I'm sorry

Unwanted happenings.



“Yah! Where are we going?” Jaejoong asked as he tightened his grip around Yunho’s waist afraid that if he ever tried to slip a hand away then goodbye dear life, heck Yunho was like racing beyond the speed limit. It was a good thing they were in the hillside, not that much of polices and cars passing by.


‘Stupid drag racer’ Jaejoong mumbled as the motorcycle bounced a bit as it hit a small rock.


Yunho chuckled to himself because of his boyfriends’ cuteness. “Oh, you’ll know…” he said a little muffled because of the helmet protecting his head.


“Oh come one, you just have to tell me, and would you please for God’s sake and mine, of course, ING SLOW DOWN!” Jaejoong shouted as he pinched  Yunho’s stomach earning him a loud yelp from Yunho.


“Yah, don’t do that, we might get in an accident.” Yunho said, he tried to look at Jaejoong but was harshly slapped with a loud ‘look at the darn road, Yunho’ line.


“Yeah, yeah, you’re like on 200 you mo- OHMAYGAWD!!! Truck truck ing truck!!!!” Jaejoong screamed for their life as a speeding truck almost hit them bumper to motor, wow now that would totally kill them.


“Wow, that was close.” Yunho sighed.


“You almost killed us Jung! How dare you do that! And I don’t want to die just yet when we just got engaged like hmm let see, a few hours ago!” Jaejoong continued rumbling as he quacked about Yunho’s stupidity and carelessness. Yunho who is already used to Jaejoong (which he totally loves about him) slowly tried to slow down, which was totally not happening, he again tried to step on the breaks but it wasnt freaking working. Damn it. 'WHY NOW?!'


“Hey something wrong? Why aren’t you talking?” Jaejoong asked as he tried to peak at what Yunho was doing, but because of Yunho’s red helmet which was totally blocking his sight of anything else but a big I LOVE KIM JAEJOONG with a heart pasted at the back of it.


He smiled as he remembered the time when he first met, Yunho. It was two years ago when  he saw him in a motor race competition, he was wearing black and he was waving to all of his fans, thanking them for their love and support and for him yet winning another- joong. The heck?


“Yah! Kim Jaejoong?! Jaejoong! Jaejoong! Jaejoong!!!” Yunho called out repeatedly.


“What! You just broke my reminiscing moments.” Jaejoong pouted, and he didn’t even get to remember the part on how they met. “What do you want?”


“Can you please take off my helmet?” He asked out of the blue.


“Why?” Jaejoong asked a little taken a back. Why remove his helmet? It was his favorite.


“Just please take it off.” Yunho pleaded with much more sugary and cuteness in his tone.


“Okay, but don’t blame me if you have an accident or die.” Jaejoong joked as he unbuckled Yunho’s safety helmet.


“Yah, stop joking; now I want you to say that you love me.” Yunho said seriously.


“And if you got in a- What?!”  Jaejoong asked taken aback once again, Wow isn’t this not so Yunho. “Did you ate something weird back in the engagement party? Did Changmin feed you distorted kimchi-jiggae again? I’ll kill that boy!”


“No I and he didn’t, I just want you to say you love me.” He smiled as he let go of the handle just for a second to hold Jaejoong’s hand and caressed the diamond ring for a second then immediately went back to steering.


“Why? It’s embarrassing.” Jaejoong blushed. “I just did it in front of your fans and our friends. You know I’m not use to doing it.” Jaejoong pouted as he remembered the embarrassing moment when he almost fainted as he tried to declare his undying love for his Yunnie-bear.


“Aww, then I’m just gonna increase the speed if you won’t say it.” Yunho threatened.


“Okay, then I love you, Yunnie~” Jaejoong smiled cutely.


“Yey!” Yunho smiled like a puppy. “Now I want you to kiss me.”


“Haha, sure, I will kiss you. How can I ing kiss you when I’m ing sitting here at the back?!” Jaejoong asked hysterically. “You want us to die?”


“Please, Joongie, Yunnie wants a kiss.” Yunho pouted as he gripped on the handle tighter.


