Yaegwoon's Choice!

Soulmate's Bowl ♥ Ramyun Shop {Apply Open}


Lim Yaegwoon


Look over the menu for the moment

{{So you're the brilliant writer, huh?}}: Nikki

                                         Let's start you off with a drink!

{{So they call me}}: Lim Yaegwoon

{{Some also call me}}: Teddy | Woonsinator | Grandfather | 

{{I guess it's because}}: Teddy was always a pet name between Yaegwoon's family. His cuddling nature and inviting appearance coaxed out such a nickname; and the only one who calls him that now is his elder sister Lim Eorie. The Woonsinator was for his rare but also frightening side he develops when he's angered; he was called by this a lot in school because he didn't allow himself to be bullied. He was most likely the one to end the fight if you started it---even if he started it he'd finish it. Grandfather is what people think of him at Bowl of Fortunes; especially the workers who have gotten close to him. This is yet another side to him other than his inviting warming nature; and the low toleration for insults----he can be seen taking care of his workers and customers very well; and he comes up with most of the messages for the Message in a bowl ramyun meal. 

{{Don't forget to get me a present on…}}: 19

{{Beautiful mixture}}: half Japanese half Korean

                                          Can I get you an appetizer?


Paper airplanes


Solving things



Homemade food

Health Inspection

{{Je n'aime pas}}: 

Hot Chocolate | one would wonder 'what is wrong with you?'. But it's just not his cup of tea ; he doesn't like its super sweet taste; and mostly sticks to light teas and sugarless coffee.

Super sweet treats | he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth; and the pastry bar was a new additional to the shop.

Gangs | he doesn't like what they do; but he understands and empathizes with them; an example of this would be his two gang workers.

Food poisoning | with the two similar deaths of his parents he just doesn't like the daunting feeling and realization of losing people he cares for---thats why he takes extra precautions with food. To avoid food poisoning.

Cheaters | often with the serendipity bowls some customers will try to replicate the noodles; and that pisses him off---but they can't copy it that well; since he hand makes all his. As well as he inspects them before allowing the 'lucky' customer to do something with an employee.


Saying 'excuse you' to people who burp without remembering to say it | not a very good habit; often seen as rude but his sister has imprinted this into him as he had done the same at his younger ages. So now it's natural for him to say it to others.

Nagging people to death | not literally; but he can talk----and often lectures people

Perfecting everything; this is more a tendency of his; he will not stop until everything is perfect in his eyes


~Has never lost a game of soccer in his life {so far}

~Has learned some noodle tricks from Japanese ramen makers during a trip out there

~A fortuneteller once told him he was searching for something that was impossible

~Can play Blackjacks like a pro

~Wants to learn some type of defensive fighting skill

~Has a crooked spine; he was just born that way; it can't be physically seen---and he doesn't let that defect deter him in all things he does

~Wished to have a pet baby tiger when he was little

~Has a cat named Mr.Fluffles---note he didn't come up with the name

~Scared of birds

~Wants to look deeper into the food poisoning fiasco's that resulted in the death of both his parents

~Wants to believe love is true; Rina tells him love is the only magic people can have

~Secretly likes watching disney movies

~Plays like a kid on the playground {you know you're too old for it boy}

~He visits an orphanage often and brings them things---it helps him get himself back on track when he feels like he's stepped out of line or lost sight of the right things in his path.

~Hates classical music; how could he?!

~Thinks girls are precious and must be treated well; even though the twins have no correlation to his initial thoughts of females {narrow-minded}

~Likes female rap artists; he likes the strong images they can pull off--although they aren't his ideal girls.

~Some people, like Da hui believe that Bowl of Fortunes has a curse over any owner who takes over; as the pattern has shown each is killed off by food poisoning. But then again he doesn't' believe in superstitions nor ghosts and curses---he is driven to prove all ethereal speculations wrong.

                                                                     Ready to Order?

{{Lets get to meat of the bowl!}}: 

{Witty as sharp as a knife} From a very young age he'd been brilliant and exceptionally curious. He's no scientist or super genius; but he's not average either. He often had a flaw in school; he'd never do any of his assignments and homework but ace all of his test----though test alone could not help his grade surpass C's and B's. He enjoys a good riddle or puzzle and can solve a rubix cube in 1 minute and 12 seconds; he's gradually getting faster with it. Math is a subject though---that he positively hates. It may be because the series of steps for equations or his little patience and bad handwriting; that makes this subject nerve wracking. But then again he always feels better when he gets the desired and complete answer for the equations and formulas. And one thing that puzzles him is the death of his parents; currently he is still trying to work out the details---he almost feels as though it couldn't have been his parents fault for the same occurrence twice---he's very skeptical.

