
Take your pick

Apparently it was only 9AM and guess what? She was woken up at seven on a Saturday. So much for catching up on her sleep. It was all thanks to her mother, obviously. It was about the meeting or 'date' was what her mother called it. She doesn't know why her mother keeps trying to hook her up with some random guys. It's like the woman is interested in her love life rather than Chorong herself (which really is the case). It's annoying plus infuriating as well. Whenever that old woman open , it's always about "why don't you have a boyfriend yet?" "You know, I saw this really gentle young man the other day," "I think it's about time you have someone special in your life," or when they talk about something, it always lead to guys and having a boyfriend. Whenever Chorong questions about why does she care, her mother will always answer, "Because I'm afraid when you finish school and grow old, no one will want you."

Chorong gets that her mother cares about her but it's just too much for her to handle. Eventually Chorong would want a guy in her life but right now just isn't the time. All she want to do is focus on her studies and graduate college quickly. Though, with her mother keep on pestering her into getting a guy, it's really hard to focus. It's crazy. Even if Chorong keeps reminding her mother the reason why she doesn't want one, it's not like the woman cares. She'll just keep going on and on. Two days ago, the woman went as far as to set up meetings for her with strangers which is why she's up so early right now, heading to a freaking cafe meeting up with some guy. All she wanted was some sleep on the weekends! Chorong always wanted to move out to avoid her mother's talk about love and blah, blah, blah. Not only that, it's also because she's old enough. She wanted to live a free life. Instead, she decides to live with her mother since she didn't want the old woman to feel lonely. Sweet isn't it? Yes, even if she have to listen to her mother spouting nonsense everyday but the next three days, will probably make that woman shut up because Park Chorong has got some plans up her sleeves.

There are four guys she'll have to meet up with. One today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the day after that. Today she will be meeting up with a Chinese guy who's from China. His name is Chao...Or is it Tao? Oh well, she could care less about his name. Also she heard from her mom that this Chao guy isn't really good speaking Korean. It will be quite hard for them to communicate. The boy had just turned nineteen last month. He also knows Wushu too but according to Chorong's mother, he's the cute and nice type. Well poor guy because he will indeed have to put up with her 'character'. See, Chorong's plan is to scare all of the guys she has to meet up with away. That's her way to make her mother shut up. If her mother realize that no guy would like her, her mother would get the idea that maybe she will end up alone. Then finally she'll give up, sit down and never to speak to her about guys ever again. The possibility of this working? Thirty, but you won't know unless you try.

Today her role is to act like a girl with no manners and a rude girl. Although it will cause her to have a bad reputation it doesn't matter because it may have a good result in the end -- which is, yes, making her mother shut up. Her acting was not to worry because she was in drama in high school once. She sighed as soon as she reached the entrance of the café.

"Okay Park Chorong, as soon as you step into that café, you're going to be in character!"

She took a deep breath before entering. She looked around to find him. Right, she forgot what he looked like. Chorong fished out her cellphone from her jean pocket, looking at the picture of the smiling boy she's supposed to see today that her mother sent her in case she forgot how he looked like. She observed each table to find a boy with panda eyes who seemed like he hasn't slept in...Some time. Chorong will have to admit that the boy looks really cute.

"Over here!" A voice called out in broken Korean. She turned to see a smiling boy waving his hand in the air indicating for her to come. She looked at him for awhile before looking back down at the picture in her cellphone. That's him all right.

Chorong advanced to where 'Chao' was seated. He was still looking and smiling at her as soon as she sat down in front of him. She glared at him. "So you're Chao, right?" She questioned, propping up her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her knuckles.

The male's smile slowly disappeared, "Oh no, it's Huang Zi Tao," He corrected, slightly disappointed that the girl did not remember his name, "but you can call me Tao."

Chorong burst out laughing, "PFFT HAHAHAHA!" Tao looked puzzled at her sudden outburst. What was so funny? "Big deal! They're the same thing!" She continued to laugh.

"Uhm," Tao shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He bit his lower lip, feeling uneasy. He didn't really understand what the girl just said but he laughed with her. Chorong stopped laughing. Her face became blank.

'He wasn't supposed to laugh.'

Suddenly he said, "Park Cho Rong, right?"

The young girl clicked her tongue, "Why else would I be sitting here in front of you?"

He forced out a chuckle, taking it as a joke. "Ha ha, true." He replied. His heavy Chinese accent was noticeable, "I ordered you a plate of spaghetti."

Chorong felt guilty for being so rude to this guy and especially since he probably doesn't understand what she's saying. She shrugged the thought off. Soon the waiter came settling down a plate of spaghetti and a glass of iced cold water in front of each of them.

"Thank you." Tao said. The waiter nodded, now leaving the two alone. He looked at Chorong with a questioning expression. Probably considered her rude for not saying 'thank you' to the waiter. Chorong just stared blankly at him. "Anyway --"

Chorong was tuning out the Chinese male's voice out. She needs to hurry up and scare him away just so she could get this over with. She needs to do something...EXTREME. The guy isn't so bad. He seems really nice and all but she's gotta do what she's gotta do. Chorong looked down at the plate of spaghetti that's set right in front of her. She smirked. This will get real dirty.

