Love Confession

Unexpected Love Blossoms

  His eyes watched as the young Maknae was surrounded by stylists, hairdressers, make up artists and the fashionistas, all talking to him at once. The blonde did his best to try and answer them all, his voice low and quiet, giving way to his shy manner. Of course, he himself had a similar array of people around him, but he ignored them for the most part, until JR approached him. "Min Hyun, come on, the longer you ignore them the longer it'll take for you to be done." A bit annoyed, he tore his gaze from the little blonde and narrowed his eyes a bit then sighed. "Yah yah, whatever you say." Reluctantly, he turned his gaze upon the crew surrounding him, answering them as bluntly as possible, trying to not come off as cold or harsh. They seemed relieved his attention was where it ought to be, though he frowned when they tried to apply make up to him. JR had been tense and irritable lately, he always was whenever they had an upcoming interview or stage performance.

  On top of that, he was leader, so he couldn't blame him for being a bit temperamental during those days. Most of the guys seemed to have a similar, forgiving thought process, even though Baek Ho still seemed to think that perhaps he could use it to somehow, someday, become the leader of the group. His eyes trailed after JR, whom was scolding Aron for flirting with one of the Noona hairstylists. Though thats how Aron always was around any good looking woman, constantly flirting, yet he never got a girlfriend. As far as Min Hyun knew, he also still hadn't had his first kiss. Though with the way Aron was, he figured he'd had girlfriends before, and he certainly had lost his first kiss. With his flirty, charming ways, he could probably get whatever girl he wanted. Not only that, but in two years, Aron would also be free to marry too. Though since they were gradually gaining fame in Korea, marriage usually came years and years later, simply because of how busy idols tended to be.

  Suddenly he heard laughter, and his gaze flickered over to Ren, whom was apparently done being tended to by the staff. He had a small smile on his face, a rare sight unless it was just Nu'Est around. Then his gaze turned to the one who'd made Ren laugh, a young woman whom was clearly a Noona, she seemed to be somewhere in her early twenties, though Min Hyun hadn't seen her around before. So he figured she must have been a new worker to replace the other that had been fired a few weeks before. He felt a spark of jealousy in his chest, it'd taken him a week or so to get to know Ren as a friend. On top of that, another week or so before he found out how to make him smile or on a very rare ocassion, laugh. Yet here this woman, this Noona was, first day on the job, and she was already getting Ren to show her his cute smile. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the others look to them in surprise as well, but they otherwise seemed unbothered by the development. No way, Ren was his, and he wasn't about to let some stupid Noona take him.

  "Eun Sun, hurry up, or we'll leave you here." One of the stylists, a man in his thirties, had opened the door and peeked his head in, a hand on the door. Min Hyun noticed the Noona's eyes widen a bit, and she clasped her hands near her chest. "Wah, no way!! Don't be so mean!" She was clearly attempting aegyo on him, the man merely smirked at her attempt which Min Hyun thought was a bad attempt, and the stylist just told her to hurry up again. Eun Sun grabbed her purse and a few other things, then waved good bye to Ren and everyone else before hurrying out the door after him. The door closed then, and the guys started to head out the other door. Ren was talking to Baek Ho, those two seeming as close as ever, annoyingly enough. If he didn't know better, which he did, he would've thought Ren and Baek Ho might be an item. Luckily they were merely good friends. Before Ren and Baek Ho left, Min Hyun hurried to grab Ren's arm. "I just need to borrow Ren for a moment Baek Ho." Though they both seemed confused, they nodded and Baek Ho left Ren and Min Hyun alone in the room.

 "Ren, there's something I need to tell you." Though still confused, he nodded slightly. "Okay....what is it, Minhyun?" For a moment, he let silence fall between them, but he wouldn't release his arm, even when Ren tried to reclaim his own arm. This seemed to concern him and he gazed at Min Hyun, wonderingly. "Min Hyun....?" Taking a deep breath, he looked Ren straight in the eyes, a light blush slowly coming to his cheeks as he said "Ren, I love you. Please go out with me." Ren's caramel brown eyes widened, and he blushed brightly. "Mi-Minhyun...?" His voice was questioning, the look on his face clearly one of disbelief. The atmosphere felt awkward and nervous, but Min Hyun merely gulped and waited for an answer. "Well...?" The blonde fidgeted in his grasp and Min Hyun finally released his grip on his arm. "I-I don't know....This isn't a joke, is it? If it is, its not funny Min Hyun..." It was almost too much for Min Hyun, that cute, feminine and flushed face, fidgeting and uncertain.

Luckily he was good at restraint, or he would've otherwise pounced on Ren by now, regardless of his answer. "Its not a joke, want me to prove it?" He took Ren's wrist in his and pinned him to the wall, going in for a kiss. But that seemed to give him a sort of wake up call and he flushed, pushing at Min Hyun and moving his own head to the side to avoid a full on kiss. "Min Hyun....I-I-I'm sorry.....But I just don't think....I can return your feelings..." His voice had lowered and gotten quiet, and Min Hyun was in shock. 'Why? Am I lacking something?' He wondered, then demanded "Is there someone else? ....Its Baek Ho is it? Well?!" His voice was snapping and irritated, and Ren winced as if he'd physically struck him. "N-no...." It sounded like he was whimpering, Min Hyun was ready to force a kiss on him. Which he was about to do, until Eun Sun came back in. "Sorry, I forgot my--" She stopped and stared, her eyes wide in shock at the sight, Ren looked like he was about to cry and Min Hyun...well, he didn't look like a happy camper. "Min Hyun, Ren, whats going on?!"

  Ren glanced up at Eun Sun, surprised and clearly caught off gaurd by the sudden change of events, as was Min Hyun. "Its nothing, mind your own stupid business." It took everything Min Hyun had to not snarl at her, especially when Ren seemed so relieved at the sight of her. Though unlike Min Hyun, Ren couldn't answer. A small frown appeared on the Noona's face and she strode over, doing her best to gently pull them apart. "Come on now, even if Ren made a mistake or something, he's obviously sorry about it. So why don't you two calm down, and maybe take a break from one another?" He realized she misinterpreted the situation, though while that relieved him, he couldn't help but notice Ren willingly step behind the Noona and look at the ground. His chest hurt, it was bad enough Ren had rejected him, but now this Noona had to come in and remind him of how easily she'd gotten along with Ren right off the bat. "Yah, whatever." Eun Sun was caught off gaurd by his cold tone but turned and kneeled a bit in front of Ren. "You're okay, right?" Min Hyun watched as Ren hesitantly looked at her, biting gently at his soft, pink bottom lip. His eyes were glistening but he nodded, not saying a word. A small frown creased her lips and she asked "Why don't we get some water then?" She then glanced at Min Hyun, seeming a bit unsure of herself, it made him feel a little better. That she didn't act as if she were better then him. "Min Hyun, can you tell the others Ren is going to be a bit late?" He nodded bitterly, wanting nothing more then to hit her, cause her cheek to swell or bruise. With that, he turned and quickly left them, hearing Ren begin to seem to loosen up a bit as he sniffled, the stupid Noona murmuring quietly to Ren as Min Hyun got further away.

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.................................................*unni*.................................... that's better than my MinRon o______o you don't give yourself enough credit............................ geeze, i'm still blushing .................. he got the sixteen yr old drunk and him..........he made sure to count his legit crimes.............this isn't your first time writing a scene, it can't be..............
*OMO*! I love it! Updateupdateupdate, Sweet Aliiice~ <3