{Someone with consideration} Imagination is the key to his world. He transformed a slowly dying and withering ramyun shop into a modern attraction. He understood the importance of his mother's ramyun shop and against his sister's doubts and the plot for selling it off---he was able to do the extraordinary. Yaegwoon watches closely to other people's feelings and thinks 'what would so and so want?' as he did with his mother. He thought that his mother would want the shop still opened.With reassurance for his sister he was able to show her he could indeed manage a ramyun business at his age. And he didn't bother changing the name of the the ramyun shop in remembrance of his mother and father.

{Don't push me} Like all people out there Yaegwoon has his limits. Exceeding his low tolerance, testing his patience and pulling on his nerves will result in him bursting out in a flurry of anger. He tries to hold his temper well, but if you consistently drive him towards a wall---the repercussions to be faced are all the more deserved. It's very easy to upset him; he is rather borderline between an impatient and patient person. He developed this side when people remarked badly of his Japanese mother; they'd call him names that he couldn't handle---and from then on he just can't take insults well; let alone critiques. He'll blow up in rage if anyone says anything insulting to his family or friends; he'd even get angry if someone said something crude about his 'inconsiderate' sister.

{Perfectionist} With critiques he can't handle them well because he believes that when it comes to the Rmayun restaurant he gives 100% in all its transactions and faucets for customer's health and entertainment. He thinks it's design was brilliant; his co-manager works hard with him---and he can't except anyone trying to say otherwise. Yaegwoon may have an obsession with perfection; he makes sure that all products are well and cleansed well; the kitchen and the restaurant must be spotless at all times---but maybe it's from the burden of a stressed business owner and Bowl of Fortune

{Mastermind behind the dreams} Always in utter fascination with turning dreams into reality; he'd always enjoyed reading the fortunes on the noodles in his bowls when he was a child. So when he came up with his own ideas he'd show his mother and she'd tell him that one day when he has his own ramyun shop he could do as he pleased with all the ideas he had. He did just as she said; though he had the decency to keep the name his mother thought of---almost in tribute to her. Yaegwoon wants nothing more than to keep the ramyun shop open for years to come and cease all speculations and frightening news it had---centering around food poisoning in the past. With the development of serendipity bowls----and now the soulmate's bowl there is no doubt that he has quite an imagination and a head full of unchained dreams.

{A child at heart; with innocence dormant} As said before on a playground he becomes a child himself. Eversince taking the ramyun business into his own hands at 17 enjoying any last childhood and the luxury of being taken care of---faded. He became a business owner which meant he would have to provide himself with things he wanted and needed. He had no mentors except for the usual janitor for the business---Halmonee(grandma) Da ui.  Da ui was rather negative towards his efforts saying that this place could never recover; or that she feared that the place might be cursed. But when given the chance to do childish things he takes advantage of them; his free time consists of having fun---he has even bought some board games; and a psp.

{Logically and Emotionally split} He is always trying to think rationally and has doubted love a bit. Love is pain; in his eyes. But he doesn't agree that love is just a connection----it has to be more. As he tries to balance scientific and humanistic ideas; he himself is torn between the signs of love and attraction. He's very clear on who he likes; he just isn't sure if he could ever give her as much affection and love she deserves. As well as he is still trying to perfect his own flaws; he doesn't want to be with a girl who feels like his personality is all over the place---because it is. Can logic and emotion coincide in a restless, business man such as himself?


{{And all the other ingredients}}!: 

