YG Entertainment and (Jealous?) Jiyong

Dreaming In Color


It was close to 7 o’clock, when you started to get close to the YG Entertainment building, where Jiyong had asked you to drop him off at.

“Hey, I never asked where you’re staying.” Jiyong questioned suddenly.

“And I never told you.”


“With a friend.”

He gave a look of half feigned disbelief.

“What?!?! I have friends you know!!!” I protested.

“Pfft, yeah right.”

I glared harshly at him.

“Kidding, kidding.” He says raising his hand in defeat, “How is it?”

“Where I'm staying? It’s fine. Kinda cramped since there’s only one bedroom so I have to sleep on the couch, I can make it work.”

“You do realize that there’s a guest bedroom at my apartment, right?”

“No I did not know that.” I said matter-of-factly, trying to force his hand. He sighed.

“That you’re welcome to stay at.” he continued.

“Really!? Yay!!!” I squealed and glomped him, happy that we were currently stuck in a red light, “I’ll tell Sun Hwa tonight, then bring my stuff to your place tomorrow! Don’t worry I’ll probably only be there for a week maybe two, until I find my own apartment.”

“You're welcome to stay as long as you like.” He said dryly, as I rounded the corner of the block that housed YG Entertainment’s building.

“Well, sir, where would you like me to drop you off at?” I said, pretending to be his chauffeur.

“Same place.” He said, coughing a laugh.

I pulled into the small alley, careful not to ding Sun Hwa’s car.

“Hey, you wanna come in and watch? I think we’re about to have dance practice.” He said as he hopped out of the car.

“Ooh, can I really?” I asked excitedly. I’d never seen Jiyong as G-Dragon of Bigbang, except for whenever I looked them up on YouTube, just to check up on him.

“Sure. I doubt the guys will mind.”

“Yay!” I squealed, putting the car in park and pulling the keys from the ignition.

“I am allowed to park here, right?” I paused.



Jiyong practically had to drag me to the practice room, since I felt the need to stop and drool about everything. It was all so fancy! I was sort of afraid that I’d end up breaking something. A single room probably cost more than a year of my college education, something I hadn’t paid for (full scholarship!) but still expensive nonetheless.

“Come ON! It’s not that big of a deal!” he said exasperatedly, as I ran to look at a holographic slideshow of YG Family.

“To you it isn’t! You’re used to it! I'm not!!” I told him.

“If you don’t hurry up, I'm going to be so late! You know what forget it, I'm going to go to practice now. Good luck finding your way out of this place!” He called over his shoulder as he walked down the hallway.

“NO! Wait, Wait, Wait!!!” I cried, running to catch up with him before I got lost forever in this labyrinth of a building. He just laughed at me.

“That wasn’t nice!!” I whined, slightly upset that he’d even threaten to leave me.

“Aww did I hurt your feelings?” he said caringly.

“Yes.” I said pulling my “Cutesy” face, wide innocent eyes and a babyish pout.

“Too bad.” He said meanly, making me burst into feigned tears.

“You're a meanie! I hate you!” I said. We glared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. From his “Did I hurt your feelings?” to the laughing, it was all part of a script, a ritual, that we’d been carrying out for years.

“Can't believe you still remember that.” I said after my giggling had calmed down.

“It’s so stupid I couldn’t forget it.” He snorted, “Hey, this is it.” he nodded to a door, then grabbed the handle and walked in. I followed him in, shrinking behind him, trying not to be noticed, my shyness kicking in at the idea of being in a room full of strangers, famous strangers, at that.

“Hey, who’s the cutie?” said one of them, peering around Jiyong to look at me. Seungri, I guessed, recognizing him from the videos I’d watched on YouTube. “Is she your girlfriend?” he continued.

I snorted a laugh at that.

“Pfft, no. She’s just a friend.”

“Well if she’s just a friend, does that mean one of us can date her?” he questioned slyly, then addressed me, not even waiting for an answer, “What’s your name, gorgeous?”

“Hey, back off.” Jiyong said, punching Seungri in a half brotherly way.

“But she’s 'Just a friend’" he mimicked.

Jiyong ignored him, instead turning to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, lowered his face down to my level and said, very seriously, “Don’t talk to him, ‘kay Min Ri? He’s no good for you.”


I forgot to update yesterday... My bad >.< Sooooo.... Double Update Today!!! Next chapter up in a flash (not really i still have to type it up, but i got it alllll planned out)

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candyapplez #1
Chapter 11: update soon!
I'd like to see more Jealous Ji, cos it'd be too cute to ignore XD Keep up the good work!
Rumi-chan #3
Jenbom: Thanks so much!! yeah the way you explained it, oppa would be more like -kun. Thanks again!
or actually oppa might be similar to kun. i'm not sure..i've been away from the jap scene for too long. x:
-ah or -yah is just to put behind a name to make them flow better like Ri-yah or Min-ah (like chan or kun). -sshi is for titles such as Mr. or Ms. so like san in jap, more polite. and oppa is to call an older man that you are close with (boyfriend, older male friend, brother).

hope this helped^^
Developing your characters and taking your time is very good thing ;) A story worth telling, is worth telling right, so you are doing a good job :D

*cheers you on*
You are off to a good start!

And Happy Birthday, author-nim! <3