“Hmph, just because you did your cute pout, you know I can’t resist that.” Jaejoong oblige as he slowly stood up and pecked Yunho is the lips. “There, are you happy.”


“Yes! Now wear my helmet.” Yunho ordered.


“What? Why are you so bossy?” Jaejoong complained but complied otherwise.


“Thank you.” Yunho smiled, a little shade of relied towering over his heart. Now he’s sure about Jaejoong.


“Yeah, yeah. Your helmet smells good, Yunnie. It smells just like you.” Jaejoong smiled from inside the helmet. He really did like Yunho’s smell, the mixture of his minty shampoo, his sweat and his manliness. Just the right formula for the greatest and most lovable scent he had ever smelled.


“Haha, of course you do. Now I want you to listen carefully.”


“Hai!” Jaejoong smiled as he hugged Yunho tighter. Yunho then bit his lips hard trying hard to pry of the tears tempting to fall from his eyes. It was a good thing, Jaejoong couldn’t see him.


“Listen okay, I’ll only repeat this once.”  


“Hai, I’m all ears.”


“I’m so happy that it’s you Jaejoong, not anybody else. You are my everything Jaejoong-ah. I love you with all my being and all my heart. I wish that you would live happily, even if there will be times when we won’t be together anymore, if there will become a time where destiny wouldn’t like us and separate us forever. I just want you to know, that everything I do, I had, have and will have you in my mind.” He bit his lips as he felt the first drop of tears trace down along his cheek.


“You’re my sole purpose and you are me. Without you, there wouldn’t be me who was standing in front of everyone back there. You made me who I am. I will keep in mind you kisses, your words and your touches. I’ll keep in memory your presence and the love you gave me in the 2 years we had been together. Just remember that whatever happens, I’ll keep on loving you no matter what society or even the heavens thinks. I love you Kim Jaejoong. So , so much.”


I love you too, Yunnie, more than you can imagine.” Jaejoong leaned closer as he felt the tears streaming down his eyes. He doesn’t know why but he had a feeling that somewhere inside Yunho’s words, he’s trying to tell him something, but what is it?


I’m sorry.”  Yunho bit his lips as he tried to swallow the whimper trying to escape his lips. Tears flooded his cheeks as his eyes started to blur out of water. He closed it for a while and smiled at himself, he should at least savor his time with Jaejoong.


I’ll miss you Yunnie-yah.”




Heart breaking news:


A motorcycle with two passengers got into a terrible accident. The driver who was clarified as the famous Jung Yunho died on the spot, but with some kind of miracle, the back rider who was claimed to be Kim Jaejoong his Fiance lived. Right now, Kim-shi is taken away for hospital reasons.


The police said that it was the loosening of the breaks that caused this dreadful accident and thanks to the helmet the other was wearing he was still alive. If only the driver was not careless enough to wear his helmet then he should have lived.




Not that they know.



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naoplume #1
why did i think I have read this story before? (or the same plot with different chara name) but it is still nice, too bad yunho died..
yoochunyeobu #2
Why is this ing happening to my lovely yunjae?!! *sob hardly* yunyun y you must die?? Don't you poor ur jaejae? *sniff* *sniff* i hate that damn breaks!! Yunyun know there's nothing he can do to save himself so he make decision to save his jaejae TT^TT btw, this story is great can u make sequal? *puppy eyes*
wishyy #3
you know what this story is totally screw for making me cried in the middle of night ><

*sob sob* i dont want yunnie to die *sob sob* i dont jaejoong to sad when they just engage:(
should have stop half way through when i like some how read a similar chain before*pout*
CinqLuna #4
T^T this is so sad! *blow nose*

Yunnie knew they will die if he didn't take an action but he.. waaaa
this is daebak
OMG..this is so touchy..T-T
grutugomuk #6
yunho..............~ T_______T
CinqLuna #7
ahhh this story... I once read this. but yah it's sad..
*gonna comments more later*
*skip to class*
why did they die?
did yunho purposely do it?
hey, i think i know the story. i got the similar kind of chain message too!! can't wait to read the story..