{Bowl of Fortunes---the whole story}

As far back as he can remember; Yaegwoon's six years on the earth were the best days of his life. At school he had done his best in his subjects eager for the soccer game that afternoon. His father said he'd get off early just to come while his sister and mother were there watching him score amazing shots past the goalie. His father never showed up. His father had done as he has said; he was leaving while carrying cups of ramyun to congratulate his son; he even prepared a cake for the boy. Though Yaegwoon never received them for the case in his father's hands smashed into the tiles of the kitchen before he could even make it towards the back door. It was Da hui who found him there where apparently the last thing in his system was poisoned noodles; the poison had quickly threaded through him like a flashflood. Da Hui took him to the hospital and called over the remainders of the family of four---his mother, sister, and Yaegwoon. That was the saddest day and a turn in Yaegwoon's whole being. He began to drop from a studious child into one who had much more important things to do other than study hard. And the business now rested on his mother's shoulders. His mother changed the name of the business to implement her own ramyun ideal----the same idea her husband Lim Hong yim; was faintly grazing over in experiments. She did it in remembrance of her remarkable husband; and formulated his desired wish for a new noodle; the fortune noodle hence the name Bowl of Fortunes. Although she was a hard and precautious owner who believed that her husband may've not cleaned the utensils well ending up the noodles for his bowl becoming infected with a fast-killing food poisoning. She made sure everything was clean as far as her children and workers could tell. Then upon the age when her son was 16 {nearly 17; about a week away from his b'day} and her daughter turned 18---she was the final to kill over and die. The only explanation some could conclude was that she had used rotted or half cooked poultry…but Yaegwoon didn't believe that crap. These explanations for food poisoning deaths seemed half-baked and hardly scientifically explained enough. The male had gone through enough tears in his life by then; and that was just the breaking point. For seven brutal months the customers where frightful of the shop and stopped coming fearing they too might experience this strange food poisoning. Bowl of Fortunes went under; dropping. It was between the siblings what would happen to the ramyun shop===well it was more like it was Eorie's responsibility but with persistence----Yaegwoon convinced her not to sell the shop. He convinced her to allow him to take it over; she succumbed and told him that if it didn't pick up in two months tops---she'd sell it to whoever wanted the most for it. It could sell; it had a good location next to both a university and high school as well as the flash of hard working businesses and construction sites---Bowl of Fortunes would be a good investment. Yaegwoon built up the restaurant from it's demeaning and scary accursed aura; and impression on people into a colorful and inviting place with the help of his friends; and Da ui. Then he inserted his own ideas as his mother had did when she took over; but he didn't change the name---he wanted it to be memorable. Yaegwoon's shop received attention because of the attractiveness of workers and the development of Serendipity bowls. People risked it; and saw that it was safer---but it's mostly teens who come in; those who are older and remember both deaths of the previous managers---jeer at the thought and leave the place alone. He's always creating new noodles and taking safety precautions seriously----like ten fold of his parents. He won't make their mistakes; after all he wants it to be open till' the end of time. His sister came back from her business work at a linguistics job that dropped her from many hospitals and other places. She was flabbergasted at the sight of the bustling shop; handsome guys and beautiful girls at every table. He'd done the unimaginable; not alone of course----but he proved her doubts wrong. She though currently wants to prevent anything from happening to him and has also started to investigate the deaths of their parents in detail.

{{I'm on my lunch break}}: Other than being the manager of Bowl of Fortunes; he is a college campus student currently trying to get a higher degree in CEO and business. He would like to start a franchise and collection of businesses; though Bowl of Fortunes will always be his prime and only.

{{Have you been here before?}}: Of course he eats at his own restaurant; and enjoys to proof his own recipes as well as the ones that Seung Ho creates. He hasn't gotten a serendipity bowl yet; he'd be unsure of who to choose which employee he'd like to get even closer to even though their all like kinsmen to him now :D.

{{So I think I want the}}: [this is just an example he won't actually be one of the five chosen :D]

Cupid's Arrow Ramyun Bowl {o}

Fairytales Exist Ramyun Bowl {}

Message in a bowl Ramyun Bowl {}

Of Fantasma Spezia  Ramyun Bowl{x}

Rainbow Clippings Ramyun Bowl{}


                                                 Oh? Will other's be joining you?

{{The people I grew up with}}: 

Lim Hong yim | 34 | deceased-Father | important

Hong him was the original owner of the ramyun shop but his was called To you from love. He was always interested in ramyun; and at the young age of 20 invested himself at the shop soon being handed over the shop from it's previous owner. He loved his children very much always encouraging to do their best in all they did. Though he could not live to see them grow older as much as he'd hope.

Lim Na seol | 49 | deceased-Mother | important

Mother over Eorie and Yaegwoon; wife to Hong yim----she was next in line to be the owner. As far as Yaegwoon could remember unlike other parents his mother wasn't very big on A+'s. Yes they made her happy to see; but as long as he passed she couldn't have cared that much. With the death of her husband she had to keep his lifes love---running; and she did up until her identical death. She cared deeply for her children as a mother should; and she was thankful Da ui was there with her.

