him in disbelief. The two walked to Class-F's seats and waited for the assembly to begin.

"MyungJae-yah, we're both in Class-F, so go with me to the seats. I think the coast is clear...," MyungSoo whispered as they both ran to their seats.

"SeungYoon-hyung!" SeungHyeon whined as they strolled to their seats, "I still don't get why I'd be in Class-F. I could enroll in university if I wanted. I wouldn't even need university or high school if I wanted a job. They'd be knocking on our door asking me to apply for them. Don't you agree, SungJong-hyung?"

"I guess.. but we still enrolled here, and now we have to do this. And besides, you promised we'd be at the same school forever. Remember? We were seven. Luckily we're also in the same class!" SungJong smiled to lighten the depressed mood.

"You got it from here right?" Jay asked his younger sister, Jamie, "I don't need to guide you right? Well anyway check the board for your class, and if you need me, I'll be with my friends." Jay waved as he walked over to Nichkhun who was standing in front of a large board sulking.

"I'm in Class-F," Nichkhun pouted as Jay comforted him teasingly.

"Hahaha! Nichkhun-oppa is in Class-F!" Jamie teased the elder, "I need to go find my name now," she moved over to the side of the board with Class-A's students, "Huh? Not A? Or even B?"

"You're in Class-F, too, Jamie," Nichkhun said. "So let's go~~!" he cheered in English, pulling her over to their seats.

"Ah! There we are! Kwon SoHyun and Park Aerin!" SoHyun smiled, "Hmm, aww, you'll be in a different class this year, Min.." SoHyun pouted.

"Class-F! But I'm smart, and you're smart. Why would we be in Class-F?" Aerin was in disbelief.

"Nnng, just be grateful they even took our scholarship. I heard someone else with an IQ of 200 didn't get accepted because his dad is a fisherman, and his mom is a food vendor on the street," SoHyun smiled at Aerin, "Come on RinRin~!" She pulled Aerin to their seats.

"Yah! Kwon SoHyun!" Aerin became annoyed.

"Hurry up or we'll get late to class!" Suzy ordered her sister.

"Why? It's only the first day. We still need to get to our dorms and our lockers before class actually 'starts', and besides, we're doing this weird walkthrough of what our classes will be like," SeulHee replied as she sped up to catch up with Suzy.

"I still don't wanna be late! Bae Suzy.. Bae Suzy... oh here! We're in Class-F! Let's go take our seats! I think that's our teacher there!" Suzy pointed out as they both dragged their luggage with them as they ran to their seats.

"Class-F, okay.. oh! MinSoo-yah, you're in Class-F, too!" ChangYoung pointed at the large board in front of him. "MinSoo-yah, when are your other friends coming? I wanna meet them."

"Yes!" CAP cheered, "At least I'll know someone to refer to when I get confused. They might come late. You know, they think they're so cool, being so obsessed with themselves, that they forgot that I'm the coolest of them all. Come on, let's go," CAP started to walk to their seats, showing off his swag.

"Right," ChangYoung teased, "they're the ones obsessed with themselves."

Now, all forty students if Class-F were gathered in their seating area of the courtyard. A tall, relatively thin, and somewhat young man with black hair walked in front of Class-F. Son DongJun's eyes widened at the man's words, "Annyeonghaseyo, Kim JungMo imnida. I am your homeroom teacher. I used to be a teacher at Seoul Boy's Middle School. Hmm.. I don't seem to recognize any of you except for.. you," he pointed to DongJun.

"Me?" DongJun seemed nervous now, "I don't remember you, and I think you may have me mistaken with my brother in Class 3-A," he calmly replied. *At least he doesn't recognize me.*

"Hmm.. I swear I know you... Well anyway! I teach math, and that will be your first period. Here are your locker numbers and combination and dorm number written in the corner. Go check your locker and unpack your luggage in your rooms then come meet me in the classroom, and for the first day, we'll just try some bonding," he released his class.

The students made their way to Class 2-F locker area. They were in alphabetical order. Odd numbers on the bottom, and even numbers on the top. "Lucky," SeungHyeon told his twin, "you have a bottom locker, and there's no one above you. I wonder who owns the locker underneath mine.." he mumbled the last line as he saw SoHyun approach and excuse herself to get to her locker. "Oh sorry! I'm sorry for being in your way," he bowed and dragged his bags with him to the dorm buildings. Half of it was Class-D the other half was Class-F. They were only allowed in Class-F's half, or it could result in detention or suspension.

"Hey, we meet again," DongWoo walked up to JiHee, smirking as JiHee calmly ignored him. "My locker is under yours and to the left," he smiled, but she still ignored him as she opened her locker. She turned to DongWoo who was already at his locker, opening it while examining her legs.

