It has been a week since Jessica met Taecyeon. She stared at her handphone all the time. Sincerely, she still hoped for Taecyeon to call her, begging for her forgiveness and asked her for returning back to him. However, her handphone was dead silence all the time. No messages, no phone calls from Taecyeon. Now, she slowly learned the fact that Taecyeon did not need her anymore and silently admitted what her father said before.


(cue for the song – Hot Chelle Rae- Honestly à I bet Taecyeon is playing this song now.. huhu..)


The days come and go. All she did is staring on the empty space, walking along the beach, eating which after being forced by her housemate a.k.a Nichkhun, and sleeping almost all the time. Nichkhun tried not to bother with Jessica’s behavior, but he couldn’t help but wondering what happened between her and Taecyeon. He tried to asked ahjumma to do him a favor, but ahjumma refused to get involved. 


One morning, Nichkhun decided to ask. He slowly made his way to the veranda, where Jessica sat every morning. He took his seat beside Jessica. Jessica smiled before turning her head opposite of Nichkhun’s direction.


“what’s wrong? You were acting like zombie for the past 7 days. Are you OK?” asked Nichkhun.


“I’m OK. Yes, I’m OK” she replied.


“you don’t look like you’re OK though,” Nichkhun tried to get Jessica’s attention.


“you know, when you share your problem, the burden will be less. If you keep burdening yourself, you’ll get stress which is not good for your condition now,” he continued. Jessica smiled.


“thank you with your concern Nichkhun-shi. It’s funny when you, well, we are not that close, but you’re here when no one beside me, telling me to eat, sharing my problem while him, the one that supposed to concern about me is not here.” she said with a light laugh.


Jessica took a deep breath and after a short paused, she let the words out. She hesitated at first, but then, she realize that she needed to share the burden. Then, she relates all that occurred during the meeting with Taecyeon. Nichkhun listened without making any interruption.


“I just can’t accept the fact that he wanted me to get rid of our baby. I still can consider when other people did but not him,” she said. Tears started to flow down her cheek. Her hand was already on her stomach, tried to feel the presence of her baby, their baby.


“it’s take no time to fall in love, but it take you years to know what love is. I guess I was just too innocent to believe that he loved me. He never changed and he never wanted to,” Jessica continued.


“it’s not worth to cry for someone that already forget us,” said Nichkhun with a low voice, more like talking to himself. “I know it’s not easy to forget about that person, but it’s not waste if we try. If you keep being like this, what be good for you? You just make your condition getting worse. Now, you decide to keep this baby and you guys are now broken up. Just cope with the condition” Jessica nodded her head. She knew, what Nichkhun said was true.


“thank you Nichkhun-shi, for lending me your ears,” Jessica said. Her eyes were still teary. She slowly stood up and walked inside the house. Suddenly, Nichkhun called out her name. Jessica stopped and looked at Nichkhun.


“I want you to… to know that you also have my shoulder to lean on. I can always lend my shoulder for you to cry on,” he said. OK, he actually said it without thinking. It was so predictable because Nichkhun always do something that he never did when he was with Jessica. Jessica smiled and nodded her head.


Jessica walked slowly approaching Nichkhun. She stopped once she was in front of Nichkhun. She touched Nichkhun’s cheek before talk. “auww, you’re so sweet Nichkhun-shi. She’s so stupid to leave you, did she? I’m sure, you’ll get a woman way more better than that woman.”


Nichkhun held Jessica’s hand that was still on his cheek and smiled. “you too, you deserve someone better than that jerk. So, cheer up!” both of them laughed as he finished his words.


“by the way, can I call you oppa?” asked Jessica.


“where’s the fire?” Nichkhun replied with question.


“because you now deserve to be called as one,” Jessica winked.


“OK, but you have to eat first. Ahjumma told me that you did not eat your lunch yet,” Nichkhun replied while pushing Jessica’s back.


“OK oppa!!” she laughed. Nichkhun now felt relief, seeing Jessica in that state, getting better.


“promise me that you won’t skip your meals anymore. I don’t care about you but I care about the baby,” said Nichkhun while they walked into the house.


“ne ajusshi~” Jessica replied with playful tone. “baby, you’re so LUCKY to have an overprotective uncle.”




Jessica didn’t go straight to her room after dinner. She sat on the sofa in the living room. Nichkhun was called earlier to go to his agency and still not back home yet. Ahjumma was still in the kitchen, doing her cleaning routine before finishing her work. When Jessica asked to help, she refused. Jessica switched on the TV and leisurely watching her favorite show, Running Man. She laughed when Jae Suk made his silly jokes with Jong Kook. They were both her favorite in that show.


Jessica’s attention was disturbed when her phone rang on the coffee table. The caller’s name on the screen created smile on her lips.


