A Different World



Kris’s POV


The fall was nothing; I was used to waking in agony, but this was different. This was a fully human body that had just been made out of thin air for me; a fallen angel banished to earth. It was totally new and different. I wasn’t used to this.

“Oh, you’re awake. I’m sure the transition was a…painful one.” Suho says slowly from beside the bed I’m on. I sit up slowly and look to him.

“Why are you here?” I ask in a low voice. Suho smiles to me softly.

“To help you through this, you should be glad.” He says. I shrug to him and swing around, my feet touching the cool wooden floor.

“You know it won’t be easy.” Suho says, stating out the most obvious thing.

“I know that.” I hiss.

“If you don’t want my help…” He starts. I sigh and shake my head.

“No, I welcome your help. It’s just…everything is so…different.” I say. Suho nods.

“Of course it is. You’re human now. Well, again.” He says. Human again, it’s something I never wanted.

“How old am I?” I ask. Suho thinks for a moment and then snaps his fingers.

“I believe you’re 21.” Suho says. I nod slowly, of course I am. I died when I was 21.

“Oh, you’re older than me, but only by a year or so.” Suho says with a grin. I shake my head as I roll my eyes.

“Bravo Suho, but technically you’re older. By what…100 years?” I ask. Suho shrugs and looks around the room we’re in. It’s small but nice, the bed takes up most of the room and there’s a small dresser off to the left and then a door.

“Nice room. You should see the rest, it’s nice.” Suho says, a subtle way to get me to stand. I push myself off of the bed and stumble slightly as I take in the new feeling of walking in this body.

“How do you feel?” Suho asks as I stumble over to him. I shrug in response.

“This is nothing, I feel fine.” I say slowly, thinking over the words slowly. Most humans speak before they think; very few do it the other way.

“Ok, that’s good then.” Suho says as he moves back slightly so I can get to the door. I take the handle and turn it, hearing the click sound I pull it open slowly to see the rest of the small apartment I’m in. I look to Suho.

“I have earth money you’ll live on for some time, but you’ll have to work; only after you get used of being here of course.” He says. I nod slowly, it sounds like a good plan to me, only being here for a matter of minutes.

I walk out of the small bedroom and take in the rest of the apartment. It is nice, like Suho said. It’s small but liveable. I wasn’t expecting much, not for a fallen angel. I’m just one of those lucky that fell to be connected to someone like Suho. And for that, I am forever grateful. Suho walks out and stops beside me.

“Do you like it?” He asks as he looks around. I nod a yes to him. He smiles at me.

“Good, I’m glad you do. It’s all I could do in such a small amount of time. If only you told me what you had planned…” He says with a small sigh, but smiles anyway.

“Yeah, sorry.” I say to him. It was a stupid plan, but the only plan I could think of.

“No, no it’s fine. I haven’t been to earth for a while.” He says with a shrug. I blink at him slowly.

“You-you’re staying?” I ask. Suho grins at me and nods. He points towards a door that sits to the room I stumbled out of. I look back to Suho.

“My room, it’s the same size of yours. I thought…you’d enjoy the company.” He says.

“Thanks.” I say slowly. I’m not sure if I’ll thank him later or not, but I already know Suho is protective of me, I just don’t know why.

“Sure. You should sleep more; it’ll help you regain a few things, like dreams and normal breathing and normal senses.” Suho says. I nod to him before I turn around and stumble back into the room I came out of. I sit on the bed as Suho closes the door. I breathe in the new scents I didn’t notice before. I lie down and pull the thin sheet over my body before I let my body before my eyes grow heavy and I fall asleep.


“Well go on, eat it.” Suho says as encouragement. I look at the ‘food’ he’s given me. I’m sure it’s appetizing to humans or normal ones at least.

“But…what is this again?” I ask as I slowly pull it apart.

“It’s a burger.” Suho says with a small smile. I look over the contents of the ‘burger’ I hold and shrug, placing the top bun, as Suho called it, back on and taking a bite. It was a mix of flavourings, meat and seasoning with cheese and sauces. Tastes I haven’t had for years and new ones. I’ll admit; it was nice while it lasted.

“So…Kris, it hopefully won’t take long for you to get a hang of things…” Suho says slowly, making sure I’m listening to him. I just nod as a response and he continues.

“But I hope you know that…well that you’re human now. So you’ll have…you’ll have these urges to do…ah things.” He says. I blink at him, confused as to what he was talking about.

“Urges…to do things?” I ask. Suho nods slowly to me.

“Yes. Well, they’re perfectly human. And normal, don’t forget that.” He says with a smile. I think for a moment, human urges. Then it clicks.

“Oh you mean ual urges?” I ask. Suho swallows quickly and nods. I scoff at the thought that I would succumb to such things.

