how could you?

Do you remember?


You walked into the grand hall of the church. You noticed the pink and red roses in vases decorated around the hall. You walked over and gently touched the flower as you brought your face closer in to smell the sweet fragrance.


“Taeyang! Look at this flower!” you exclaimed happily. Taeyang came over to you and squatted down next to you as he smelt it. “It’s a rose. Call me oppa from now on okay?” he asked grinning widely. “Kay!” you nodded.

End of Flashback…

You noticed more and more people come in. *Maybe I should go see the bride now…* you thought as you went looking for the groom. *He might know where she is.* you continuously walked around the grand church looking through everyone room when you noticed a huge room. You peeked in and noticed the bride and Taeyang. “I wanted you…” he whispered to the bride. She smiled back and he held her hands gently as the both of them moved closer to each other. “No oppa…” you spoke softly to yourself. You saw it. You just saw the man you were waiting for kiss another women. Tears quickly began streaming down your eyes as you ran off to cry.

“______?” the groom questioned as he saw you run down the corridor. He slowly walked over to the room where his soon-to-be wife was. He opened the door and Taeyang quickly backed off. “Congratulations to the both of you.” Taeyang smiled. “Thanks.” His friend replied back. “I saw ______ running down the corridor. Do you two know why?” he questioned the bride and his best man. They both shook their heads but something popped into Taeyang’s mind. *She couldn’t have…* Taeyang quickly ran past the groom and ran down the hall way after you.

You found a small room and hid in the corner sitting on a chair crying your eyes out. “How could you?” you sobbed softly to yourself. The door slowly creaked open. You quickly wiped your eyes, stood up and turned around to see who entered the solitary room. “Calm down.” Taeyang spoke gently to you. Your hands clenched into fists as the flashbacks of him and the bride kissing kept replaying in your head. You just went back to your spot hiding your face. Taeyang walked over and sat down in front of you. “What’s wrong ______? It’s supposed to be a good day today. Our friends are getting mar…” before Taeyang could finish speaking you looked up to him and spoke. “Do you remember oppa?” you asked.

Taeyang tilted his head and furrowed his eye brows. “Remember what?” he asked back. “You oppa…we were all playing in my home garden and I accidentally blurted out that I loved you.” You tried to refresh his memory. Taeyang remembered it but didn’t say anything. He leaned back in his chair as he covered his mouth. “Do you remember oppa?” you asked with a slightly more angered tone. He didn’t reply. You gritted your teeth together as you could feel your blood boil. “I said I love you oppa. You smiled to me and brought me to our secret tree! You said that you liked me but when we were older than you would think about it.” You puffed out. Taeyang let out a sigh and covered his face from you. He didn’t want to look at your expression anymore.

You stormed up. “I waited for you oppa! I waited twenty years oppa! What now? That’s it?” you asked him loudly. Taeyang didn’t reply. He didn’t even move. More tears started streaming down your eyes. “God…I hate you oppa!” you screamed as his face as you stormed out of the room with the slam of the door. Taeyang fell to his knees as he heard you left. “I still love you ______...” he mumbled to himself as he clutched his chest. *Why does it feel like my heart shattered into a million pieces?* Taeyang thought as he felt wet streaks from his tears fall down his cheek. “______ please…I remember.” 

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Aish... Taeyang. Why?! Pick a girl man! Its either ____ or the bride. Tsk. Sigh. Poor girl.
ahaha sorry if it was confusing >>" but do you guys remember wedding dress mv? and like he kissed the bride? yeah that's what i meant :3 sorry if ur still confused >_<"
Paty97 #3
Sequel please! Love hurts especially when it's not returned (or so she thought). Well written.
-katya #4
im a little confused? he loves 'her' but he kissed her bride and the groom was in the um hall and then huh?? oh well, good story :)
sequal? :) x
wait...he wasn't the groom and he still loves "me" so why did he kiss the bride? this needs a sequel please <3
ant12345 #6
it's so sad...she was waiting up for him only o find him married..
if he loved her why did her not marry her..? h u hu hu...
creatingfaith #7
Nice oneshot :)