"Yah! What are you doing!" she attempted to cover her legs.

"I finally got your attention!" he cheered before coolly saying, "My name is Jang DongWoo," he stuck out his hand for her to shake it. JiHee was about to take it in hers before someone tapped her from behind.

"Excuse me, could you help me open my locker? It doesn't really... work," he smiled then said, "My name is Ha! MinWoo, by the way," he winked at her.

"Sure," she walked away from DongWoo to go help MinWoo.

"Seriously, MinWoo?!" DongWoo complained. MinWoo stuck his tongue out at him as he handed JiHee the combination sheet. DongWoo and MinWoo continued their bickering until DongJun approached.

"Oh! It's you again! No wonder there was such a loud, irritating noise," Son DongJun remarked, "You know my locker is twenty away from this one and I still hear you two? Aish, so annoying. Oh? Noona? ...Noona!" DongJun beamed and waved at her.

"Noona?!" DongWoo and MinWoo screamed in unison.

"Yeah. Don't you know? He's her boyfriend," a voice from behind placed his hand on DongJun's head.

"Lee HoWon.." DongJun seemed scared.

"I told you, it's Hoya," he pinched DongJun's cheeks, "Tell your brother I said hi." With that, he walked off.

There was a crowd of DongWoo's friends and MinWoo's friends blocking the area. "Move away from my locker," JaeMin grumpily ordered as he sent them death glares until his eyes fell on Kim SungGyu of Class 3-F. "Ah.. annyeong hyung," he waved before leaving to go to his room.

"Weird... SungGyu-hyung, do you know him?" DongWoo asked.

"Yeah.. we're really close family friends," SungGyu replied.

The rest of the students tested their lockers before going to their rooms in Dorm III. The students had to walk a short distance before getting to all the dorms. Dorms I, II, and III were separate for the most part but had an eating area in the midst of all the dorms. Dorm I had the Class-A students. Dorm II had the Class-B and Class-C students. And finally, Dorm III had the Class-D and Class-F students.

"144.. 144.. 144! Here!" Jay cheered, "Kim ChangYoung, Yong JunHyung, Jay Takumi," he read the names under the room number as he used his key to unlock the door to the room in which he was greeted by one out of two of his roomates. The other merely nodded.

"I'm Kim ChangYoung. And you are?" ChangYoung politely greeted.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Jay Takumi imnida," he beamed, "it's nice to meet you both." He noticed the other two starting to unpack, so he did the same.

"You two take the beds up there, and I'll take the one down here," JunHyung instructed. (A/N: If you don't know what I mean, picture the one from HanaKimi. If you don't know that either, watch just the first episode and you'll know what I mean.) The two did as told and bonded during the unpacking process while JunHyung sat quietly on his bed.

"Ugh! I have to dorm with you!" L.Joe complained when he opened his door to see L inside.

"Don't worry, it's not just me. There's another person," L replied indifferently.

L.Joe ran outside to check the sign. "143.. Kang SeungHyeon?" he ran back in, "The other guy's name is Kang SeungHyeon. Kang SeungHyeon? No!"

"What are you screaming for?" L bickered exasperatedly.

"You didn't hear? I heard he's-" L.Joe was cut off by SeungHyeon walking in.

"I'm guessing you two are my roommates.. and you're both probably older than me," SeungHyeon said boringly.

"Is it true you're gay?" L.Joe bluntly interrogated. SeungHyeon's previously small eyes widened at L.Joe's words.

"Why would I- you know what? Yes, I am gay. And I love short boys with pink hair. Because that is so attractive," SeungHyeon mocked.

"Wha- You! You're shorter than me!" L.Joe retorted.

"How tall are your insoles?" SeungHyeon immediately asked.

"5 centime- I mean, what insoles?" L.Joe declared.

"Well you-" SeungHyeon was interrupted.

"You two are annoying! Can you introduce yourself?" L was irritated.

"Annyeonghaseyo," SeungHyeon bowed, "Kang SeungHyeon imnida." When L motioned for him to say more, he sighed and said, "I am born on January 21st of 1994, my blood type is A, my height is 171cm, and my weight is 45kg. Enough?"

"Annyeonghaseyo, Lee ByungHun imnida. Whoa! You're the same height as me but only 45kg?! I'm 50kg! Don't tell me the other rumor of you being anorexic is real, too?!" L.Joe screamed.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Kim MyungSoo imnida. I'm the eldest here, I guess. You can call me L," L introduced himself.

"Oh, and you can call me L.Joe," L.Joe added.

SeungHyeon stared at them intently before saying, “I’m calling you ByungHun and you MyungSoo," he walked past them, "I'm taking one of the beds up here."

