I Woke My Sleeping Prince With A Kiss~

The Sleeping Prince Can't Sleep.


Red are Channie's thoughts ~^^
It was spring, Chanyeol just finished his notes and submitted them to their annoying history teacher. Mr. Chen, he was quite handsome despite the fact that he was annoying.
Chanyeol went out of his class but stopped in his tracks when he saw this person lying in the school garden, the uniform he wore was a little different from the normal students there so Chanyeol thought he might be a part of The Student Council. But He had never seen him before. Chanyeol was so memerized by his beauty that He just stood there, He had a sudden urge to run his hands through the boy's silky blonde hair, his sharp nose, his pink lips, Chanyeol just wanted to kiss them. He was like a prince who just came out of a Shouju Manga.
Chanyeol walked up to him and without even noticing He went closer to him so that their faces were now an inch away from each other. Chanyeol closed his eyes and went nearer, the distance was so little that their lips could touch any moment. Chanyeol opened his eyes and his mouth fell agape as he saw the boy looking at Chanyeol's face with his eyes slightly open, still sleepy.
"I-I....I....I'-m...s...s...sorr..sorry....I-I wa...was...I...." What the hell are you doing Chanyeol! Why am I trying to kiss a person whose sleeping! And oh my God! He's someone I don't even know! He mentally slapped himself. His voice was cracking up.
He facepalmed myself, it was so embarassing, I'm offically a ert. He was shievering but stopped when a hand touched his face.
"You have a duty" The boy said and smiled a little, Chanyeol quickly took his hands off of his face and looked at the boy, his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes, just as Chanyeol thought, he's beautiful. Chanyeol's heart skipped a beat as the boy stared at him, wait! Did he say something?! What duty? Is he mad? Is it because I was trying to kiss him? God! Help me! Chanyeol felt is heart, beating like crazy, like it could come out any moment.
"That is..." Chanyeol looked at him with impatient eyes. What is the duty?! His mind screamed.
"My glasses" The boy said as pointed to Chanyeol shoes, glasses? Chanyeol turned to look, a pair of broken glasses were under his shoe, oh my God! He quickly stood up and looked down. The boy picked up the glasses and sat back, Chanyeol went and sat near him. 
"Look the lenses fell out. The frame is broken too" He said while turning the glasses to look at them from different angles. 
"Er...I'm sorry..." This is so embarassing! And so unexcuseable! Now I can't even look him in the face! I'm seriously the worst!
"Well that means you have to take responsiblity" He said, not looking at Chanyeol. 
"Eh?" Chanyeol looked at him and he just stared with a straight face.
He leaned in slower and whispered in Chanyeol's ear "Yes, until my glasses are fixed, you have to stay by my side, Chanyeollie~"
"Huh? How do you...." Chanyeol looked at him with a shocked face. The boy picked up the broken glasses. "Class 2A and Student Council President Wu Yifan or simply Kris. I wonder if you'd recognize me if I'm like this" He said as he put on the broken glasses.
Woah! Even with those thick framed glasses, he looks so hot! Oh wait Chanyeol! Stop being so embarassing! Chanyeol gulped and took a closer look at his face.
Kris went back to his place, "My eyesight is pretty bad, even normal life for me is dangerous, I probably could just die" He sighed and looked down. 
Eh? Die?! "I-s..t-that so..?"
"Ok let's test your eyesight"
"So tell me, how many fingers are these?" Chanyeol held one finger infront of his face, Kris stared at it for awhile, took a deep breath and stared at it again.
"6 fingers?"
"Hah? What do you mean 6 fingers?" Chanyeol looked at him, annoyed, is he really that blind?
"Wait..." Kris said as he turned to the other side and took something out of a bag lying beside him.
"Because of what happened today, now it's your duty, so feed me" He held the lunch box in his hands and ed it to Chanyeol.
"Eh? Why?" Chanyeol annoyingly looked at him, what the hell is with him?
"Come on, I can't really see... that red tomato... I don't even know what it is..." Kris stared at him and Chanyeol felt his cheeks getting red. He quickly snapped out of it and put on the annoyed expression again.
"What the hell? Liar, didn't you just say tomato?"
"Come on now, feed me" Kris moved closer, Chanyeol couldn't move, stuck at the spot, and now their faces had an inch distance between. "Please?" He faked a saddening look and blinked his eyes, Chanyeol felt like fainting, Chanyeol get a hold of yourself! He mentally cursed himself. But he's so beautiful.... how can I possibly reject him...
"S-sure..." His hands were trembling, Kris opened his mouth and Chanyeol placed the tomato in. He closed his eyes while chewing it, he looks so beautiful, even when he's eating...
Chanyeol's hands kept trembling as he feed him. Everytime Kris would open his eyes and look at Chanyeol, Chanyeol would blush like a highschool girl madly in love. Everytime Kris would smile, even a small smile would make Chanyeol squeal.
"Chanyeol?" Kris looked at him as he finished eating the kimchi. 
"Y-yes?" Why the hell am I still trembling?! It's not like he's going to eat me or something!
