Please Be A Girl!

Please Be A Girl [L.Joe]


I need a girl, I need a girl, I need a girl

You’re so pretty and beautiful

I need a girl I need a girl I need a girl

Girlfriend, friend, friend.” 

“Babe, seriously I need a girl. If it’s a guy I think I might just start crying,” L.joe informed his girlfriend while rubbing her yet-to-fatten belly.

“It’s not up to me whether it’s a girl or boy. Why do you want a girl so badly anyway?”

“Because, if it’s a girl she’ll look like you and you’re so pretty and beautiful,” he said.

“Well, if it’s a guy then it’ll end up looking as handsome as you,” she spoke while smiling.

“I don’t want any competition deciding whose the most handsome in the family. I just want a girl!”

Mia, his girlfriend, just shook her head in disapproval. It had only been a month since she found out she was pregnant and already L. Joe was declaring what he wanted the babies gender to be. She couldn’t think of that right now, something else was bothering her and she didn’t know whether or not to ask her boyfriend about it. She wanted him to ask her about it.


“You softly came to me, you stole my heart

We already connected, look at my eyes

You make me call you several times a day

You make me smile at your sweet voice

To me, I only have you (I got ya)

My lady, hold my hand.”

L. Joe fidgeted with something in his pocket as he stared at his girlfriend. He didn’t know if it was the right time, but he wanted to do it soon. He wanted to do it sweetly, serenely, in a place she would adore. He wanted her to tear up when he asked, but he knew better than to wait for that time because he didn’t have much time.

He pulled the package from his pocket and without kneeling down on a single knee, without a bouquet of roses or a package of chocolate, and without a plan he opened it up in front of her. “Look it’s a ring.”

“I can see that captain obvious.” His girlfriend giggled at his stupidity.

“So, marry me,” it was more of a demand than anything else. But, Mia found even his demand enough. It was such an… L.Joe way of doing things. She grinned and nodded as he gently took her hand in his and slipped the ring onto her ring finger. She knew that her boyfriend was one that didn’t do sweet things often but he always had sweet intentions when he did things. It would have been a lie to say she wasn’t expecting to be proposed to like this but it would also be a lie to say that she minded it like this.

The rapper looked at the being in front of him and didn’t see a person but a goddess. A beauty so refined, it didn’t seem like any human could obtain it. He saw a thief, she came unexpectedly and unknowingly; she stole his heart. He saw his whole world in front of him. She was the only thing he lived for now. Thought of her to his mind were like air was to his lungs.

L.Joe looked into those eyes, the brown eyes that captured eyes, those warm brown eyes and gently brushed his lips against hers.


“Hey shawty, My baby are you thinking of me by any chance?

I can’t sleep at the thought of meeting you.

I laugh alone heh heh, I know you feel the same.

What more can I say? To be honest you’re the first.”

He leaned his head against the now grown stomach oh his wife. “I feel like it’s talking to me sometimes.”

Mia rolled her eyes, “yeah, I’m s sure it would be talking to you right? Although it can’t speak it’ll be talking to you.” She was about to get up and wobble over to the kitchen when L.Joe pushed her right back down on the bed.

“No, you have to stay and rest here. I’ll put that glass away for you,” he firmly informed her as he took the glass and came right back to continue to pat and feel the stomach.

“Can we sleep now?” his tired wife asked.

He shook his head “How can you even sleep, I can’t. I can’t wait to see her, to meet her.”

“I think you’re… You’re just crazy,” she said and laid back on the bed. “We’re sleeping now,” she turned out the lamp, the only source of light in the room.


“Just shut up and get in bed.”

He sighed and did as told. “I know you can’t wait either, I know you feel the same way about the baby.”

“I feel similarly, but I’m not nearly as excited as you,” she replied with her eyes closed, about to go off into dreamland.

What more could L.Joe say to express his excitement. It was his first kid after all. He didn’t understand why his wife wasn’t sharing his happiness nor did he understand that maybe, just maybe he was overdoing it a little.


“You’re so pretty, pretty, more than anyone else.

You’re dazzling

White skin, black eyes (you are mine mine)

You’re ma beautiful girl.”

“Push Mia PUSH!” everyone in the room encouraged her. She just grunted and pushed with all her might, only she could know the pain she was feeling. Finally though, after hours of labor she managed to get the baby out. Hours of labor for which L.Joe kept his eyes closed but her hands held. No matter how tough he acted he couldn’t stand the sight of blood.

After the nurse had cleaned it she brought it over to the couple and gave it to them with a smile. L.joe was happy to take the baby into his arms and admire it’s beauty, her beauty. Mis had wanted it to be a surprise but L.joe wanted to know the gender as soon as possible and thankfully it turned out to be a girl. “She’s so beautiful,” he mumbled as he ran his fingers over her soft, marble white skin.

“Show me too,” Mia said, sitting up a little and taking the baby from him. “Her eyes, her black eyes look like yours.”

“But everything else, she resembles you so much,” L.joe couldn’t stop smiling, laughing, being happy. “She’s our beautiful girl.”


“Hey girl, you’re the only one

I only need you

Hey girl you’re the only one

Stay by my side forever.”

That bad boy had turned into quite the family man. He spent more and more time with his daughter and wife every day, sometimes even neglecting work for the two. Years passed, and he grew old but never once did he look back and regret his decision. He did think back to good memories but did not let what-ifs and the such plague his mind.

Mia was in the kitchen making breakfast and Jinhee, a preschooler now, was coloring on the kitchen table with her backpack on, ready to go to school. L.Joe strolled into the kitchen and massaged his wife’s shoulders after saying good morning to the two. “How about today, we take a break? We can do something together. We can go for a hike?” he suggested looking from Mia back to his child.

Mia sighed “We can’t always take breaks,” she started but it was too late. Jinhee was already up and jumping around, pulling at her dress and whining about how they just had to go today.

L.Joe laughed in amusement at his family and hugged the both of them tight. “You guys are all I have, I hope we’re like this forever.”


“I love you, baby”








So this is just one of those song fics C: 

I know it's kind f weird interpretting the song this way xD But my brain is weird so yeah OTL 

It's not suppsed to be funny... but I laughed xD 

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hanamizuki #1
there's another ljoe story
angsty and really nice
if you're an ljoe fan then it's a must-read~
daniiaangel #2
Aaaw so beautiful:3
The story itself was cute ^^