“Yes. You should be fine…for now anyway.” He says.

“What…do you mean by that? That I’ll just go out of control once I step outside? I’m not crazy Suho.” I say. Suho snickers.

“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just, you haven’t, I haven’t, had these types of feelings and urges in a long time. It’s completely normal to be overwhelmed by them once you see another human…other than me.” He mumbles the last part but I hear him perfectly. My eyes go wide.

“You-you’re human too?  Why, but you did nothing. You’re not banished are you?” I ask. Suho smiles and shakes his head.

“I’m human, but only by request. To help you…and to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.” He says quickly.

“I’m not going to do anything stupid.” I mumble. Suho shrugs.

“Go shower. Do…you know how to shower?” Suho asks with a smile. I nod to him.

“Of course I do. How…how does someone not know how to shower?” I ask.

“Well then go shower.” He says. I nod and stand slowly. I walk away from the table and to the small bathroom we share. I close the door and lock it. I look at the shower and sigh. I don’t know how to shower, not at all. But all you do is stand under the water , right?


No. No I’m wrong. First you undress and then stand under the shower head and freeze from cold water than boil from hot water. I sigh in frustration as I turn the cold and hot water taps slowly. I feel the water with my hand and wait as it changed to a comfortable temperature. I step under the water and close my eyes. It feels weird, not the water, but the fact I have to do this now. There’s a knock at the door but I don’t answer because I hear it click open anyway.

“How’d you open it? I locked it.” I say from the shower. I hear Suho snicker.

“I have a key to all the doors in this apartment. You never know, you could drown in here.” He says. I laugh.

“I’m not that stupid.” I say. Suho laughs.

“I know, just making sure. I’ve set out a towel and clothes for you. Don’t take too long.” He says before leaving, closing and locking the door again. I relax more under the warm water. I open my eyes slowly and look around slowly. I look at the small bottle that sits on a rack designed for in-shower use. I take it and open the lid; it makes a small pop sound. I smell it; it’s a mix of vanilla and old wood. I shrug as I turn the bottle around and read the directions.

“Rinse…and repeat. How many times do you repeat?” I ask myself. I think of asking Suho, but knowing him he’d snicker and tell me to figure it out. Or wash my hair for me. I decide against asking Suho. I pour a small amount of the ‘shampoo’ onto my hand and rub it into my hair. I shrug, not so bad. Until bubbles appear and roll down my face and into my eyes. I hiss as they sting.

“Suho!” I call out. I hear the door open.

“What?” Suho asks.

“I…I have shampoo in my eyes. I’m not going to go blind am I?” I ask. Suho laughs like I’m an idiot, I am right now.

“Turn around.” Suho says, closer now. I do as he says and turn around. I feel Suho’s hands touch my face and splash water at my eyes softly.

“Wash your hands.” He orders. I do so. Suho takes my wrists and pulls them up to my face.

“Wash your face in an up-down motion for a moment and then rub your eyes a little.” He says knowingly. I sigh but still do as he says.

“Ok, open your eyes and blink a little so you can see.” He says. I open them and blink slowly. After a few blinks everything is fine and I notice how close Suho actually was.

“Y-you can g-go now.”  I say.

“Why?” Suho asks.

“W-well I’m n-…and this is a-awkward for me.” I say slowly. Suho snickers and leaves. I feel my cheeks, they’re heating up. I shake my head and continue to shower, without getting anything in my eyes.


I step out of the bathroom, dried partly and dressed. I hold the towel I use in my hands and walk to Suho.

“What do I do with this?” I ask. Suho turns to me and looks to my hands.

“Put it in the laundry basket.” He says slowly.

“Do you think I know what that is?” I ask. Suho sighs and walks around me, taking the towel as he does and pulls me into the bathroom. We stand in front of a white basket.

“This is the laundry basket. You put the towels in here. And your dirty or used clothes.” Suho says with a nod. I drop the towel into the basket and Suho smiles.

“Easy, am I right? I’m always right. No need to answer.” He says before leaving. I shake my head and leave too.

“Are you hungry?” Suho asks as I enter the kitchen. I shrug to him.

“Not at the moment.” I say. Suho nods and takes a deep breath.

“Why are you breathing like that?” I ask. Suho takes another deep breath and his cheeks go a light pink.

“N-nothing, go away.” He says. I snicker and step closer.

“What’s wrong, Suho? Can’t contain your…human emotions and urgers?” I ask in a low voice. Suho’s cheeks turn red.

“Shut up.” He says quietly. I snicker and step away.

“It’s ok Suho.” I say. He shrugs and leaves the room. I smile to myself and shake my head, at times Suho can be so…human. And at others he has a force you’ll never see coming or want to face.


