Chapter 10 Continued (Again)

Broken, Unbroken [Hiatus]

"Is she ~ alright?" a voice that sounded like Leeteuk's asked fearfully.

"She ~ be, yes. It was ~. Going ~ very cold to very hot ~ short time ~ hard ~ your body," a woman's voice replied. It sounded like the nurse who often accompanied Hyun-woo on his visits. I forced my eyes open and blinked furiously at the light.

"She's awake!!" Kangin exclaimed. I looked around and saw many faces surrounding me. I groaned as I became aware of my pounding head. The nurse ushered them all out and came back to check on me.

"How ~ you feeling?" she asked me.

"What happened...?" I asked. I groaned again as I remembered... My eyes flew wide open and I ripped the covers of my bed off of me to find myself fully clothed.

"Don't worry. I ~ dressed you. Heechul-ahi didn't ~ see anything," she assured me.

"Are...are you sure?" I asked and she nodded. I relaxed a bit and let her examine me.

"You ~ be okay. ~ rest ~ and stay out ~ temperatures," the nurse concluded. "~ doctor ~ come ~ give you ~ thorough check ~."

"Thank you..." I said. She nodded in reply and left, allowing the other members to flood back into the room. I glanced around, but Heechul was absent. He was probably mad that I yelled at him. Well, he did deserve it... I sat up.

"Mei Ling-ah, what happened?" Shindong asked.

"I take bath, but spin and hard breathe," I replied, whirling my finger beside my face to indicate the dizziness that washed over me earlier. "Go cold to hot not good..."

"...Sorry..." Eunhyuk said sheepishly. I shook my head and smiled.

"Not your fault, Eunhyuk-hyung," I said brightly.

"Call me Hyukjae. ~ my real name," he told me.

"You have real name, too?" I asked with surprise.

"Yes, many ~ us do," Kangin answered. "My real name is Youngwoon."

"I am Jongwoon," Yesung said.

"And you ~ know mine," Leeteuk said.

"Wow..." I said. "You could've told me sooner!! Uh - I mean... You tell me sooner!" They shrugged.

"You never asked," Kangin said simply and I pouted. They laughed.

"Okay, we ~ Mei Ling-ah rest," Leeteuk said.

"Wait!" I said. "Before you go, I want say thank you help me." They all smiled and nodded.

"Okay, everyone ~ go ~ ahead. I want ~ talk ~ Mei Ling-ah first and ~ meet ~ dorm," Leeteuk said. He then turned to me as they left. "Why you run away? What Heechul-ah say to you?"

"...Nothing," I replied, dropping my gaze. The floor looked really interesting all of a sudden... The different shades of brown in the wood...The lines that swirled in different directions...

"Something, because not you not ran away," he said, genuinely concerened. I shook my head.

"...It's nothing...Really," I repeated. He looked at me silently until I couldn't take it anymore. ",,,He said that I wasn't welcome here ever again...He said he wanted me to leave as soon as possible..." I looked away.

"Mei Ling-ah, you always welcome here. No listen Heechul-ah say. He not mean it," Leeteuk said gently. I said nothing. "Okay, I leave you sleep. Feel better."

"Jungsu-hyung, thanks..."  He smiled warmly again and closed the door.

I rolled over and was about to fall asleep again when a knock came at the door. I looked up groggily and called out a hoarse "come in." Hyun-woo, the nurse, and Dr. Hwang stepped through the door.

"Hello, Mei Ling-ah. How are you feeling?" Hyun-woo asked.

"Alright, I guess," I answereed, giving one long blink and sitting up again. I winced at a pain in my chest and arm.

"Alright? Are you sure?" he asked, eyeing my facial expressions.

"Yeah, since I fell in the bathroom, my chest and left arm have been hurting really badly," I explained.

"Hurting?" he repeated. "Can you move it?" I raised my arm and winced again.

"Possible, but I'd rather not," I replied. I then turned my upper body to the side and gasped. "Yup...definitely rather not..." I wheezed. "Man, that was a bad idea..."

"Let me ~ look," the doctor said.


"It appears that upon your fall, the mending bones were impacted. Therefore, you will need to come back to the hospital for X-rays," Hyun-woo said.

"Impacted?!" I exclaimed. "Does that mean it'll take even longer to heal?!!"

"I'm afraid so," he replied. "That is, if it had done any dammage."

"Ok, let's hope that there wasn't any..."


"Mei Ling-ah, sorry, but it seems that there are cracks in the broken bones from the fall..." Hyun-woo announced a couple hours after the X-rays.

" will take longer..."

"Yes, I'm afraid," he sighed. "You won't be able to move out just yet."


Goodbye, freedom...

"Calm down, I still need to ask Heechul-shi if you can stay for another month," he said. My eyes bugged.

"ANOTHER MONTH?!!!!" This wasn't happening... This wasn't happening... I pinched myself. Damn it, this was happening...



Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in, what, a week? I didn't want to post it too soon because I'm reaching the part where I left off in my notebook...Writer's block, ya gotta love it...=.= Anyways...

SCHOOL STARTS IN A WEEK...OAO.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First year of university...TTATT



So, when I go back to school, just like everyone else, I won't be able to update this story and "And the Hunter Becomes the Hunted" very often, but I hope you all will continue to wait and support my fics!! \(^-^)/ Which , cause I have ANOTHER idea for a story in my head...=.= Tell me, what would you guys think of an assassin story with SHINee and Infinite??:DDDDDDDDD I am so excited to write it and hopefully it'll be posted before the summer ends! TT^TT 

Thank you, guys, and I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3


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AZN_Ninja7 #1
Please update soon!!! I wanna know what's gonna happen >.<
winter_iris #2
Hellolooo im a new subscriber, just saying that its a great story that matches completly with my thoughs, seriously. The mean heechul, the hanchul parts and all (*¯︶¯*) yeayeayea so now you have another person who 'll be waiting for ur uptades IMPATIENTLY xD haha
NessaLarin #3
Chapter 40: Evil dongsaeng is back!!!!!!!!! With a cliff hanger!!!!! x( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 40: YOU'RE BACK :D
Cliff hanger !
Happy happy *\(^-^)/*





Anyways... YAY \(^O^)/ you updated! And with a strange ending O_o HEENIM! You're a singer! NO SMOKING ;__;
Chapter 39: So... I'm not back from my hiatus yet, but I thought I'd stop by to check up on how things are doing here. Then I see you updated THIS story... and... My Reaction:

LADIDIDA *logs on*
*Heads or Tails* *Unbro-

asdfka.sldkfhaksfdjh adfkhaksldjfh ;waie uo;


NURRRRRRRRRRRRR IT'S FINISHED m( ___________ _________)m

*ahem* yes. So that was how it went :)

I understand with uni, so I hope you endure it ^^ Good luck!
NessaLarin #7
Chapter 39: Heechul is warming up! Even if it is just a little bit at a time. Haha. xD