Prologue - The Call of Duty

The Swallows (Temporary name)


“Decrypted : (***_***_***) @ Saturday, April 18th, 2015 – 17:43”

-- Top Secret --

To : #####, #####, #####, #####, #####, #####, #####, #####, #####

Subject : Assassination of BAXTER and the Assimilation of new subjects.

Dear Sirs,

The assassination of BAXTER has been a success. The collapse of the corporation is imminent; all personnel involved were duly executed. The assimilation of suitable subjects into our team has been a success for the past 2 batches. We have identified 4 new subjects for retrieval, to fill our ranks. Their names and information are attached in this email for your reference. Do note that they will be completely removed from your files and databases and be placed under our direct command from 18th of May 2015, 10:00 onwards. All processes will be automated, with no interference needed from your respective administration. Lastly, I’ll like to say that I’m pleased to have members of my team from your respective agencies.

Hope you have trained them well.

Yours sincerely,

Choi Seunghyun

Attachments :
- 21371011_Yuri_Kwon
- 07345277_Yoona_Im
- 22110218_Jessica_Jung
- 11560111_Juhyun_Seo

-- Top Secret --

“Decrypted : (***_***_***) @ Saturday, April 18th, 2015 – 17:43”

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Damn, because this story had potential
PipTheTerror #2
Chapter 6: This looks like a very, very promising story :) apologies for joining the party so late.
I'm really anticipating great things ahead \o/
I hope you continue with it :)

- PiP.
cn2theblue #3
Looks really awesome waiting for next update
I forgot about the story...JK <3
Your story is so interesting!
I love these kinds of theme plots haha.
Do I sense some BoJoong here?! YAY for Bojoong(:
Please update soon!! ^^
Wow!!! How does this not have more comments?? The storyline is so interesting and awesome and there is so many idols featured on this story! And the writing is fantastic! Hope you get more subscribers and thanks for updates! ^^