chapter one

18 and dying

“Hyoyeon sweetie, are you ready?” he asked. “Yes, father,” she called back as she walked out of her room with her last baggage. She and her father were going on a vacation at the vineyard located in the country side. Her father looks at her and can see that she is trying hard to put a happy face on.

Hyoyeon’s POV

I can see my dad staring at me as I sat in the car; he knew I wasn’t happy about the trip. Ever since my mother passed away, I never liked going back to the countryside anymore. It was a beautiful place but that place reminded me of my mother, it was the last time I saw my mother. Till this day, I never forgot what happened.

My mother died because of cancer, a cancer that she and my father never knew about. It grew inside of her without her knowing. But when we found out, it was too late and she immediately left my father and I behind.

It has already been 3 years since her death, my dad and I still miss her very much. I opened the window and close my eyes shut letting the wind brush my face. 

“Hyoyeon sing a song,” I heard my father said.

I turn to look at him and his smile slowly faded, my father also knew that I stopped singing the moment I knew I was diagnosed with cancer. I have never seen my father so sad, I stared at him as he drive, my father is aging fast, he lost my mother and very soon he will be losing me.

To comfort my dad, I began to sing and his smile return.

Two hours later, we finally arrived at the vineyard, it was still beautiful as to when I was there a few years ago.

“Hello, welcome to Jung vineyard,” a man greeted me. I smiled and thank him as he got a hold of my luggage. “My name is Jay, I will be your servant while your stay here” he said. I gave him another smile and left with my father. Suddenly, I see another man coming out, much taller and more handsome. His face looks so serious yet his body language seem so soft.

“Good evening Mr. Kim, I have been expecting you, I am pleased to welcome you and your daughter,” he said.

“Thank you,” my father replied.

“My parents are on a business trip for the next few weeks, therefore, if you have any questions please let me know,” he replied. “My name is Jung Yunho, I am the eldest son of Siwon Jung,” he stated.

“Wow, you have grown up to be very handsome Yunho, I remember years ago, you were still a child,” my father told him. “Yes, sir, it has been quite a while since I have seen you,” Yunho told my dad.

I gave him a smile and followed my dad to our room.

Yunho’s POV

I can’t believe that girl came back to our resort, top it off she is still that stuck up girl who never speaks. I feel bad for her father, he has to deal with a daughter like her. As I sat there upset having to serve her for the next few days, Jay walks in.

“Hey, did you see that pretty girl earlier that came with Mr. Kim,” Jay asked me.

I gave him a disgust look as he brought her up. “That girl is nothing but a rich stuck up,” I told him. I can’t believe I just said that, it has always been in my thoughts but I never thought I would say it out loud.

“Do you know that girl?” Jay asked me. “I don’t know her personally since she has never spoke to me. I just knew her family because they are one of our valued customers, they come here often,” I explained.

“Her mother passed away here in this resort, it was a natural but unexpected death,” I said.

“What her mother died? Here?” Jay asked.

“Yes, a few years ago,” I told him.

“Poor girl, she must be going through a hard time, having to spend a vacation here where her mother died. It must be hard to bare,” Jay said.

For some reason that never came to mind, I just never liked her at first and never thought of anything else.

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Update jay hoy hwaiting
chr1ss11 #3
Yes, I have been meaning to work on these years anyhow, by any chance you guys know where I can upload my videos.
I have done a few clips, I want to share it with you all
wao.. jayhyo?
update more..
you have so many upcoming stories! ahahha but i can't wait!! eheheh ^^