Ch.02- I hate him!

You and Me...Again?!?

"But I.."

"NOW!!" said Mr.Kang.

   1Maldo      andwae!   Now I 'm in conselling room,and Mrs.Hwang--one of the annoying teacher from my campus-- has already wait. I really want to get out from this damn room and go back to art class explain what happens and maybe I can get teacher's trust like before. However this all is that   2namja  's fault. And talk about that boy, now he's already in this room with looked down head. Aish. He's fooller than I thought. It proven with he still chased even if he has run like that.

"So Miss Lee can you tell me the truth?" Mrs. Hwang's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Ne. That's simple. It just an accident and everybody makes missunderstanding by saying things that they don't know exactly," I try to defense oneself.

" Really? then tell me the cronologies," she asked. Geez, she won't make this easy,right?

"He fallen when I pass them and that's happen. His..lips head hit my head. We didn't even know each other. So can I go back to art class. I'm very busy, Hwang seongsaengnim," I said as fast as I could.

" So you want to tell that you two kissed becaused of accidental meeting. That's all happen just an accident?"

"Yes. That's just an accident. I've told you,haven't I? And I think I have fix this missunderstanding,right? So can I go back now?" I've becaome impatient.

" I afraid you can't Ms.Lee.First,because I dislike your diction. And second, I haven't decide your punishment," Hwang seongsaengnim seems like' I will kill whoever violate my rule'-- and it pisses me off.

"Why? I don't use   3banmal  . And I still speak use  formal language," I replied her.

"Mwo?! How dare you! Is this the way you talk to older people?! Called Mr.Kang and take them to a detention room" Mrs.Hwang shout and looked fit to burst, but quickly dissapear and change with annoying smirk, she continued,"Why you still here? You want get out from this room,won't you?"

"But I don't do something wrong.."

"Mwo?You can still say that?4Jeongmal. Increasingly the punishment 2 times!"

"Mwo?! You can't do this.."

"Really? 4 times!" then she said it with louder voice.

"5Mwo ya?!?"

"6 times!"


Before I finished, suddenly his hand already closed my mouth and he drag me out the room. I rebelled and then shout.

"Ya!! 6Mwohaneungeoya?"

"Are you stupid? If you continued shout like that, she will increasingly the punishment!" then he replied.

"I know, but I don't care! This is my problem, so what?" I not want  to lose.

"Because my punishment will increased too!" and now he looks confused.

Damn it! He's right!

"But what I care about?"

[Donghae POV-- point of view]

Do You know what am I thinking right now? What the hell??! I just hit a girl and it turns into a nightmare. There are only two reasons: First, I hit a wrong girl and second, the girl is dangerous!

I think let my self be caught and slow down time will solve the problem, and suddenly that girl entering the room with a scary face and make Mrs. Hwang changed her mind.

And now she told me,"But what I care about?"

So I replied her, "However you can't kill me by this way!"

That girl replied me with giggle,"Kill you, eh? How?"

"Because we do punishment together!"I replied  her with sharp words, make her smile disappeared. Is she want to kill me?

[Eana POV]

I swear I'll kill him! A while ago I think he’s different. But I’m wrong..

                I stand in front of old brown door  that writed’Detension Room’, so I enter the room and..ugh, this room is so dirty and dusty. And it’s mean..

                “ Are we must clearing this room?” that boy asked me.

                “ Not we, but you,” I replied.

                “ Mwo? Me? Wae?” he asked with confused face.

                “Because this all is your fault. You drag me into this problem,so you must fix it. Take responsibility,”

                “What are talking about? Everything will be okay if you don’t enter counseling room and make some noise,” he said.

                “Mwo? So this all is my fault? You are the first that start this problem,aren’t you?” I think I was getting angry.

                “Yeah, whatever. You think you’re right,don’t you? I’ve hit wrong girl,” he said it with don’t care face , but I can feel he was getting angry like me. Yep. Now just calculate 1..2..3.. and he will give me eyes full of hate.You would think that I’m weird because I hope people hate me. That means you haven’t know me and you will never know me well as I know myself. Yeah this me, the real me. Not purpose to arrogant, but everything that I plan always happen and my life always been good. And I enter this college because of scholarship. I don’t someone at all,I can stand alone.But..

                Suddenly that boy smiled at me after staring long enough. What is that mean? Is he laughing at me? I don’t know...

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