MyungSoo shrugged and called the bed on the bottom floor. L.Joe, on the other hand, complained, "But why won't you call me L.Joe?" he whined as he placed his stuff on the bed across from SeungHyeon's. "Fine I'll just have to give you a nickname," L.Joe whined as he approached SeungHyeon. He spoke to himself quietly, "Hmm.. clear skin, porcelain skin, slender face, pointed nose, full lips, alluring eyes.. you fit my type, my Hyeon," L.Joe hugged him.

"My Hyeon...? Are you sure YOU'RE not the gay one?" SeungHyeon replied, irritated as he tried to break from his grasp.

"L-hyung! Call him My Hyeon, too!" L.Joe hugged SeungHyeon harder.

"My Hyeon..." L said to himself before smirking and returning to work.

SeungHyeon heaved a sigh. *What have I gotten myself into?*

"I can't believe I'm sharing with-" DongWoo exclaimed at MinWoo who was arguing back. DongWoo was cut off by Son DongJun walking in.

"Oh, you two. Well hello! What are we fighting over?" he smirked at the two who looked at him in disgust.

"Your girlfriend!" MinWoo and DongWoo shouted in unison.

“Shut up, MinWoo!” DongWoo barked, “You don’t even know her name!”

"JiHee-yah? Why would you two fight over someone who is obviously in love with me?" he mocked them.

"J-JiHee-yah?! How old are you?" MinWoo asked.

"Born in 1993. Why?" DongJun replied. They gave him looks of shock. "Fine. JiHee-NOONA. Happy? She's just three years older," he shrugged as he began to put his things on the bed on the bottom.

"Th-three years?!" DongWoo exclaimed.

"That's one, two, three, DongWoo," MinWoo explained sarcastically.

"I know that!" DongWoo barked, "Why're you taking this bed? I want it."

"Because you two are slow in choosing," DongJun complained, "Besides, there's a better view of the school up there," he tricked them.

"Really?!" they grinned widely as they raced up to the two beds and unpacked immediately. DongJun shook his head as he proceeded to unpack.

"Oh hey!" DongJun realized something, "Our relationship is lucky! We have a three year age difference~!" He sang as the other two grunted.

"This is the room.." MyungJae whispered as he opened the door. "Ah. you two must be my roommates. Annyeonghaseyo, Kim MyungJae imnida," he bowed then entered the room.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Lee SungJong imnida," SungJong smiled. "Are you a hyung? I'm born on September 3, 1993. You?"

"Dece- April 29, 1993. Yeah, I'm a... hyung," MyungJae replied.

"April 29? Are you sure?" Kim DongJun raised his eyebrow teasingly.

"Hyung, why do you seem so unsure?" SungJong asked as well.

"My name is Kim DongJun, by the way," DongJun informed. "Hey! Is it true that Seoul's SungDong-gu uhljjang is your brother?"

A sigh escaped from MyungJae's lips as he nodded and claimed one of the top beds. *Not again this year.. No matter how I am..*

"It's so nice to meet you!" JaeMin walked in on his roommate saying to his other roommate. "Oh! Hello! You must be our other roommate. I'm Lee DongRim," the blue haired one bowed.

"I'm Lee TaeMin," the other one bowed, "Are you my dongsaeng, you look so young!" he walked over and pinched JaeMin's cheeks. JaeMin slapped them away, and TaeMin asked, "What year were you born? I was born on July 18, 1993."

"June 10, 1992," JaeMin answered, "oh, I am your hyung.." JaeMin began to unpack and put things in his drawer while he heard TaeMin and DongRim joking and laughing loudly. "Agh!! So loud!" JaeMin complained to himself. *I knew this was a bad idea..*

"Yay! We get to share a room!" SeulHee cheered to her sister. "Isn't that so lucky for us?" She smiled widely.

"Yeah.. but they probably did it like that because we're sisters," Suzy replied. They unlocked the door and took a look around their room. "Hmm. There are only two of us, but they even bothered with three beds.."

"Maybe for when we have new students.." SeulHee replied. "Let's take the two beds on the second floor." They dragged their luggage up the steps and began to unpack.

"Tiffany-unnie, TaeYeon-unnie, we're sharing a room~~!!! Yay!" HwaYoung cheered, "We're lucky we got a room with friends. A lot of others didn't."

"Yeah, at least we know each other and are comfortable with one another," TaeYeon replied casually as the other two nodded in agreement.

"Oh! Did you hear?" Tiffany suddenly exclaimed in surprise. The two looked at her strangely, "There are twenty-seven boys in our class and thirteen girls? We have forty students!" TaeYeon and HwaYoung looked shocked.

