The Line Between Playing Around and Love

The Difference Between Playing Around and Love

There is a rather fine line between playing around and love. Playing around and love are very different things.... but, for some odd and strange reason, they are often mistaken for one another. Clearly, people cannot see the world. They turn a blind eye to the truth and simply assume that what they're seeing is true. Playing around with someone's heart is mistaken for love, while love is mistaken for playing around with someone's heart. Only those who experience such a feeling can truly be able to tell the difference.

This rule applies for two certain Super Junior members. Cho Kyuhyun and Choi Siwon. They can understand these feelings better than the rest of the them. Well, some of those feelings anyway. Kyuhyun and Siwon love each other with all their heart. They're faithful to each other and do not watch anyone else. Like most relationships with people in love, it went just like a like.

Yet, people around them just couldn't see that; the fact they were together seemed somewhat odd to them. As stated before,people turn a blind eye for such things. Not their chingus, not their sunbaes, not their dongsaengs, not their families and not even the Super Junior members themselves. The love Siwon and Kyuhyun shared and cherished so deeply was mistaken for simple foolishness. In the eyes of others', their love wasn't there. They were simply playing around, nothing more than that.

Kyuhyun knew it all too well. Behind his own back, he cold hear them whispering to each other over and over again. They made harsh comments and created lies about the love he shared with Siwon. To the blind eye, it wasn't love. To the blind eye, it was just playing around... yet, a person like Kyuhyun who could see the world clearly did not give the same opinion. In his eyes, Kyuhyun knew it was love. Kyuhyun loved Siwon more than anything else in the world. And yes, that includes Starcraft. There was no point in playing around for him, he couldn't even understand why others played around. It was seemingly cruel in the eyes of the maknae.

siwon also knew it well. Though, not as well as Kyuhyun did. There was no way Siwon would know itbettwe than Kyuhyun. Why you ask? Simply because Kyuhyun seemed to be the target of it. Siwon could hear the others talking; making up lies and saying those harsh and unwanted comments directed towards him and kyuhyun. Siwon didn't bother listening to the others though. Their words meant absolutely nothing. He was sure enough that Kyuhyun loved him. He could tell my the look in Kyuhyun's eyes and they way Kyuhyun smiled at him. That was enough for Siwon to know the feelings hidden behind the spotlight.

Kyuhyun laughed slightly to himself as he lied in bed with Siwon, their bodies entangled under the warm blankets while hearing the statements from outside Kyuhyun's rather messy room. The other Super Junior members were gossiping about him and Siwon again, not that they actually cared of course. After all, it was just gossip and lies; just a figment of their imagination. It's not like the words they spoke were actually true. There was no truth behind those words and no resolve.

With Siwon's arm wrapped around Kyuhyun's waist, Kyuhyun laid his head gently onto Siwon's broad chest. Siwon let out a rather strained sigh and a sympathetic smile, such words spoken must be so hard on Kyuhyun. Siwon knew, sometimes when Kyuhyun wasn't happy, he would still have a smile on his lips. That's how Kyuhyun was.

"Kyuhyun-ah." Siwon spoke quietly. Kyuhyun didn't bother to look up at siwon's sympathetic smile and simply gripped Siwon's shirt tightly. A somewhat tired sigh escaped the maknae's lips.

"Hmm... Hyung?" Kyuhyun responded as he cuddled Siwon. The warmth seemed to be escaping him for some reason. Being rather sensitive to these temperatures, he tried to find the warmth once again.

"Do you... mind it when the others say that we're just playing around?" Siwon asked rather hesitantly. Kyuhyun widened his eyes in a surprised manner, he didn't expect Siwon to ask that.

"Siwon... why are you asking that question for?" Kyuhyun asked back with his eyes closed wearily. Once he felt the warmth once again, Kyuhyun relaxed his body on Siwon's.

"Well, I figured that you would be uncomfortable with the other Super Junior members... gossiping..." Siwon wasn't sure whether bringing up this topic was such a good idea.

"Don't worry about it... It's fine..." Kyuhyun muttered to Siwon rather quietly. Siwon could almost hear Kyuhyun literally lie through his teeth. Siwon gave a unknowing scowl.

"That's not what I asked... I asked if you mind it when the other Super Junior members say that we're playing around." Siwon reminded as Kyuhyun let out a small humming sound.

"Well... I can say that I don't mind.... but..." Kyuhyun slowly trailed off, somewhat hesitant to continue on with his sentence. Siwon wondered what Kyuhyun was about to say.

"But what? Don't just stop there. Continue on Kyuhyun." Siwon spoke, prying Kyuhyun to continue on instead of stopping in the middle of his somewhat broken sentence.

"... It doesn't matter... does it? I mean, what the others say isn't important to us. Aren't I right?" Kyuhyun asked in a somewhat light tone. Siwon spent a couple seconds on that phrase.

"So, you do mind it when the other Super Junior members say things about us." Siwon retorted as Kyuhyun simply gave a humourless laugh in reply. Siwon was right, Kyuhyun did mind.

"... Yes. Yes I do... but, like I said before, that doesn't matter." Kyuhyun whispered in a rather strained yet somewhat husky tone of voice. Siwon couldn't help but pity his loving boyfriend.

"Does it really not matter?" Siwon asked in a doubtful tone of voice...


"Well, as long as you know I love you, then I don't mind."

I know this is short, sorry~ I'm posting all these new stories and doing late updates~ -_-

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i like this's kinda different in a way, to see them in a world that is real close to reality..a world that still sees differently about love..that's not all sweet, and cheesy and romantic.
FictionalMan #2
Well, at least they have each other. :) I love Kyuhyun's thoughts. He looks so mature here.
Beniikyuwon #3
<3 :c I hate people. Well, not. My poor babies </3
kyu0306 #4
well as long as you know I love you then I don't mind. .

uuuu.. Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Beniikyuwon #5
Update soon! It means now! Hahaha kidding... And update your other fics too please :c