Trials of a Leader

Lying is Bad


"I'm sorry, but could you please repeat what you just said?" Kim Sunggyu, leader of the greatest k-pop band ever (in my own biased opinion anyway), has had to handle many strange cases involving his dongsaengs -some even bordering on the ' just got REAL' level. And since he was the eldest, he had to fix it before their images were ruined.


Lee Sungyeol, nicknamed by some as choding – a.k.a. Myungsoo's lover – a.k.a. Clown of the band -- and comes with adorable gummy smiles, smiled at him. It made Sunggyu wonder how much coffee he drank today. "I want to flame and send hate mail to some of our fanfiction writers," he told him.


'Where did this come from? I swear if this was one of Woohyun's ways to fool around with his dongsaengs, I am going to confiscate all his beauty products' Sunggyu was clearly confused as to how Sungyeol found out about this since he usually only watches videos on the net and why he hated it so much. "You want to flame our fanfic writers?" he repeated to make sure he had it clear. "You're kidding, right?"


""Hyungggg!!!!! They are writing lies about me and Myungsoo!!!! I demand the right to write my own story!"  Sungyeol was pouting now. "I swear on my Americano I'm being serious right now."


Sunggyu sighed and rubbed his face 'They don't pay me enough for this. I'm definitely turning into an old man faster because of them.' Giving in to his fate, he said "Okay, okay, I'll see what I can do so tell me why you dislike our fanfiction writers? Frankly, I've felt that too a time or two, not to mention how the sight of some of the gifs and fan made videos affected me."


"Gifs? Videos? I haven't seen that yet," Sungyeol's eyes widened at the thought of that. "Are you trying to tell me that they have even more blasphemy against us? Sacrilege!!!”

Sunggyu was definitely digging himself deeper into this mess. "It's not that bad, at least we aren't doing anything ographic there, so stop complaining. Now, tell me why you hate our fanfic writers?"


"Hmmm...good thing no one's ever seen me and Myungsoo's stash of self-made tapes...did I say that out loud? Ehehehe. I was just kidding hyung. But seriously, they have done me a great injustice!" Sungyeol babbled. "They keep writing me so out of character that I can't even believe that it's me they are talking about-- I mean they write Myungsoo almost like it's exactly him, but writing a handsome perfect guy who can do no wrong with everyone falling for him left and right isn't hard. Those types can be found in most dramas as the princey type character -- but I am unique, you know? And they just can't seem to get me right!"


"So you're angry at them for defamation of character?" Sunggyu raised an eyebrow. "This isn't really about all of our writers, it's more personal, right? But what do they write about you that's got you all riled up? "


Sungyeol took out a folder of papers from behind-he really came prepared, Sunggyu will give him that at least. "It's all these fics of me and Myungsoo. It's not only wrong, it's also sooo 'wrong'." He pointed to a page. "Look here...right here...what are they teaching kids nowadays? The joys of ? Kamma Sutra 101? How the heck do they know all tricks and styles? ... This is not even the worst of it -- "


"Look Sungyeol, we've all had bad fics written about us before. But you can't just send hate mail to teenage girls for writing you out of character and knowing things that could make a e blush. It's bad for our image," Sunggyu rubbed his temples. It's times like this when Sunggyu often wondered if other leaders like Leeteuk-hyung had to handle problems as inane as this one. 'I wonder if it's too late to give my position to Dongwoo...'


"No -no read some of this, will you?" He said, pushing the pages at him. "here - you'll see -it's like reading about Infinte without me and one other character who seems to have replaced me. This new character who they write to portray me always has a beautiful feminine looks; always needs a knight in shining armor; has a tendency to kill himself when he doesn't get the guy; has a BASTARD of a boyfriend who seems to always have an attraction to another Infinite member. Why is that do you think? Don't they like, love my looks, personality, and life? I mean look at this! I die and Myungsoo gets it on with Sungjong! Sometimes it's Woohyun instead. How come so many support their paring? It's like they are against me!!! I end up a loyal tragic heroine and Myungsoo gets happy ending with someone who is not ME!"


Sunggyu resisted banging him head against the wall. It never helped.


"Sungyeol, calm down, first of all, you're not a heroine-that's for girls." Sunggyu sensed that Sungyeol didn't really care about all those except the part of Myungsoo's infidelity and he glanced again at the pages out of curiosity. Then he blinked and read closer.


'Normally Sungyeol would be all shy and al when Myungsoo takes off his clothes, but he was out of sorts right now and he had let go of all restraints. He was like a sultry vixen personified and Myungsoo's pants were feeling too tight right now from the sight being shown for his eyes only. Myungsoo growled possessively at the thought that someone else might ever see this. Sungyeol was HIS! And will remain his.'