"I also heard that our homeroom teacher is pretty young, too. He's only... four years older than both of you? I think..." HwaYoung replied.

"Jinjja? I wonder how our other teachers are like, too.." TaeYeon remarked as the three of them proceeded to unpack.

"Ohh, at least I know someone in this room," Aerin sighed in relief. "I wonder when the other person is gonna come- oh! Hello!" she was interrupted and greeted the girl who walked through the door. "Are you Jamie Park? I'm Park Aerin," she bowed, "It's nice to meet you."

Jamie nodded and bowed. SoHyun then said, "Are you friends with JiHyun? I'm one of her friends, too. I remember seeing her with you. I'm Kwon SoHyun, by the way," SoHyun smiled and bowed.

"Oh," Jamie nodded and smiled. "So... who wants which bed?" SoHyun let Aerin and Jamie choose before she did. Aerin chose one of the upper beds near the wall window, and Jamie chose the bed under the ceiling window. They proceeded to choose their closets and unpack their items.

"Ah! Here's the room..." JiHee whispered to herself. She was greeted by two other girls in the room.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Lee JiEun imnida! What's your name?" JiEun introduced herself.

"Jeon JiHee imnida. How old are you?" JiHee inquired.

"I was born in 1993," JiEun answered, "You?"


"We're the oldest, but I'm still calling you unnie even if you're younger," the other girl said, "Annyeonghaseyo, Nam JiHyun imnida." They let JiHee choose the bed then they all began to unpack.

"Ooh! Wait! I just realized, we're all Ji's!" JiEun giggled. "We're all gonna get along great." The three continued to unpack as they told each other about themselves.

The students all gathered in Room 2-F by 8:50. "Annyeonghaseyo class, I am your math teacher, and as you know, my name is Kim JungMo, but all of you will address me as Kim-seonsaengnim (A/N: Teacher. Basically Mr. Kim), understand?" The class chorused a yes, and Mr. Kim started by telling them class procedures and rules. He handed them a sheet. "Later on, during your extracurricular class, you all will be brought around the school and choose which clubs you wish to join. Since you are the school's first students, you don't have examples of what the club is about, but they're pretty self explanatory," he informed, "For now, we have a good amount of time left, let's get to know each other. I want each of you to stand and say one thing about yourself. We'll start with the beginning of the class."

Kang SeungYoon went first then it was SeungHyeon who indignantly said, "My name is Kang SeungHyeon and I'm too smart to be in this class."

"Oh really?" Mr. Kim asked not angrily nor sarcastically but more playfully and interested. "What is your IQ?"

"200," SeungHyeon squinted his eyes angrily.

"Oh?" Mr. Kim was now amused. "What's the square root of pi squared?"


"Haha! Are you dumb?! Square root of pi isn't pi!" a kid in the back screamed obviously not understanding the question, but his jaw dropped when Mr. Kim said, "Well done." The class then understood the question and nodded their heads.

When it was MyungJae's turn, he said, "My name is Kim MyungJae, and I am not gay," everyone looked at him strangely. "Whoever it was that spread that rumor, I will find you.. and you will face consequences.."

"Okay then.." Mr. Kim uttered, "Next."

ChangYoung stood up and announced, "I had a younger twin sister."

Mr. Kim gasped, "Had? What happened to her."

"She passed away..." ChangYoung whispered after a pause.

"Cause you killed her.." someone muttered in the back of the classroom. ChangYoung looked down to his feet. He was embarrassed to show his face to the class now even though he knew her death was not his fault.

ChangYoung's friend, MinSoo, exploded, "He didn't kill her! Who are you anyway?! You got some nerve messing with everyone in this class! Come on! Show yourself! Or are you too scared?! Come out and fight with me! Take back what you said about ChangYou-" ChangYoung walked over and clasped a hand over C.A.P.'s mouth.

"Calm down," he relaxed the angered boy, "There's no point getting hyped up over something false. And besides, if we get angry and fight back, we only prove them right."

"Okay, next!" Mr. Kim drew the attention away from ChangYoung and C.A.P.

After more people, it was Aerin, "My name is Park Aerin. I'm allergic to cats. Also, I'm a ninja." She simply sat down afterwards when someone said disappointedly, "So no pets I guess?"

"A ninja? Really?" Mr. Kim inquired smiling. "I don't believe you."

"Fine," she shrugged, "but you can't say I didn't warn you~" she smirked as she sat down.

Jamie came afterwards, "My name is Park Jamie. I was born in Seattle," she smiled and bowed before sitting down.

Next was HwaYoung who proudly announced, "My name is Park HwaYoung, and  I like the color blue!" She smiled then said, "I'm very friendly so let's be friends." She grinned once more and sat down.

