We Got Married ExoGeneration– chapter 1

We Got Married SNSD & Exo-k[H I A T U S]

smiling couple color=            

Lovely couple color=            

Good-Looking couple color=            





Today was the day snsd came back after their performance in Japan. When they reached the airport at Korea, many fans were there waiting for snsd. "Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Yoona you girls are taking a different van." their manager said. The girls did as told. 

In the van it was very quiet. No one spoke. Seconds later their manager gave them a letter. Taeyeon opened the letter and read it out loud. 

Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Yoona congratulations! You three are on We Got Married! Go to XXXXX cafe and meet your husband there. 


"Wah~" Tiffany did her beautiful eyesmile. "We got married? Seriously?" Taeyeon was shocked. "This is going to be exciting...." Yoona said.

Interview room

Q. Who do you want your husband to be?

Tae: *starts laughing* it doesn't matter who it is. As long as he understands me. 

Tff: hm.....I would really like it if it was someone I know. I think it would be easier to communicate.

Yoon: secret~~ 


"I wonder who it is." Taeyeon said. "Maybe boom?" Yoona spoke out. They looked at each other then laughed. "What if it was boom?" Tiffany asked. "Then we're in trouble." Taeyeon answered. Once again they started laughing.


"Careless careless, shoot anonymous, anonymous, heartless, mindless, no one who care about me~" Exo-k just finished their dance practice. "We are one! Annyeonghaseyo Exo-k inamida!" they introduced themselves. "Suho, Baekhyun, and Kai we need to see you for a quick second." the pd said.  Suho, Baekhyun, and Kai went up to the pd. He gave a letter to Kai. 

Suho, Baekhyun, and Kai congratulations! You three are on We Got Married! Go to XXXXX cafe and meet your wife there.


 Kai read it loud enough so only the three of them could hear. After he finished, Baekhyun eyes and mouth were wide open. Suho just started clapping. Kai smirked then asked, "Is  this a joke?" the pd shook his head. "What? What happened?" Chanyeol asked. Kai gave him the letter then Chanyeol read it out loud. "WHAT!" everyone except the three shouted.

Interview room

Q. How do you feel now that you know you're on We Got Married?

Baek: ...........I'm still shocked......

Suho: daebak.......

Kai: happy of course! *smiles*


The three of them went back to the dorm and wore different clothes. They went into the van ready to go to the cafe. "Why am I so nervous?" Baekhyun said. "It's ok I'm nervous too.." Suho smiled. Kai just kept quiet. 

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GuiQing #1
Chapter 1: Come on , Please Update!!
Chapter 1: Please Updateeee!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: Updatteeeeeeeee
KimYeonyi #4
please update author-nim !! ^^
uida_usagi #5
Chapter 1: update plllllleaseeeeee......
littlelyllian123 #6
Chapter 1: Plzzz update!
littlelyllian123 #7
Chapter 1: Keep updating!!!!!
Trappedbee #8
update pleaseeeee!:):):)
Chapter 1: Update PLZ :)
sea0horse #10
please update soon