My bestfriend's challenged.

Solving the mathematics problem.(One-Shot)

"Yah Jongie! Wait for me!" You chased him all the way and shouted through his name. "Yah! Wait for me!" Suddenly he stopped his stepped and it makes you bumped his back. "Whoop!" He chukled and ruffled your hair. As he slowly walked to the cafeteria as long as you followed him behind.

"Oh my gosh, I don't know they're going to looking for me everytime. Seriously, I'm a human too." You pouted and Jongup just chuckled at your cute actions.

While chitchatting inside the cafeteria about random things, you decide to asked another random question to jongup.

As you sat across him and poke your foods. "Jongie?" He looked up and said, "Hmph?"

You asked, "Don't you feel tired by your 'fangirls' chasing you around and you going to running away from them everyday, not tired?" You looked through his bangs. "Don't you feel tired teaching all those student's 'mathematics' homework everyday, don't you?" You crossed your arms and turned your head to him.

"Ofcourse I am. Don't you see my eyebags under my eyes?See this." You point your forefinger to your eyebags and he just laughed softly. "So am I."

"Who ask you to be that smart?" He inquired you. "Well, gifted.We can't push it away." You replied arrogantly. He smirk and you continue eating your foods.

You excuses yourself from the cafeteria to go to the restroom.You was on your way toward the restroom when you saw daehyun walked along the hall way and you grow alarmed.You don't know what to do and just hide yourself behind the wall. As you took a glance toward his face, and you began melting.

*Oh my gosh! He's so handsome  and ... and good looking.No wonder why girls always swooned around him, including me.* You thought and quickly ran inside the restroom.

It tooks 30minutes for you to meet Jongup again. He began angry and you got scold from him.. a lot. You loved to hear his cute angry voice. "Why it took you so long to arrive here?" He angst by your late arriving and you just lowered your head in apologized."Well, I saw daehyun oppa awhile ago." You played with your forefingers together and curled it around.He changed the topic and said, "Come on now, before the bell ring." He grabbed your wrist and brought you back to the class.

After school, you and Jongup decide to go home later. Well, the motive is, if you go home that fast, what you get? Do homeworks and then nothing.So, that's why you guys wanted to have some talked with random things in the school.

"Miyeon-ah, why did you like daehyun that much?" Automatically your mind was imagining daehyun infront of your face and smiling like an idiot. "Because.. he's just perfect." Jongup can't make it understand so he asked once again. "Perfect like what?" You snapped from reality and crossed your arms beside your waist.

"How come you don't know?He's your friends after all.You must know him better than me." Jongup chuckled and patted your head.You stood up and sat far away from him. "Agioo, I'm kidding~ Don't take it serious." He sat near beside you and tried to comfort you. "You want oppa to kiss you, huh?" 

You widden your eyes and immediately shook your head. "I would kiss a pig rather than you." You said quickly without thinking twice. "Good then.. your first kiss may not be daehyun then." You pouted and looked away. 

"Anyway, nowadays.. I haven't give any challenge for you." You turned back and wiggled your eyebrows many times. "What is it?" You puffed your cheeks with your round eyes. He wrinkled his forehead and walked near to your side. "Solving mathematics problem, are you in or not?" You nodded eagerly and without hesitate you hugged him tightly.

Little didn't you know, Jongup's cheeks flushed red as you could imagine. You poked his cheeks and spoke, "Uwaaa! your cheeks are so HOT!" You make sure you've emphasized the last word. "Yah yah yah! Don't play with my cheeks!" He angst at you childish acted and decide to just shrugged it off. "Are you in or not?" Jongup asked once again. "Ofcourse I'm in!I miss your bet, oppa." You immediately saluted and straightened your body. "Yes bossy!"

He stood up and walked to the blackboard.You watched his every movement and don't even left your eyes on anything, but straight to Jongup. You watched he took the chalk and started to write the question. "And I got this from Youngjae smartass brain." He smile mischievously.

                            "1 28ve980"

"Is that even a word problems?" You inquired and looked repeatedly towards the question. Jongup nodded and sat beside you. "Ofcourse!" You copied the question and put it in your bag. "But, in one condition." You looked up at Jongup that plastered with evil grinned look. "What is it, oppa?" 

"Solve this problem in a week." He replied and you just nodded in arrogant. "Alright." You smile in response and you continue, "What if I didn't solve it after a week?What I get?" You tapped your chin in suspicious, "I get punishment?" Jongup shook his head and make his lips near to your left ear.You could still sense that his breath was on your neck and your ear.

"We will wait and see." He smirked and left you dumbfound. *Why is my heart pounding so fast?* you thought but the sudden thought disapeared in a second because you just remembered Jongup left you in the class just you only. You grow goosebump and immediately chased Jongup, again.

"Yah! I'm going to kill you, Moon Jongup!" You slung your bag onto your shoulder and ran as fast as you could and chased him.

You went home with Jongup accompanied you, ofcourse. "Bye Miyeon-ah~" He waved and you waved as an answered. "Bye oppa~" You open the door knob and closed it back.It's time for dinner and you ate with your familly peacefully, your brother ans sister cracked some jokes to make it not awkward.You father and your mother nonstop talking about Jongup's father business.

Well, you and him know each other seems you guys were young.You and him never left each other's back.Your father really close with Jongup's father.

So, after dinner and washed all the dishes, you decide to go upstair straight to your room and do the one jonggup called 'Challenge'.You continue on solving it.You've already use all of the method but it's all failed.

"Seriously, is this even a mathematics?" You groaned and check all the method you've used. "Square roots, check. Algebra, check, plus and minus, check. Oh yeah, calculation." (A/N: Mkay, I'm lazy to referred to my notes.Seriously, maths.. not my problems but they're the one who wanted the problems.)