"We should go home together" He smiled and Chanyeol felt his breath stop for awhile, he lost his mind and felt like the world was going in slow motion. What is this feeling?
They took the train and sat together. It was so awkward for them, it was Chanyeol's first time going home with a boy. He had never been in a relationship before. Yes, he was gay and everybody in his class knew it. Maybe that was the reason he's still single? It might just be his imagination but he feel like everybody was looking their way... nah just my imagination...
"Aha you see... everybody is looking our way.. I wonder if we look like a couple in their eyes.." Uwaaaaaaaa! *facepalm*
Eh? He's sleeping again? Geez... but he looks so beautiful when he's sleeping... heck! He looks beautiful in whatever he does, sleeping, eating, talking.... and... ah... I feel like a highschool girl now.
"Hey! Wake up! The train has arrived!" Geez, if he were my boyfriend I would've broken up with him by now, you can't depend on him. "Come on!" Chanyeol punched Kris on the shoulder lightly. Wake up sleepy head!
"Come on! Let's go!" Chanyeol said as he grabbed Kris by his shoulder, gosh he's such a pole! "Nnnnh~ sleepy~" Shut up! I'm losing my patience! Phew I guess he's awake now. Wait where's my phone? He reached for his pocket and found it empty. What the...
"Wait Kris, I think I dropped my phone" 
"I'm going to get it! You can go if you want!" Chanyeol said and went inside the train before the door could shut. He looked here and there, under the seats and everywhere else but couldn't find his phone. Where in the hell did it go? If I don't hurry, the door will shut! *thumb* The door is not closing! Is it?
"Chanyeol!" He turned around to see Kris' hand stuck in the door, it was almost closed but he opened it with his slender arms and quickly grabbed Chanyeol by his hand "Let's hurry" His deep voice sent shivers down Chanyeol's spine, the warm hand made him blush even more. Chanyeol stop being so girly! He shaked his head to prevent any thoughts. 
I take back my previous thoughts about him... you can depend on him... he saved before the door could close...
"Hey, do you have your cell phone?" Kris asked with a straight face.
"Uh?" Chanyeol looked at him with a clueless face.
"I...um...I...put it in my bag and forget it was in there...." I'm such an idiot! And troublesome too!
"I'm very sorry..." Chanyeol said as he hid his face with his bag.
"You're really stupid" Kris chuckled and Chanyeol could feel his heart beat get ten times faster. He blushed for the nth time that day.
"But it was cute" *ba-dump* *ba-dump* *ba-dump* what's happening to me?! Chanyeol rubbed his chest to calm his (stupid) heart down a little. It's so loud! Oh God! Please don't let him hear it!
"Are you alright?" Kris titled his head and looked at him, Chanyeol cleared his throat to speak but his voice won't come out. I guess the feeling is still there.
"It's ok Chanyeol, I'll see you tomorrow then!" He walked away, I don't want him to go... all he could do was wave from where he stood. 
Chanyeol walked back home, ignoring his mom asking him why was he so late today. Chanyeol didn't answer and just went upstairs to his room and threw himself on the bed. I'm just so in love with him... maybe that's the reason for this crazy beating of my heart... I can't wait to see him tomorrow in school!
It was a boring day for Chanyeol. He didn't get to see Kris! He's probably busy with the Student Council... I forget he's the president... Ahhhh... I just hope we get to go home together like yesterday...
"Chanyeol, wake me up when we arrive ok?" Kris looked at Chanyeol with sleepy eyes, huh? Sleeping again?
"Good night.." He yanwed and closed his eyes. What the hell Kris? Is this what you always do? Sleeping in the office as well? Geez. 
"Mmmm..mm.." Kris' head landed on Chanyeol's shoulder which made him jump, Allah! Jesus! Buddha! Why are you doing this to me?!  He turned  his head to look at the sleeping angel on his shoulder, not again, his heart was in his neck. The train caused him to move even closer, *ba-dump* Chanyeol quickly grabbed Kris and set him back on his shoulder.  My face and body... both are so hot right now. I seriously need a cold shower.
"Next Stop _______" Ah it's near! I have to wake him now to get off soon.
"Are we there?" Kris slowly opened his eyes, *ba-dump* "Just a little longer" 
"Ah, ok..." What the?! He's sleeping again! Chanyeol! It's almost here! Wake him up now! Ah... I have no enerygy left... I want to stay like this.... keeping close to him feels warm... Chanyeol yawned and closed his eyes.
"HEY! This is probably the last stop, isn't it?! Ah geez, why didn't you wake me up? The next train won't be here in another 30 minutes since we're in the countryside now" Kris looked quite pissed. Is he mad? I'm so careless... I shouldn't have fallen asleep..
"Are you mad?" Chanyeol felt guilty.
"Mad? Huh?" He narrowed his eyes at Chanyeol then turned around. His back now facing Chanyeol.
"Wait Kris! I'm sorry! Somehow I...I just wanted to be together with you a little longer!" Chanyeol quickly covered his mouth. What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like a girl fallen in love? He fought the tears forming in his eyes. I can't possibly cry! Not infront of Kris!