Lim Eorie | 21 | sister | very important

She is one of the last living of the Lim's and she in Yaegwoon's eyes is selfish. He was appalled by her attempting to even sell of a family business; a place where both their parent's souls and passions were tied to---the only memory they had left of their parents. Not to mention that she hadn't given a second thought to the memories the place held; and how much it must've meant to their parents. Eorie herself never was like the rest of the family; she took pleasure in the world---learning languages as if taking a simple breath of air. She has become a linguistics; knowing over three languages and still learning more. She isn't as heartless as Yaegwoon makes her out to be; she may be more rational then him on the contrary and quite the overachiever. But aside from differences; the two have a common goal where they want to figure out what exactly happened to their parents----it's almost impossible for two people to die merely the same way. But maybe they're just overanalyzing and are in denial---good luck telling them that though.

Lim Mr.Fluffles | ???| pet | important

Mr. Fluffles is a rescued fluff ball; often Yaegwoon finds him to be rather a stuck-kitty. His name was curtesy to the name of an orphanage child when they asked Yaegwoon to take him next time he came back. Yaegwoon finds that Mr.Fluffles is lazy; flirts with other cats; thinks that he is the stuff---and he is few cats to 'whine' as Yaegwoon calls it for things that he wants. For example Mr.Fluffles was listening to a song by an american artist and got rather angry when Yaegwoon proceeded to change the station; so he whined which is his series of high-pitched purrs. Yaegwoon regards Mr.Fluffles as more of another person---I mean the creature likes to eat sushi; and steals the meat out of Yaegwoon's ramyun bowls; knowing Yaegwoon would never hit him. Just---a smart cat.

{{Meet my crew}}: 

Huang Deori | 18 | bestie | co-manager/patissere | Solbites

Not your average girl; and above all she's Yaegwoon's best friend. She was the one to suggest the very idea of the pastry shop. And she was the one who met Jang hyun and offered him to the Ramyun shop. She herself has always been fascinated with food and hopes one day to major as a famed patisserie. She knows how to decorate anything into an appealing style; food-wise that is. She collaborates with Yaegwoon and they improve thoughts---such as the Serendipity bowls. She's also quite good at cooking and has always been at Yaegwoon's side in all their endeavors. When he's mad she is only one of few who can calm him down. And other than that she is quite inviting and picks gangsters off the streets. She can clear up misunderstandings and has always been supportive---this girl is practically family. He see's her as a sister----no one can say anything bad about her or they'll be answering to him.

Ohashi Rina | 19 | bestie | table buster/fashion designer

Rina is of course their wonderful friend from childhood. Her parents actually own a hair salon down the street that also serves a collection of beauty products. She found the ramyun shop upon a few days after the business opened. Rina was starving and walked in to only become enchanted by noodles and soups. Back then they didn't quite have the pastry bar yet---so they were just all seasoned and flavorful ramyun bowls. She befriended their children---and since then they've been friends. Rina is always smiling and out-going; it's one of the good parts to her. She stuck by the siblings and even offers discount hair appointments for the two. Currently she is a table-buster setting and buffing tables; but even that simple job is fine with her---there is not much to worry over. Other than table busting she works part-time at an MCM store; she leans more towards fashion and is a college student like most of the employees. She mentors the young teenage newbies all the times; and has a way with words----able to convince people to come to the Ramyun shop. 

AmiAya Twins | 18 | besties | delivery girls

Growing up in an orphanage all their life they met Yaegwoon on the playground. These girls were brutal and played with the boys---they have changed much since kindergarten. They both have sharp tongues and are rather confrontational---they have amusing attitudes---which is why no one says much to them----if its offensive. He calls them his little Nicki minaj's for their wild harujuku style, tough but girlish styles; and of course the eye-catching hair they rock every week or so. They usually are never far apart from the other---they still have to learn how to live independently as they rely on each other immensely. With Yaegwoon they're sweet on him because they understand why he acts like so; for his past and how he copes with it. They don't a lot and listen to him---unless he lectures them; then they work his nerves to get him off their back. No one can tell the differences between the two yet except for super-fans and of course Yaegwoon and their other circle of employees. The twins flirt like there is no tomorrow; it's they're favored things to do---they are very open to Serendipity Bowl rewards.

Friends = Other Employees


{{Um, you can't sit here}}: 

Shim Binwoo | 30 | Food Critique/ Health Inspector

Hate. Him. Yaegwoon has never liked Binwoo for the fact that Binwoo is rather harsh with critiques never admitting the deliciousness of any dishes served to him----or so do the employees believe. He wears a blatant face and has come frequently every month to check the healthiness of the business. He himself is unsure of why it's still standing; and not been closed. He has mentioned before he hopes for the closure of the place----which is makes Yaegwoon's skin broil. He even goes far as to tell customers (mostly unknowing students and young adults) the 'curse' of the place in hopes of scaring them away.