A few more students went then it was SeulHee's turn. "I'm Bae SeulHee, and even though we may not look like it, Suzy and I are sisters. So stop saying we're not, okay?" She smiled and took her seat.

Son DongJun went next, "My name is Son DongJun, just like his," he pointed to Kim DongJun and continued, "and I'm adopted." This caused people in the classroom to look at him strangely, but instead of explaining further, he sat down quickly.

A lot of people passed and introduced themselves before it was JiHee's turn. JiHee looked agitated as she stood up and said, "My name is Jeon JiHee, and I want to have a seat change." She pointed to Jang DongWoo who had to sit next to her due to alphabetical seating arrangement. When Mr. Kim asked why, she replied, "He keeps giving me weird looks and touching me!"

Son DongJun shot up from his seat next to Daniel and blurted out angrily, "Didn't I tell you to back off my girlfriend?!" People gave him looks again, and once again, he quickly sat back down.

Mr. Kim laughed then assured JiHee, "Don't worry, we're only sitting in desks of two for now. We're expecting normal desks by next week. We're also expecting some new students to move into our school. As soon as those new students are here, we'll arrange you all again. You'll still be in alphabetical order, but instead, you'll have singular desks. And Jang DongWoo, please keep your hands and looks to yourself." Mr. Kim laughed to herself once more. "Oh, and Son DongJun, you didn't say you and JiHee were dating." DongJun raised from his seat in acknowledgment as Mr. Kim lifted one of his eyebrows up.

"I didn't think the whole class needed to know... but just now..." Son DongJun rubbed his neck. He sat back down timidly as he did before.

"Well anyway!" Mr. Kim changed the topic. After Jessica and KyuHyun went, Mr. Kim said, "Jo JaeMin-sshi, you're next."

"JaeMin-sshi?" whispers spread around the classroom. "Why is the teacher speaking so formally to a student?" "Why's he so special?"

Mr. Kim silenced the room as JaeMin stood up and said, "I'm Jo JaeMin, and my blood type is B. There." He sat down until Mr. Kim ordered him to stand up once more because that wasn't good enough. "Fine. My height is 170 centimeters, my hair grows fast, I don't like annoying people, I'll probably hate all of you, I dislike the head of the school, and I'm severely underweight. There. Enough?" JaeMin sat down angrily as the other students just stared at him. He looked up at them to glare, and all eyes left him.

After more people, it was finally Jay's turn. "My name is Jay Takumi, and I'm half-Japanese and a big eater, but I hate carrots. My blood type is AB. It's nice to meet all of you." He smiled and sat down.

After Tiffany went, the bell rang, and Mr. Kim left the room. A female teacher then stepped in. "My name is Jo MiHye, so you will address me as Ms. Jo. I would have all of you introduce yourself, but we don't have enough time for all forty of you and for me to explain the class. As you may know, if you checked your schedules, I teach science, and I'm Class-A's homeroom. Considering all of you were accepted into this school and the fact that I'm Class-A's teacher, I expect a lot from you. I expect perfect behavior during my class and high grades. When in my class, you all will..." Ms. Jo's voice trailed off as half of her class fell asleep out of boredom. The bell had woken the class up once more, and before leaving, Ms. Jo handed out safety contracts that were to be signed by them and returned tomorrow.

In stepped another male teacher. "I'm your Chinese teacher, and my name is Baek Chan, or Mr. Baek," Mr. Baek introduced himself. "I guess we don't need to go through school or class procedures considering you had Ms. Jo before this and she gave you all the lecture. So starting off, we'll go down the rows, and each of you will answer the said question." The class nodded. Mr. Baek then asked, "Best movie you watched over the small break?"

Most of the class either shrugged or answered Dangerous Meeting, Little Black Dress, or Late Blossom. "Oh..." Mr. Baek nodded then asked, "Number of siblings?"

SeungHyeon answered, "Three. Wait, no, it's two. One brother, one sister." He pointed at SeungYoon.

"But your brother said you had three..?" JiYong, who sat behind SeungHyeon, questioned him. SungJong signaled JiYong to drop the question, so before SeungHyeon could answer, JiYong quickly stuttered, "Never mind!"

After others, MyungJae responded, "Two brothers."

Then it was ChangYoung who said, "None.. I used to have one.." MinSoo turned to glare at the same boy who accused ChangYoung of murdering his sister to make sure he didn't say anything. ChangYoung, who noticed this, thanked him quietly and gave him a weak smile.

"One older brother," Aerin said.

"I have one brother," Jamie announced.

"One brother and one sister. Both are older," HwaYoung replied to the question.

