Chapter 3 Continued (again)

Broken, Unbroken [Hiatus]

By the time they both left, it was well passed noon. I had rummaged through the bags Hyun-woo brought me and found that they contained clothes, hygiene products, and some healthy snacks (obviously given by the nurse). It was difficult with one hand, but I managed to open a bag filled with dried fruit. They had a rubbery texture, but the taste was fine. While eating, I looked at the clothes; Hyun-woo had given me a few oversized T-shirts, a blue hoody, a pair of shorts, two pairs of jeans, a pair of grey capris, some socks and a pair of running shoes. I felt bad. Why was he being so nice? He didn't even know much about me, other than the fact that I was a stranger with amnesia. I threw away the empty bag, picked up my things, and walked back to my room, contemplating this thought and what I could do in return.


About two hours later, I heard the door open and then close. I stood up and put down the Korean-English dictionary I had been reading. I left my room and found Heechul taking his jacket off. I took a deep breath and approached him. He looked at me with piercing eyes.

"Um...Heechul...shi," I said awkwardly. "I know we got off to a bad start yesterday, but I hope we can start over. My name is Mei Ling." I extended my hand. He fixed me with an angry glare before completely ignoring my outstretched hand and then slamming his bedroom door shut after himself. I watched him in disbelief. Did he actually just do that?! I walked back to my own room and quietly closed my door.


I sat down on my bed and picked up the dictionary, resisting to look up the word "jerk" in it. As I studied the words and characters, my mind began to spin. Korean was such a confusing language! The pronounciation on its own was enough to make my head explode, but apparently there were many different conjugations for one word...And Hyun-woo really expected me to learn all this on my own?! He's gotten one too many hits upside the head...I sighed...And it wasn't like Mr. Diva would be of any help...


My theory prooved to be true; Heechul was about as helpful as a sleeping gorilla: disturb it, and it will try and kill you. Hyun-woo came to visit with a nurse or the doctor every now and then and I would try my Korean on them, but that was stupid. I gave up after saying "hello" and resorted back to English.

"Don't worry, Korean is a difficult language," Hyun-woo said one day as he dropped off more bags for me. "Learning a different tongue takes time and practice. It took me seven years to learn English fluently."

"If it takes me that long, then why don't I just give up now, cause I'll be screwed. No offense," I added.

"None taken, but you shouldn't give up. Tell you what, the next times that I see you, I will only speak Korean, unless it's something urgent," he suggested. "That way, you'll learn faster."

"Alright," I agreed, my face brightening.

"Heechul-shi i god jib-e dol-awayo," Hyun-woo said.

"Aw, c'mon, that's not fair! You said the next time!" I whined, but he just smiled and shook his head, repeating what he had just said earlier.


After what seemed like hours, I managed to find out that he had said that Heechul will be home soon.

"Alright, the next time I visit, it will all be in Korean, understand?" Hyun-woo said, standing up. I nodded.

"Nae," I replied. He grinned and took his leave. I went back to my room; I did not feel like getting yelled at for no reason at the moment. However, when the door to the dorm opened, it was not only the voice of Heechul that could be heard. As a matter of fact, it seemed like many people were accompanying him. Curious, I opened my door.




"She is NOT my girlfriend!!" Heechul had yelled at them in rage. "I want her to leave as soon as possible!"

"Then why is she staying here, Jungsu-hyung?" Yesung had asked me and I had to explain the entire story from the beginning.


Now, they have all come, wanting to meet her. I sighed.

"Aish, who was the pabo who brought this up?" I asked myself.

"Um, that was you, hyung," Siwon so kindly answered me.

"Thank you, Siwon-ah. I needed that," I told him sarcastically.

"Anytime."  He smiled.


As soon as I closed the door, the door to Mei Ling's room opened and she stood in the doorway, looking at us with a face filled with curiosity.

"Mei Ling!" I said cheerfully. "Sorry bother you, but Super Junior members want meet you!"

"That's her? She looks like a boy..."

"Yah! Kyuhyun-ah, don't be so rude!" Siwon scolded.

"Uh, hi..." She stepped out into the living room.

"Everyone, this is Mei Ling. She doesn't speak Korean, so don't say anything impolite." I looked at Kyuhyun in particular.

"What?" he asked, but I ignored him and turned back to face Mei Ling.

"Mei Ling, you know Heechul-ah (he gave a rude snort and stalked off to his own room) and Siwon-ah. This is Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Shindong, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Kangin, and Kyuhyun. There four more, but they not here now, Hankyung, Kibum, Zhou Mi, and Henry," I introduced every member that had become like family to me. They all bowed politely along with their greetings.

"Annyeong-haseyo," she replied with a bow of her own.

"You learn some Korean?" I asked her. She smiled sheepishly.

"Not really, I only know a few words and a couple phrases," Mei Ling answered.

"We can help you," I offered.

"Really? That'd be great! I-if you're not too busy that is," she added.

"Okay, if we don't have schedule, we teach you," I said and she agreed.


* Pabo - idiot

Sorry, but I didn't get a chance to proofread this chapter. I"m so tired... It's past midnight... T^T  But the comments made me so happy that I HAD to update an extra chapter (even if it meant staying up so late...Who needs sleep at a time like this anyways? I'm so happy I could dance XD)! I'll post another chapter later today too, so you won't have to wait so long! ^_^

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AZN_Ninja7 #1
Please update soon!!! I wanna know what's gonna happen >.<
winter_iris #2
Hellolooo im a new subscriber, just saying that its a great story that matches completly with my thoughs, seriously. The mean heechul, the hanchul parts and all (*¯︶¯*) yeayeayea so now you have another person who 'll be waiting for ur uptades IMPATIENTLY xD haha
NessaLarin #3
Chapter 40: Evil dongsaeng is back!!!!!!!!! With a cliff hanger!!!!! x( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 40: YOU'RE BACK :D
Cliff hanger !
Happy happy *\(^-^)/*





Anyways... YAY \(^O^)/ you updated! And with a strange ending O_o HEENIM! You're a singer! NO SMOKING ;__;
Chapter 39: So... I'm not back from my hiatus yet, but I thought I'd stop by to check up on how things are doing here. Then I see you updated THIS story... and... My Reaction:

LADIDIDA *logs on*
*Heads or Tails* *Unbro-

asdfka.sldkfhaksfdjh adfkhaksldjfh ;waie uo;


NURRRRRRRRRRRRR IT'S FINISHED m( ___________ _________)m

*ahem* yes. So that was how it went :)

I understand with uni, so I hope you endure it ^^ Good luck!
NessaLarin #7
Chapter 39: Heechul is warming up! Even if it is just a little bit at a time. Haha. xD