{{So nice to see you!}} n/a {seems not even managers can have love lifes?}

{{What are you doing here?}} n/a {shame}


 Here's your order! Does everything look good?

{{My face}}: Kim Hui Dae


{{Can't bite my swag}}: 

For his tastes regarding clothing; Yaegwoon is very much into rather presentable and preppy attires; always lugging around a bag of some kind. He alternates his hair color from black and blonde; black being the most and usual dye seen. During winter he can be seen wearing thick scarves that mask his nose; and he ALWAYS wears comfortable sneakers; brands he likes are usually are MCM, nikes, high tops and adidas. He doesn't mind the occasional beanie, or even caps. Summer time he'll wear long shorts; and skinny jeans; rarely will one see him sporting any type of sandal unless he's going to the beach or something. What he mostly carries in his bags are a ramyun cup and soda; a little journal for new recipe ideas and any thoughts he has; as well as extra clothes and a wallet.


                                                 Can I interest you in a dessert?

{{So this is what an angel looks like?!}}: 

Rina Ohashi | 19 | Table Buster/ Fashion Designer


{{SHISUS CHRIST there goes another one!}}: 

Thandie Rozette | 18 | Local College student/ food-taster

Thandie if but anything is something fresh in sights. She lives next door to Yaegwoon and often tastes new concotions and things for him. She's only available during the upcoming summers; and is also much to his dismay the exotic magnet. Thandie is known to be rather cut-throat with cheaters and any harsh person to enter during the heated days of summer. She is best friends with AmiAya and Kim Sun kuk. He thinks that she's gorgeous; and fun-filled. She is more careless well except when it comes to school work and of course her friends.  She is a regular customer; and always promoting people to go to Bowl of Fortunes. Thandie is sweet with him

{{Our little story}}: 

Rina would be many's ideal. Or so Yaegwoon believes. And from their childhood he found more to like about her and saw even her flaws made her all the better person. He enjoys her interest in fashion; usually she'll coordinate outfits to wear---in fact she was the one to come up with the employee uniforms; and many lines of clothing's at her parents store Blue Ringlets. Rina and him met in particular when she was waiting outside early one day for the shop to open. During the weekends Bowl of Fortunes opened up rather later; and it was alway's Yaegwoon's dreaded duty to wash the windows and sweep off the entrance in. As his sister would have to clean up the outside tables. So he'd talked with the jubilant Rina who poured to him all about her life from Japan to Ulsan. She wasn't shy back then; and hasn't been since then. Maybe he's also interested in her because she's a die-hard romantic and her whole persona---is something he wished he could be alike in some ways. Such as friendly and open; more careless about logic---and rather what one feels. He convinces himself he wouldn't be the right one for her---when he needn't degrade himself like that---he just doesn't see that it could be possible---if he tried.


                                                                  Are you leaving so soon?

{{If I were the lucky person…}}

 If you were to put him in the contest; he'd probably choose Rina. He's always admired her from afar; and also right by her side. He's positive he may be close to being friend-zoned. If he were more riskier when it came to people; he believes he could maybe tell Rina his feelings. But for the time being---he would like nothing more than to take Rina to his favorite place---invite her more to his world; and eat a small dinner {that the employees would probably help make}.

                                Thanks for coming! Please come back again!

You got something to say?!: I don't know what do you guys think?

And any desired scenes?: Top secret info girlies xD

Favorite songs? Favorite phrases?:

Fav songs:

2ne1 Be mine

JRA thinking bout ya

Tori Kelly Thinking bout ya

Pink Nylon Gee

EXO K What is love

Lydia Paek Lotus flower bomb

Sherlock English cover





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employees :D


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Chapter 4: hey author i was wondering if i can change my ulzzang? and hope you'd update sooon ^.^
marilyn2pm #2
Hello!! I've applied as Moon Hyurin!

I definitely thought I should apply for this story since it's so unique.lol I hope you find your characters soon! I want to see the story start.haha
SapphireBlueGirl #3
Ah, this story is too amazing to not apply for.

Here is my application!
I really like the applicant page. Excited for reading about the new applicants that will come.
umm for my love interest, it was JR from nuest, Kim Jonghyun.. Park JinYoung was the ex.. LOLOL sorry for confusing you
finished with my application!! ^.^
applied as Park Min Hi
can't wait for more updates of the story and lemme know if i should change anything
This seems like a kick story! It's such a cool concept! I'd never been able to think up something like that. ^^; I'll definitely apply, but after I get some sleep. xD
LOL the applicant chapter is reallly cute ^.^