"I'm not mad... besides, because of that, we're together right now, right?" Kris moved closer, took his scarf off and wrapped it around Chanyeol's neck. Chanyeol looked at him and smiled.
The next day~ At School~
"Kris... I bought some bread... are you hungry?" Chanyeol came back after buying some bread from the near convience store. 
"Kris?" He's sleeping again... Chanyeol moved closer to him to get a clear view of the angelic face. Suddenly Kris grabbed his hand and Chanyeol landed on top of him. *ba-dump* Chanyeol couldn't move, his eyes widen when he realized his lips were on Kris'. Kris was kissing him. His mind screamed, He's probably having a dream! Chanyeol wanted to run away and hide his blushing face. But his limbs won't move. He was stuck.
"Chanyeol..." Kris said as their lips parted, with his eyes still closed. Chanyeol couldn't hold back, he kissed him with all the intensity and emotions he had inside. If this is a dream then reality is the same, right?  Kris moaned in his sleep and Chanyeol took the opportunity to slid his tongue in Kris' mouth, their tongues played with each other, twirling and entwining, until they were both out of breath. As they parted Chanyeol quickly got up and ran.
"I took advantage of him! He was in his sleep! He probably didn't notice! I'm so stupid!"
Chanyeol stopped as a group of guys approched him.
"Hey Chanyeol, can you stop? We have to ask you something" One of the guys smirked at him, Chanyeol could sense some trouble coming, Did somebody see him and the President kissing?
"Right now, did you and the President? Did you guys really do it?" Chanyeol's eyes widen, he wanted to run away, he was scared that he might get bullied. The President was the idol of the school. He didn't want to ruin his image. It wasn't on purpose.
"We were passing by and saw you guys making out in the garden" No! This is not happening! Chanyeol's breath hitched, he opened his mouth to say something but his voice didn't come out. 
"I never knew the President was gay" One of them said with a disgusted face, "I know right? Geez", "Wait Chanyeol, are you his boyfriend?" Chanyeol couldn't take it.
"It..it's not true! He's not my boyfriend! It was againist my will! I didn't do anything!" Chanyeol breath heavily, sweat formed on his forehead. What should I do?!
"I see, so I attacked you. This boy here is a victum" The familiar voice, Chanyeol didn't hesitate to look at the figure beside him, he knew who it was. 
"Oh my God! Poor Chanyeol ssi!"
Chanyeol looked down. He didn't dare to look at the President, from what he said just now, he couldn't possibly look him in the eyes.
"I'm sorry"
"You don't need to worry, I got my glasses fixed. Thank you for accompanying me" Chanyeol felt something hard hit him on the inside. He felt his legs going weak, he lost all of his energy, the voice, that cold voice made Chanyol shiver. This is all because of me... all because of the lie I told.. I'm the worst...
"Kris! Kris!" Chanyeol called out but it was too late, the President was gone. He closed his eyes shut as tears formed. Kris... His heart ached.
"Kris?" Chanyeol knew Kris would be lying somewhere in the garden of the school. He came close to where Kris was lying, his eyes closed. He's sleeping again. A small smile apeared on Chanyeol's face.
"Kris? Do you hear me? I told a lie... I'm sorry... it wasn't because I didn't want to kiss you... It's because I like you..." Chanyeol closed his eyes, his heart seemed to have cooled down a little. He felt light as he let out the burden inside. Chanyeol's eyes remained close as he felt a warm pair of lips touch his. Kris was faking sleep. He knew Chanyeol would come to find him. 
The kiss went on for a few minutes, it was not a rough hot kiss but a sweet and calming one, which made Chanyeol melt down. His insides felt so warm. He liked the feeling.
Finally they parted, Kris stared into Chanyeol's deep brown eyes, "You thought I was sleeping?" *ba-dump* Chanyeol cursed his heart for beating so fast.
"How am I suppose to sleep when the person I love is crying infront of me? I realized about your feelings the moment you kissed me back" Kris smiled and Chanyeol felt like crying again but he gulped down his tears.
"It wasn't a dream.." Chanyeol cupped Kris' face with his hands, both gazing into each other's eyes, then their lips met.
I woke my sleeping Prince with a kiss~
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And ik


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Chapter 1: i really do love this story
Chapter 1: Wow. I love this version more. Krisyeol always the best.
This is so sweet. Really really sweet.
OhKayeFine #3
Chapter 1: Wow, i've read the manga a long time ago, but i can say that i love the version more kkkkk~ >:)
Chapter 1: you pour too much sugar into your story =D
cz it's sooooooooo sweet XD
Chapter 1: this is so freaking awesome!!!!!!
love it love it love it love it love it <3
Chapter 1: Mygawd, overflowing KrisYeol feeeeeels~
Aillin-luvs #7
Chapter 1: its feels so beautiful like a dream
:0...0: *sniff sniff* magical~
it was a lovely fic
I loved it
my feels ...
renchop #9
Cute fluff adorable! Like it so muccccchhhhh
Awwh..before this i just read another krisyeol fanfic, and the ending was unexpectedly sad
And then i found your sweet fanfic..krisus! You really save my day~
love you author-nim! Fighting! 