"I have three older brothers and one younger sister," SeulHee pointed at Suzy.

Son DongJun muttered, "Biologically, I'm not sure, but foster, two brothers, one older and one younger."

After some people, it was JiHee's turn, "Two brothers. One is older, and the other one is younger.

During JaeMin's turn, he said, "None."

"But, Jo JaeMin-sshi," Mr. Baek wondered aloud, "your father told me you weren't an only child. I understand it feels like it because your siblings are-" Mr. Baek began before JaeMin angrily interrupted him.

"Would you stop being formal?!" He angrily jumped from his seat. "And stop bringing up my dad! I have one older brother who is in who knows where, an older sister who registered herself out of our family, and a younger sister who was sent to live somewhere else with a relative." He sat down angrily. His face changed from angry to sad. Choi JinRi, his desk partner, tried to comfort him. He slightly turned his head to her and tried to smile before looking back to his hands on his lap.

Mr. Baek brought the attention back to his question, and the class continued around the room. On Jay's turn, he told the class, "I have one older sister and one younger sister." The class continued like this, Mr. Baek asking a question and they would answer it. Soon the bell rang, and Mr. Baek waved at them.

In came a different male teacher. "My name is Jay Kim. Hmm... since you have Kim JungMo as homeroom, that would make him Mr. Kim also... You guys can call me Mr. Jay!" he smiled. "But even though I said that, most of you will call me Mr. Kim... Oh well! Mr. Kim JungMo and I are best friends~," he sang happily which surprised the students. "I am your English teacher. I grew up in California so you won't have to worry about Engrish." He called the attendance and stopped at Jay Takumi to say, "I like your name," which caused many to laugh. He then handed out a pretest for them to take. "It's just to see where you stand. It's not serious or anything, but please do your best. I understand that most of you do speak fluent English, but don't bomb this on purpose. If you do, it may affect how much free time we'll have in the year. Please turn it in on the desk, wait never mind, let's make this interesting. Turn it in on the top of that book case over there," he pointed to the tall bookshelf in the corner of the classroom.

The class diligently worked on completing the pretest. JiHee finished a bit before DongWoo and was in the corner of the room struggling to put her paper up. DongWoo came up behind her and whispered in her ear, "Let me do it for you." He took JiHee's paper as she just shuddered and went back to her seat.

When Son DongJun went to put his paper up he couldn't reach the shelf either, MinWoo came from behind him and said, "Aww, is our room's makdoongie having trouble? Here, I'll help you," MinWoo carried him by the waist and exclaimed, "Whoa, you're so light! How much do you weigh?"

"Forty-three kilograms," DongJun answered, "Why? You?"

"...Ten more than you..." MinWoo replied, "But I'm ten centimeters taller than you." They went back to their seats after DongJun put his paper up and MinWoo's paper as well.

More people had trouble turning in their paper on the two-meter shelf. SeungHyeon and MyungJae had their brother put it up for them. JaeMin and Aerin climbed the shelf to put it. ChangYoung and Jay could reach the top perfectly. Jamie and HwaYoung resorted to throwing their paper on the top of the shelf. After the pretest was over, Mr. Kim laughed to himself, "That top of the shelf thing was to see how you all would handle it. That was my little way of getting to know you all." The bell rang, "We're going to have a wonderful school year. You may all go to lunch now."

JinRi walked up to SeungHyeon, who was with SungJong and SeungYoon, and said, "Yah, let's be friends with JaeMin-sshi, he seems so sad."

"Why? I don't think he wants to be bothered," SeungYoon replied, "Go with some of your girl friends. It's weird if you're with us, Sulli." SeungHyeon and SungJong agreed with a nod and walked off with SeungYoon.

"At least talk to him, SeungHyeon," JinRi whined. SeungHyeon reluctantly nodded his head, and JinRi cheered, "Yay!! I'm going to go with Krystal bye~!"

SeungHyeon approached JaeMin's desk with SungJong tailing behind him. When SeungHyeon got there, ChangYoung, MinSoo, ByungHun, and Daniel were already asking him to eat lunch with them. SeungHyeon and SungJong looked at each other and shrugged then proceeded out of the classroom to catch up with SeungYoon.

KiSeop came out from behind MinSoo and told them, "Don't be friends with this guy. He can have you deported, like this," he snapped his fingers. JaeMin then snapped in KiSeop's face, and the two fought like this. Snapping in each others' faces.

MinSoo shooed KiSeop away and insisted that JaeMin eat lunch with them. Someone then came to their classroom asking for JaeMin saying the principal was looking for him and needed to see him immediately. "Tell him I'll see him before the curfew," JaeMin replied.

"But he insists to see you immedia-" the principal's assistant began.