Okay, Sunggyu almost got a nosebleed from that. "So, uhm, what seems to be the problem with this story?" Sunggyu asked him. "It looks like Myungsoo here loves only you and it's... very, uhm, the scene is nicely written."


Sungyeol paused mid-rant about how he was getting the short end of the stick and how everyone was out to get him. "It's not the quality," he muttered with his cheeks turning a slight pink in color. "It's what they depict me as."


Sunggyu continued reading another paragraph, trying to find what was wrong.


'Sungyeol's hands frantically moved to get a grip on anything, but with his hands handcuffed to the bedposts, his efforts seemed useless. He arched his back to try to get more of Myungsoo's touch, too lustful to be embarrassed over his actions. Myungsoo's teeth scrapped down his jaw and Sungyeol whimpered in response. He tightened his legs around Myungsoo's waist, desperate for more friction...'


"You don't like being seen as Myungsoo's beloved?"


Sungyeol puffed his cheeks, annoyed that his hyung couldn't see what was wrong. "I'd have to be crazy to not want ehh -- no -- it's not-I mean, I don't have anything against having that position..."


Sunggyu glanced back at the papers he was holding, and tried not to flush. "Then, you dislike the thought of both you doing that?"


Sungyeol laughed. "It's not that. I might be a bit slow at times hyung, but I'm not dumb enough to not want to do that with Myungsoo when others would kill to do that! Have you seen him? It's like God made him with Adonis in mind. And his voice...mmm that alone can seduce the pants off of you."


"I so didn't need to know that Sungyeol," Sunggyu said, crossing his arms as he leaned back on he couch they were sitting on. It was hard to resist not going back to reading the -it was so near yet so far. Sure, it was Sungyeol and Myungsoo, but Sungyeol had a point. Myungsoo was quite a sight and Sungyeol was-well-Sungyeol did have those mile-long going for him and those really kissable plump lips. Gods, he so shouldn't be thinking about his dongsaengs this way. "Okay, okay, I give up. What is so wrong about this Sungyeol if you don't care about the quality, the gay , or the pairing?"


Sungyeol frowned. "Duh! I'm always the bottom!" He told him, waving his hands in the air. "In the stories, I'm always the bottom in the fics -- not in real life. In those stories. Probably in those gifs and videos you were talking about as well! This is against all the rules of gay pairings! I'm older and taller so I should be the top!"


Sunggyu jaw practically dropped open, he couldn't decide whether to facepalm at how Sungyeol was overreacting over this or to start laughing, when Myungsoo walked in the room.


"Sungyeol," the other man sighed, his tone exasperated but you could see it in his eyes that he found all that Sungyeol just did cute and endearing-he was so uncaring or cold to most others that you could easily see the warmth in his eyes whenever he saw Sungyeol. He gave an sympathetic smile at Sunggyu. "Sorry about him bombarding you with this." He grabbed Sungyeol by the arm and pulled him out of the couch.


"But I wasn't done –"


"Yes, you are," Myungsoo firmly told him.


"But -- "


"Sungyeol, you can't hate or flame others for writing something that's a fact."  Myungsoo was telling him as he pushed Sungyeol out the room.


"Myungsoo and fanfic writers are all against me!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" 


"We can discuss that in our room."


Sunggyu got up, took something from the table, and hurriedly exited to go to his own room. In the privacy of his own room, he put on his earphones to drown out the noises that would inevitably come from the Myungyeol room and lied down his bed and picked up the pages Sungyeol had left. He glanced through the papers until he found the beginning of the steamy one he had begun to read before. Smiling to himself, he started to read, 'At least something good resulted from all this drama. That reminds me, I have to confront Woohyun later about certain issues. And probably Myungsoo too for defiling his choding hyung.'



Author's note:

I'm so sorry for posting this sooo late. My internet got whacked and it only got back today. :( But I hope you like this. Please comment or review ^_^ ... I'm thinking of letting this stay as a one-shot. I don't think I make a good long story writer.

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute and please sungyeol accept your destiny to be the bottom
Chapter 1: lol omg. did you know just a few hours ago i was talking with my friend about stories about idols reading fanfics and now i come on aff and find this hehe. i really liked this~ it was very amusing kekekeke.

please I love this short story so much!!!!!!!
Phahaha poor Sunggyu! and Sungyeol! just XD
Sungyeol is too cute XD Poor Sunggyu with a choding bombarding him about XD But in the end, leader Gyu gets some please for himself, eh? XDD
Paha, I liked this. Sungyeol's too cute, dfgsdaf.
omo this was very good =D
great written , lol at SungYeol complaining that in fics he's always bottom... poor SungGyu for having to listen to him. xD
dragonfly18 #8
Ahhaah, sunggyu is getting older faster because of this XD
rain_sound #9
Lol! Poor sunggyu have to hear sungyeol's rambling xD