He grabbed his glass of water and began to drank it. "Ah, have I mentioned you look — " Perhaps he spoke too say. He started to spit out the water in his mouth. "What the fu — "

The Chinese male watched Chorong eating the food. He was disgusted. Disgusted to the point he lost his appetite and he could feel himself throwing up any time soon. 'What a pig.' He thought. She was eating messily. Her hair was in her food, she was eating with her hands, sauce was all over and she chewing with open! Many people were staring at them with wide eyes -- of course in disgust. He looked away, letting out a cough to get her attention. "Ahem," He tried again, "AHEM."

Chorong stopped. She arched an eyebrow, "Yes?" She asked, mouth still full which caused bits of food flying out of .

"You," The male started, covering his mouth. He tried looking at her but he couldn't. If he lay his eyes on her again, he swear he's gonna end up throwing up right here right now. He shook his head, cannot take it anymore, "you're..."

Chorong sat there still. In a split second, the male went running out of the restaurant. All she could hear was the male gagging from outside.

She smirked in victory.

One down three to go!

Chorong noticed everyone staring at her and indeed they were terrified. "What are you looking at?" The customers quickly turned their gaze away from her.

•  •  •  •  •

Next day was face named Wu Fan, but many call him Kris. He's the oldest out of all the guys she has to meet. He was only a year older than her. Also, he's Chinese. He's from Canada, but his Korean is really good. The guy is the 'y and manly' type.

"So yeah — " He paused and sniffed the air. "Is it me or does something smells like in here?"

Chorong smiled widely showing her yellow teeth — clearly not brushed. "You don't say?"

He smelled her breath as soon as she spoke. Kris scrunched up his face in distaste. He pinched his nose. "OH MY GOD, it was coming from you the whole time! Do you not brush your teeth or something?"

"Ohh I don't know but not unless you want to date someone like me, who showers once a week and brushes her teeth once a week," She shrugged, pointing to her uncombed hair. There was no sign of shame written on her face.


"Oops, I think I just farted." Chorong whispered with an apologetic look.

Without a word, Kris got up and rushed out of the restaurant. Making sure that he's completely gone, she began cracking up.

And there was just two more left to go.

•  •  •  •  •

Next up is a guy named Kyungsoo. He's nineteen and he's the handsome type. Chorong's mother said that he's really great at singing and that she's sure if Chorong hears him sing, she will fall madly in love with him. Oh please.

"HI, HI, HI!" Chorong squealed, waving excitedly at Kyungsoo.

"Uh, yeah, hi." Kyungsoo answered, embarrassed.

"WOW, you really are handsome! Look at you!" Chorong said loudly. She pinched Kyungsoo's cheeks, "But you're cute as well! Ughhh! So squishy!" She puckered her lips out.

"If-If you don't mind, would you stop talking so loudly? You're causing unwanted attention to us," He said, trying to not sound rude, "And please stop...Touching me." He pulled his head away from her grasp.

"AWWW, WHY NOT? DO YOU...Not like me?" Chorong said the last part softly, beginning  to sniffle. Tears started to form in her eyes.

Kyungsoo started to panic. "No, no of course not! It's just I don't think it's going to work out between us, okay?" He tried to calm Chorong down, "It-It's just that I think there's someone better for you, don't cry...Please?" He forced out a small smile. Chorong sat there looking at him. It was silent for awhile until Chorong started bursting in tears.

"Did he just make a girl cry?" One person said.

"What a jerk." Said another.

"Tsk, tsk..."

"Jack ."

Kyungsoo, who doesn't know what to do, started to back away from her slowly, got up and ran for his dear life. Chorong smiled to herself at her third victory. Now all is left is tomorrow. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly according to her plan. She'll probably make that woman shut up once and for all!


•  •  •  •  •

Later on that day Chorong decided to head to the park to get some fresh air. She didn't want to head home yet. She already knows that her mother will question why she came back so early, what went wrong, what happened and all those things, just like the last two meetings. Chorong will always answer, "We don't fit," and says all of those other excuses that comes out of her mind.

The young female knows what she's doing is childish but what could she do? All she wants to do is live a peaceful life without her mother always telling her to go get a guy. It's a pain in the .

She took a seat on a swing screaming out, "WHYYYYYYY MEEEEEE?!"

Adults and kids that were walking by looked at her weirdly.

"Stop screaming weirdo, you're scaring the kids away." Chorong heard someone say but she didn't care.




Omg, I think I wrote too much. lol, it was supposed to be longer but I guess I'm saving that for chapter 2. I hope you guys like it so far haha. I had to rewrite a lot of parts especially Tao's because it wasn't the 'mood' I was looking for? lol idk. Don't worry though Kai would be introduced in the next chapter. By the way I didn't go over for mistakes so if there are some misspellings here and there, please tell me and I'll fix it :)

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Chapter 1: Please updaaaaaate xD
LuRong_ship #2
Chapter 1: Please update soooonnn...
ThunderLime #3
LOLOL. I cant wait for the next chapter! o u o
Chapter 1: Lol Chorong is so hilarious xD
I want him to end up with Kris though. Lol!
Anyway, update soon! Couldn't wait for Kai to come out^^
Aw thats sooo cute.. Great start.. Update soon neh author-nim? Cx
poor Tao :/
hahahahahahahaha update soon xDD
LOL It's surely the real Chorong though xD
This reminds me of MTV Disaster Date :)
OMG Chorong's personality is hilarious :) I feel sad for her first 3 dates LOL I love your story, I hope you can update soo. ^_^