Mr. Simple?

Mr. Simple |One-Shot|

Again this is my first fic so I hope you enjoy. :) There might be errors, sorry.

I take criticism, it helps become a better writer.

The underlined words are the songs (I didn't use white christmas, sorry) and the blanks (ex.               ) are where you can place your biases name.

Enjoy and sorry if it isn't good ^.^

 You both were good friends and the memories from that day still seemed to linger in your mind.

 It started when you were walkinwith                to an opera. It started to rain and you both looked up to see a storm forming. As the cold rain hit your skin                grabbed your wrist and ran to the nearest building which happened to be a coffee shop. You both sat down, however you were curious as to why it started raining all of a sudden. You let it go to then see                ordering something for the both of you. He came back with hot chocolate and coffee, you sipped the drink in content as the hot drink trickled down your throat.   "It feels good on my throat." you said as you took another sip. He simply laughed and that's all it took for you to start admiring him. He had a small smile etched on his face that it made him look so...simple. You were then unaware that you had said the last part out loud until he laughed and responded with "Just call me Mr. Simple."  You laughed "In your dreams."  

You finished your drinks and walked outside to see the sky darker and the rain cleared up. You passed a jewerly store and couldn't help but stop and admire the most beautiful sunflower necklace that was on display.                stopped next to you and looked at what you were looking at. "Do you like it?" he asked. You responded with a simple yeah as you took one last look at it and kept on walking. He lingered for a second but followed right after you. You bot walked in silence until he decided to break it. "Can I ask you a question?" You nodded in response. "Can my girl?" You stopped walking and stared straight ahead. You were caught off guard and you didn't know what to say. Sure he had dropped hints about liking you but you never caught on, and because of that your friends always made fun of you for never seeing the obvious. He saw that you were having trouble trying to process this so he decided to continue speaking.

"Listen, this may sound cheesy but just let me be your superman and I promise that you'll forever have my love, my kiss, and my heart." You finally looked at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes.You were touched by what he said because no guy has ever treated you the way he treats you and he made you feel as if the world would end if you simply did not exist. You loved the feeling that you would get in your stomach whenever he would stare at you, and this is when you finally realized that you were in love with him. He made his way into your heart and you were okay with that. So you did the one thing that could truly show him the way you felt, you kissed him. Little did you know about the effect that you left on his heart for you were the only person who could truly cause it.


                                                                                      ~Couple of Months Later~


You felt arms wrap around you as you smiled to yourself knowing who the owner of the arms were. You turned around and looked into his eyes. Even though no words were said, that was enough because you both thought the same thing, Everything is perfection. 


Thank you for reading and sorry if I failed (the ending)

Please comment and tell me what you think. :)


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Chapter 1: I like it ^^ very creative story *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: I really can imagine Heenim is witg meeeeeeeeee! That was daebak! \m/
Chapter 1: THis is really creative and cute :)
Love creative ♡(●^―^●)♥
carolina #5
You guys liked it...really? ^-^ Thank You, I appreciate your comments. :)
Cute ! ~ Good use of song titles. :)
AnimeKitty #8
So cute! Loved the use of Super Junior song titles! It turned out really well! ^^
Chikenprincess #9
This was so beautiful! *_*
With all of Super Junior was super cute! ^^
*thumbs up*