You didn't realized that you've woke up until 3am in the morning already.You just realized when you was yawning and your eyes shifted to your clock that stick on the wall. "Omo! Ahhh! It's already late.Seriously, I'm going to kick your tomorrow, Moon Jongup.I promise!" You mumbled and gathered all your things including the question that Jongup gave and put it inside your bag.

As the sun shine through your sleepy face, you yawned and immediately groaned.You kept cursing Jongup's name when you walking or stepping on the ground nor the floor.

"Just wait and see, Moon Jongup! I'm going after you now.I know you're waiting for me now.Just wait me there.. I'll come in a minute~" You sang but half was cursing him. You walked faster than before burst the door open. You saw Jongup sat beside the window and was looking at the 'Environment.' 

You walked to his direction and tapped your palm on his table, hardly. Inside, you was dying hurt, you didn't even thinking twice before you did that.Your palm red but you don't care.You scolded him but he never listen what you was saying.So, you just gave up and sat down beside him. "Oppa! See this, I got many marks of black colours under my eyes.It's all your fault!" You growled and pouted cutely. 

"I didn't say you must sleep late at night in a week." He replied simply. "Yeah, right.Whatever." In fact, he was thinking about, 6 days left with the 'challenge game'.

- - - - - -

Day have passed quickly, and today is the last day you're going to solve the problem.It will end after the school ended and half you was excited to know the answer but half wasn't. Lately, you got awkward with Jongup because of your confused feeling.But you just acted cool.

When it was lunch, you was busy holding the paper that was still the same question from Jongup.You pursed your lips and tapped your pencil on your lips repeatedly.When you suddenly bumped onto someone's chest. Your paper flying on the air and dropped beside your pencil that also fall down on the floor.

You took the paper and your pencil as well as you get up.You clean the dust out and bowed in apologized. "I'm sorry." You was about to walk away when he called out your name. "Hey wait up. Are you Kim Miyeon?" You turned your body around slowly and face, *Jung Daehyun?*

“Y-yes?" That's the answer that you could reply, but, how come he know your name?Oh right, you're the smarter girl in TS High. "Well, I never have chance to meet you in real.Haha." He laughed awkwardly. You wrinkled your eyebrows and asked him, "What d-do you meant by 'in r-real'?" You stuttered in sudden.

"Well, Jongup always talked me about you everytime nor every second and he shows me your pictures alot, kind of cute." You don't know you must smile or not. You just made an O shape on your lips and smile afterwards. "But in real, you're more prettier than in the pictures that I've seen." He smile charmingly and that smile the one who make your heart melts and keeps your heart beats everytime you see him, but this time.. it's all gone just like that.It feels different than you usual acted.

"Oh okay, I got to go now.See you around, Miyeon-ah." He waved and you was about to ask him something but he's shadow dissapeared in fast way. 

The bell rang and all the students slung their bags onto their shoulder and walked out from the school's gate.Left you and Jongup in the classroom.You was quietly silent.The words that Daehyun has say keep ringing in your mind. 

Finally both of you cracked a "Hey." in unison. Jongup started again, "You go first." and you replied, "No, you should." You shyly said. "Well, ladies first." He put his usual smile but now, your heart react again and the beat slowly began faster and faster.The last time incident when your heart was beating fast was, when he whispered to your ear. That time, all of the world was stopped and it like there's no tomorrow. The one you could hear was your heart, it beating faster.

"Well, awhile ago, I met Daehyun.I was walking without noticing him and I bumped on him.But, unfortunately.. he said you show my pictures to him, alot.What he means by that, oppa?" You asked but Jongup didn't answer it.Instead, he just took the chalk and write down the question that he have gave to you last week.

He pointed you to come over near to him and you obeyed. "You didn't answer my question, oppa." You inquired again. "I don't need to." He smile softly but inside was feeling like fidgety. He make across line on the numbers and you gasped. "Why you did that?" He took the eraser and gave it to you. "Take it." You obediently took it and hold it. "Erase the upper, not down." You just rubbed the above and left the down with the numbers.

But when you rubbed them carefully, you readed it slowly. "I.." You continued, "Love.." You grew hastily and erased it quickly. "You." You turned your head up to Jongup and the one you can do was surprised and covered your mouth with your both hands.

"Yes, I love you, Kim Miyeon." Slowly your hands dropped and Jongup leaned closer and closer.You just realised, you and his lips just matched with each other.Your eyes widden and he can sense you was shocked.But unfortunately, Your lips was enjoy it and your eyes closed it together and kissed him back.

You can feel he was smiling like an idiot between the kiss.Few seconds later, you and him let go of the kiss and you guys grew more awkward and both of you flush red and tomato.

You took the chalk away from him and wrote something on the black board.

"1 28ve980 t88"

Without hesitated, Jongup immediately hugged you in victory. "I love you too, oppa." You answered and hugged him back.

You didn't expect you're going to fall in love with your 'Own-best-ever-friend'.But you didn't judged him, and to be honest, you didn't hate it either.It feels.. you found it attractive and in fact you enjoyed it.

- - - - - -

Feel free to drop in my other story (not oneshot) and I appreciated if you do COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE on them.

Is He A Gangster??

P/s - Excuse my mistake spelling and grammar. (and what so on.) 

This is not good after all, because this is my first time writing a oneshot story.Gahh, I'm bad at this, like seriously.

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MinjiLee #1
sooooo sweetttttt...~~~ :3
waaahhh... that is sooo sweet... :)
littlepop #3
daebaaak! ^^ heho.
4everINSPIRIT #4
OMG... That was soooo sweet!!!
ShinSeoRae #5
this is sweet ^_^