So Min Ri Can Dance!

Dreaming In Color


After about a half hour of rehearsing the dance’s to a couple of their songs, Bigbang decided to take a break. Jiyong grabbed a water and plopped himself down next to me, leaning over on me.

“Ewww! You're all sweaty and gross! Get off!!!” I squealed, attempting to shove him entirely off the bench but ended up just hopping off the bench to get away from him.

“Ahh!!” I felt my back collide with someone’s chest and I squeezed my eyes shut, mentally preparing to hit the ground. But I never did.

Seungri caught me under my arms and pulled me back upright, making sure I was steady before letting me go. I turned and bowed in apology.

“I'm so sorry!”

“Ah, don’t worry it’s fine!” he said patting me on the head, “I take it you're not much of a dancer?” he continued laughingly. I blew him a raspberry.

“Just because I have two left feet when I’m walking, doesn’t mean I have two left feet when I’m dancing!” I protested.

“Wait so you dance?”

Jiyong snorted.

“She’s one of the reasons I got started in dance.” He said.


“Yup! I started dancing when I was little and I used to make him practice with me and dragged him to the studio and eventually he started taking classes with me. Only hip hop though, ‘cause he’s a loser and he thinks most other styles are girly and he’s just too freaking cool for that.”  

“Well, I don’t really think he’d be very good in ballet.” Seungri said thoughtfully, clearly trying to imagine Jiyong in tights and ballet shoes. I laughed at the face he made after succeeding. He grabbed Jiyong by the shoulders and shook him lightly.

“Never, I mean never do ballet, you hear me?” he demanded very seriously. Jiyong started to laugh and almost chocked on the water he was chugging.

“Don’t worry, I won't.” he laughed, “Hey, Min Ri, come dance with me.” he said, then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the floor.

“I don’t wanna dance with you!” I yelped, pushing him away.

“What?! Why not?” he whined.

“Because you're an attention hog! And as soon as the music starts playing you're all like, ‘Ooooh look at me! I'm Jiyong and I’m fabulous!’” I mocked even ending with a hair flip.

“Hey, hey, hey! For one thing I do not talk like that and also my hair’s never been long enough for that flipping stuff.” He protested, “But since you’ve clearly decided that I’m just not good enough to dance with you, why don’t you go and dance by yourself, huh?”

“SOLO! SOLO! SOLO!” they all chanted, Taeyang running over to the iPod dock to play some music. My eyes turned into saucers as Britney Spears’ I wanna go.

“Are you freaking kidding me?! You want me to dance to this?!” I squeaked over the blaring music. The boys’ over excited nods confirmed my fears and I covered my face in embarrassment, wondering if I still had it in me.

Replacing the blushing cheeks and embarrassment, with my best y face, I jazz walked right out to the center of the floor.

A link to what I thought Min Ri’s dance might look like. I have nothing at all to do with this video, I did not dance in it, I did not choreograph this, I just found this on YouTube and slapped it into my story.


Please comment about what you think! i LOVE feedback, good or bad :D well not like a flame, nobody likes those, but just like critiquing.

On a completely different note, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE SEASON 9!!!! OH MY GOD THIS SEASON'S GONNA BE SOOO SICK!!!!! Btw i freaking ADORE Cole!!! he's a smexy asian ninja dancer ;) you know you love him :D


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candyapplez #1
Chapter 11: update soon!
I'd like to see more Jealous Ji, cos it'd be too cute to ignore XD Keep up the good work!
Rumi-chan #3
Jenbom: Thanks so much!! yeah the way you explained it, oppa would be more like -kun. Thanks again!
or actually oppa might be similar to kun. i'm not sure..i've been away from the jap scene for too long. x:
-ah or -yah is just to put behind a name to make them flow better like Ri-yah or Min-ah (like chan or kun). -sshi is for titles such as Mr. or Ms. so like san in jap, more polite. and oppa is to call an older man that you are close with (boyfriend, older male friend, brother).

hope this helped^^
Developing your characters and taking your time is very good thing ;) A story worth telling, is worth telling right, so you are doing a good job :D

*cheers you on*
You are off to a good start!

And Happy Birthday, author-nim! <3