JaeMin glared into his eyes, "Later." The assistant gulped then nodded and bowed then ran off to the office again.

Jay Takumi ate with YoungBae, DongWook, JiYong, and his cousin, Choi SeungHyun. The girls ate with their friends as well. When the bell rang, they reported back to class for fifth period, literature. The teacher's name was Yoon SiYoon. Mr. Yoon did the exact same thing as Ms. Jo, so many students fell asleep again.

Then it was health, the teacher walked in as HwaYoung's eyes widened, "O-oppa?!"

Park JungSu winked then bowed, "My name is Park JungSu. I am the health teacher and you all will address me as Mr. Park. If you're all good, you can call me Leeteuk. For the first few months, we'll spend it on bullying and relationships. For now, take this pretest. Afterwards, we'll copy notes. If we have time left over, we'll play Silent Ball." In the end, however, they didn't have time. Before the bell rang, Mr. Park said, "Tomorrow, I want you all to pair up with someone you're not friends with. You'll interview them for a minute, and they'll do the same for you. Then you'll introduce them to the class. We'll be doing these types of activities for a while." The bell rang, and the class headed to the gym.

In the gym, they were told about procedures and given a sheet to fill out by tomorrow. It had things like, home phone number, parent work numbers, and any health condition. The coaches’ names were Coach Shin and Coach Park. One female and one male. They were given clothing and told to change into it to see if it fit. The P.E. shirt and shorts fit most students except for JaeMin, who had to be given an extra small. For that day, they just played basketball with whoever. The clean-up bell then rang for them to change, and soon it was their extracurricular period.

Their extracurricular class for Mondays would be art. They were given a schedule by their art teacher, Lee JunKi. Monday: Art, Tuesday: Industrial Technology/Wood shop, Wednesday: Home Ec., Thursday: Theater/Drama, and Friday: Music. Mr. Lee said, "Everyone has extracurricular last period. Now, we will go around the school so you may all choose your clubs." He took them around.

SeungHyeon chose Student Body, Track and Field, Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, Orchestra, Dance, and Taekwondo. "It looks good to colleges if you do a lot of things," he claimed to his brother.

MyungJae chose Student Body, Track and Field, Soccer, Basketball, Orchestra, Dance, Taekwondo, Martial Arts, and Performing Arts. He told Kim DongJun, "This way I can be more well known not just for being MyungSoo's brother."

ChangYoung chose Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse, and Dance. "So you can be masculine like me?" MinSoo swung an arm around ChangYoung whose face turned red.

Aerin chose Soccer, Martial Arts, Cross Country, Track and Field, Orchestra, and Dance. "It'll help to be more open in the school," she told SoHyun.

Jamie chose Volleyball, Choir, Rock Band, and Dance. "Why'd you join dance?" Jay Park, her older brother, asked her.

"Because you're good at it, and I'm hoping that you'll help me. And besides, being in a club with your sister should be fun!" she smiled. He ruffled her hair then she playfully punched his arm then clung to it.

HwaYoung chose Student Body, Rock Band, and Dance. "Hmmm.. I'll run for vice president," HwaYoung thought aloud. TaeYeon and Tiffany wished her good luck and shot a thumbs up to her.

SeulHee chose Student Body, Rock Band, and Dance. "Suzy-yah? You chose dance, too, right? We can practice together~" she sang to her sister.

DongJun chose Student Body, Taekwondo, Track and Field, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Marching Band, and Orchestra. "Maybe if I take all these, appa will change his mind..." he whispered to himself.

"Change his mind about what?" Hoya came up from behind DongJun and asked.

"Ho-Howon-sshi!" DongJun's eyes widened, "Nothing.."

"I told you to call me Hoya," he ruffled DongJun's hair.

"Hoya..." DongJun whispered to himself.

"Hoya come on! Oh, you know him? He's in my homeroom," SeongYeol yelled to Hoya, "Let's go!!"

JiHee chose Student Body, Basketball, Track and Field, Taekwondo, Soccer, and Marching Band. "You sure you can do all that?" MinWoo popped out of nowhere and asked JiHee. "My name is MinWoo by the way. Remember?" He smiled at her.

"JiHee," she smiled back and nodded, "Yeah.. I think I can.."

MinWoo peeked over at her paper. "What are you running for in Student Body?"

"Vice President," she looked into his eyes as she answered.

"Really? I'll vote for you!" he smiled and hugged her as he exclaimed, "Good luck!"

"Thanks!" she hugged back before letting go. MinWoo shot her a thumbs up before running to DongWoo.

JaeMin chose Dance and Orchestra and went back into the classroom to wait for everyone else. He sat there by himself to avoid people.