A few days pass, slowly but they pass either way. Suho has a job; he got it the day Kris became a fallen angel.

“Kris, come on get up. You’re coming to the bar with me.” Suho says as he shakes me lightly. I groan and sit up in a daze.

“I’m up.” I say slowly, my words slurring together. Suho snickers and shakes me by my shoulders lightly.

“Go shower and get dressed.” He says before leaving me. I sigh as I get out of bed and stumble into the bathroom, knowing Suho will come in once I’m in the shower with a towel and fresh clothes for me to wear. He always does.

I finish getting dress and step out of the bathroom, steam following after me.

“Finally, what the h-ah…what were you doing in there?” Suho asks. I shrug to him.


I follow Suho down the road from our apartment building; it’s taller than I thought it was. We walk across the road and I see the name of where Suho works; EXO Bar. I don’t know what the name means, but I don’t care either. We enter the bar and I follow Suho to the back.

“Hey, Baekhyun, this is…Kris.” Suho says with a smile. Baekhyun, who I’d say is the barkeeper, smiles at me.

“Hello Kris. I’m Baekhyun, the barkeeper and owner of this lovely establishment.” He says. I smile at him and bow my head.

“Take a seat wherever you like, have a meal or something. You shift starts in about…thirty minutes.” Baekhyun says. I nod with Suho and we walk over to one of the small tables. We sit down and I look around. It’s nice, two story place. A bar and a kitchen can be seen; a few doors here and there lead to other rooms.

“The place is nice, right?” Suho asks. I simply nod to him.

“The cook here is really good.” He says with a light tone. I look to him and smile.

“Really?” I ask. Suho nods to me as he smiles.

“Should we order something?” Suho asks. I shrug, I only just got up and it’s pass lunch time. Humans like to sleep, I like to sleep now.

“I’m not hungry.” I say. Suho snickers.

“How can you not be hungry after sleeping for ten hours?” He asks. I shrug again.

“I don’t know. Just order something, you’re paying.” I say with a smile. Suho sighs and nods. He stands and walks over to the bar where Baekhyun still is. They talk to each other for a moment and Suho walks back over and sits down.

“They have the best fries here.” Suho says with a grin. I blink at him and nod slowly.

“Yeah, ok. Whatever you say…” I say. Suho smiles at me. A few minutes later a short man with pale skin and big eyes walks over to us with a plate of fries. I watch as Suho’s face lights up when he sees him.

“Hey, here are your fries.” The man says. He looks to me and then back to Suho.

“Thanks. Oh, this is Kris, Kris this is D.O.” He says. I bow my head to him and D.O smiles to me.

“Well, enjoy your fries.” D.O says. Suho simply nods and D.O goes back to the kitchen. I smirk at Suho.

“Why…why are you looking at me like that?” He asks. I shrug.

“I don’t know Suho, you tell me.” I say in a low voice.

“B-be quiet Kris.” He whispers as his cheeks go a light pink, like a few days ago. I snicker at him being shy; it’s entertaining to say the least.

“Just eat the fries and stop smirking at me.” Suho says before shoving a few fries into my mouth. I start to eat; they’re good, not oily or too salty. They’re really nice.

We finish the fries just as Suho’s shift starts. He stands and looks down to me with a smile.

“Do you want to stay here or go home?” He asks. I shrug and stand.

“Home.” I say simply. He nods and takes the keys to the apartment from his pocket and hands them to me. I take them and leave the bar. It’s a short walk home in the coolness.

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*cries a river*
ehhhh???! kai alive? what.the @.@
duh, ren, what he want to do with kai..
can you stop, ren..
Bliss_Destiny #3
Can I kill Ren??
DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN *insert dramatic music*

///I'm sorry I'll stop trying to be Eminem now...

*whispers* Kai never really left tbh buuut watevs.

but I'm not a guy or a k-pop idol..
SORRY FOLKS I LIED. I feel privileged to actually know who it is, because I recommend him to bad guy status as well~ (although if people think hard enough it shouldn't really be that hard to figure out, you mentioned he had a DEEP voice...)

BUT KAI IS NOW A HUMAN~ AND HE CAN LIVE PEACEFULLY WITH HIS ANGEL NOW~ (so did Kai know Lay was an angel before he was "killed"?)

REN YOU (eheheheheh) WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MR. SE-- I mean Kai..... >_> (totes wasn't gonna write Mr. then... nope)

I NEED PRAISE I THINK, Maybe I should make other people posters or something... I like editing (playing with paint more like)

AHAHAHAHAHA, I THINK I'M INSANE BRO (and I think I broke the N key kind of...)
WE'RE ALL MAD HERE ;D (omg me don't reference things that haven't even started yet)
Cookie7 #5
Is he gonna use Kris to draw Tao out>>>>?????????????