“oppa! I miss you~ how could you didn’t call me,” jessica said with cute voice once she the answer icon on the phone. She can hear her brother was laughing at the other side of the phone.


“miss you too pabo~” yunho replied. “how’s my Jessica’s doing?” Yunho asked.


“I’m doing great. When are you coming oppa?”


“I really want to go there sica, but I can’t. and I have something to tell you. It’s about dad,” there’s a silence paused when Yunho mentioned about their father.


“he knew about your pregnancy sica.”


“did you tell him oppa?” Jessica knew, sooner or later, she has to face her father.


“I had to sica. Sica, you need to come home, we need to sort things out before reporters start to ask about your absence. We keep refusing your acting offers now, which make people suspicious about you,” what her brother said was actually make sense.


“we have to fake news before people know what’s actually happened,” yunho continued.


“OK, I know about that oppa. so, when are you going to pick me?” she asked.


“I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. I’ve already told Nichkhun about that.”


“oppa, how’s dad’s reaction? Did.. did he angry at me?” the last time she saw her father, they end up fighting.


“don’t worry sica, you have me and mom. She said she miss you,” Jessica smiled. She forgot about her mother. How could her forget about her mother. She was way better than her father. She’s cool and calmer than him. Jessica felt so wrong when she didn’t bother to tell her mother about her condition. She’s sure that her mother will understand her.


“OK oppa, see you later. Tell mom that I miss her too,” she said before ending the call. She stared at the phone for minutes. Thinking about how she treated her family, how arrogant she was when her parents told her about Taecyeon. She liked to throw tantrum when they don’t want to follow her wills. When she had problems, there her brother, ready to help and guide her. Nichkhun’s true, she always thought about herself and ignored others.




Jessica can sense her father’s gaze was directly on her face, but she didn’t dare to look into his eyes. She can feel that her father was extremely upset with her. Her mother was beside him, trying to calm his down.


“appa, miane~ I know this is my fault,” finally she confessed. She didn’t want to make things worst. His father released a sigh.


“Sica, why did you do that?” asked Hyori, Jessica’s mom.


“omma, miane~ that’s the only word that I can say now. I’m sorry,” again, she apologized.


Hyori approached Jessica before bringing her into her embrace. A drop of tear fell from her eyes. Her father still didn’t speak a word. Jessica knew, her father was angry and he’s trying to control his temper now.


“abort that child Jessica.” her father said.


“no appa. I won’t. Please don’t make me do that,” Jessica pleaded.


“Jessica, I don’t want you to create any problem anymore. You know the consequences of your decision right? Your image, your career, our company image, they’ll all ruin,” said her father.


“I’m sorry but I won’t. omma, please, don’t force me!”


“jessica!!” Jessica startled with her father’s voice.


“honey, please let’s Jessica decide her own future,” her mom finally voiced out.


“No!! Honey, look what happen when we let her to decide? She ruined herself. I’m not going to tolerate this time,” replied her father.


Jessica can’t endure it anymore. She shut her eyes tightly. She stood up and looked directly into her father’s eyes. “can you just stop with abort-the-child matters? I’m sick of hearing that. This is my child and I want to keep this baby. This is my life and I don’t want you to control me. Please, I know this is my biggest ever mistake. I know how stupid I am and you don’t have to remind me that!!” she screamed. She can see how startled her parents were.


She wiped her tears that started to flow. “please, let me decide this time. Appa, please, let me learn my mistake,” she continued.


“dad, I beg you please help sica. I know this bring us nothing but only problems. But, she’s our precious sica, I don’t want her end up doing things more stupid than this,” finally Yunho talked, trying to persuade their father.


“OK, but I’m warning you, I don’t want to hear any of the problem in the future regarding your sister,” said their father before leaving the room.  



hey, sorry for the late update..   OK, honestly, i think the story a bit slow.. 

i've finished the get-rid-of the baby-matters.. now i can focus on khunsica moment

and, i don't hate taecyeon.. i once shipped taecsica.. but i love khunsica more..

please, give some comment guys.. hehe..

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Lmao, i remember reading this last 2015ish.
mikanMD #2
Chapter 30: This is so good!!
xiupao92 #3
thank you author-nim for making a rare jewel like this
Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 30: Hihihi...I love this
Chapter 30: You did great authornim!love love love the ending!hihihi... It's a very beautiful scene. :)
tq... glad that u enjoy the story
sicacouple #7
Chapter 30: Aha!!!!! I love khunsica too..... thanks for made such a beautiful story...
tq 4 the endless support
Chapter 30: Fell in love with this story ♥♥♥
Chapter 30: *cries a river* this is one of the best fics ever~gahh the feels
i really enjoyed this story and i know others did too^^its super good for your first fic!
Cant wait to see more of your work.