Jay chose Student Body and Rock Band. JiYong came over and took the paper from Jay. "Hmm?" JiYong mused, "Student Body? Like all that Student council stuff? What are you running for?"

"President," Jay replied, "Why? What did you join?"

"Really? Good luck!" JiYong casually said, handing the paper back. "Just some sports clubs and Performing Arts. YoungBae joined Choir. We should probably get going."

The class gathered back in the art room before the bell where they were dismissed. Class-F walked to Dorm III, and they all went to their rooms. They all did the contracts and other assignments that were necessary for the next day before retiring for the night.

Hey... late update.. I had this done, but I went to the hospital..
Yeah so that track meet I talked about, during the mile some girl tripped me purposely and didn't get fouled. That's how I broke my leg. They were no joke xP they even cleeted my friend's foot before the mile relay. And it was also very freezing.

I can't promise all chapters will be like this... and yeah it took a while. Word deleted everything, too :p

By the way, since I'll try not to write in First person, choose a color for your thoughts. I just chose that randomly now..

Sorry if your character is out of character. Give me tips to revise? hehe... Also sorry if it's confusing, just ask me anything if you're confused~

By the way, do you want teachers to switch or students? Cause it wouldn't change it anyway, but my friends and cousins in Korea said that the teachers switch but sometimes don't depending on the school...

Also, can you guess any crossdressers so far? Or lovelines? lol that DongWoo, MinWoo, DongJun, JiHee love rectangle is so obvious but idgaf~~~ And JaeMin's daddy drama.. also I have some Biuals/Homouals, so you could guess those too...

Oh yeah! Guess who's missing? Lol exchange student. *hint hint*
BY THE WAY. The school's name means Scholarship Highschool School, but when abbreviated, it's Failure school.
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m0zarts0nata-- #1
You might find me a scary reader..but yeah..
xenosfive422 #2
@MrBoogie fo sho. 6th grade O-O LOL 108 pacers xD yes Dongwoo is.<br />
<br />
@melonhyun ikr xD haha me gusta also xD OMG YES. FRICKIN BIW DOWN TO ALL ROOKIES THEY ARE SKJALDDBD. I. CAN'T.<br />
<br />
@ImSiwanSaranghae haha yeah. OTL also. I haven't studied at all~~~ LOL yes. excuse me for not able to do speaking the good. he prefers Joshua now. but I still call him JiWoon~ and he still calls me JiYeon~~ lol yes.<br />
<br />
@Jayywalkers haha yes. smarty . yes freaking ninja. Aerin and JaeMin can do missions together. I'm sure it did xD<br />
<br />
@SolidWorthSungMin haha you'll see~~ haha he won't :)) haha ok~<br />
<br />
@KwangHeeGeneration JiWoon won't listen to you~~ he's too busy taking care of work and me and my little brother~~! keke
KwangHeeGeneration #3
I like L.Joe's family lol<br />
haha I do think DongWoo is getting dumb xD (but not really cause I <3 him)<br />
haha so that's what Infinite's up to~<br />
lol don't strain yourself in updating D:< THEM TESTS ARE COMING SO STUDY. I WILL CALL YOUR JIWOON-OPPA AND MAKE HIM MAKE YOU STUDY. NOW. lol teehee have fun~~
SolidWorthSungMin #4
SungJong is gonna join Infinite? O-o ho snap he better not leave SeungHyeon<br />
haha unnie you're so good *<>*<br />
I have to go on hiatus for a while -___- so yeah~~ lol so don't get mad if i don't comment ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Jayywalkers #5
L. Joe xD HAHA TaeYang is so smart<br />
and lol JaeMin is a ninja<br />
lol DongWoo and MinWoo I hope his sweat smelled appealing
ImSiwansaranghae #6
so busy. haha they're like university students (OTL)<br />
lol I remember coauthoring WGM with you and you'd be like, "Daebak. English. TELL. ME. NOW."<br />
xD<br />
haha yeah and in middle school you'd be all F.O.B. on me and i'd say, this is America speak English. then you told JiWoon and he got mad at me D: lolol<br />
long chapter= yay xD
melonhyun #7
lol SungJong must be like WTF<br />
lol busy busy<br />
L. Joe's totally gay for his Hyeon<br />
lol pants L? me gusta xD<br />
Haha, how accurate. lol remember in junior high, I set the record for extreme pacers. lol good times. i was like.. 12?<br />
lol DongWoo is getting more dumb by the day xD<br />
xenosfive422 #9
@maknaelove haha thanks ^^ haha trying to work on it now, but it's like writers block at 4AM lol
ROFL! I love iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. ^______________^<br />
It was really hilarious :D<br />