Practice makes perfect

A series of firsts and lasts


(If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.)

Woohyun’s perhaps a little naive, but he imagined his first kiss to be perfect. Butterflies in his stomach, fireworks behind closed eyelids the moment their lips touch, for everything to fall into place like a jigsaw puzzle. But reality provided him with a situation as far as possible from the one he imagined in his head.
He’s sixteen years old, sat in his back garden, lemonade to his right, his childhood sweetheart/best friend to his left, in love (or so he thinks) and ready to take the plunge. To give away (and take) something extremely precious, that he’ll never ever get back. But Kim Sunggyu is the only person he’d ever consider giving it to. There’s silence for a moment. The summer sun beating down on top of their heads, the water from Woohyun’s mums pond can be heard running at the bottom of the garden, their parents chatting happily inside the house. Now just seems like the perfect time to do it. There’s honestly no specific reason. He just really wants to kiss him.
No time like the present, right?
Taking a deep breath, Woohyun coughs, trying to draw Sunggyu’s attention from the patch of grass he’s been staring at for a few minutes now. “Sunggyu?” And the elder visibly stiffens, like he knows what’s coming next. Like it’s been playing on his mind too. He turns to face Woohyun with a barely audible, “Y-yeah?” But Woohyun doesn’t leave time to answer.
His face awkwardly creeping in towards the boy he plans on making his, the only person his young self can imagine being with for the rest of his life. “Woohyun?” Sunggyu’s murmuring, his eyes fluttering closed delicately. A sweaty hand grazing over Sunggyu's elbow as he twists and turns his body to face him. Lips are puckered, ready to claim the plush, pink pair in front of him. He’s made his mark, ready to hit bullseye - the other boy is waiting too, with bated breath and closed eyelids - but Woohyun’s palms are sweating and he’s not thinking straight.
He’s almost ready to back out, but then warm fingers curl around the back of his neck, drawing him closer and just when he’s about to do the deed, noses and foreheads clash hard and painfully and he’s jerking back with a pained moan. Eyes watering, head pulsating. A million sorry’s playing on the tip of his tongue.
Woohyun’s good at everything. Captain of the soccer team, athletic beyond most of his classmates wildest dreams, funny, intelligent, quite the looker. So why not be good at kissing too? Why does life have to ruin his winning streak.
It’s only then he realises what has just happened. “Oh god-- Sunggyu. Oh... I-- hyung, I’m so sorry..” He whines, cheeks flaring up in embarrassment as he mentally digs a hole for himself and jumps inside, his heart hammering like crazy beneath his ribcage. Is it terrible that he wants to laugh right now? Be it at himself, Sunggyu or the entire situation, he doesn't know. And he sort of feels a little sick and dizzy mixed in with a little stupid. A small whine of protest is heard beside himself. And out of the corner of his eye, he can see Sunggyu rubbing at his face like a small wounded animal, his own cheeks dusted a pretty pink. 
So pretty, it’s illogical to be that pretty. Can boys even be pretty? Woohyun wonders as he resists the urge to stamp his feet childishly. This could only happen to them.
“It’s okay, Woohyunnie.” He confirms, in that soft, melodic voice of his that threatens to lull the younger to sleep every time. Lisp evident along with the pain Woohyun inflicted upon him moments ago and god, dear god does Woohyun want to kiss him until he can’t breathe anymore. Until he turns that adorable shade of red he always does when he gets really flustered and embarrassed - which is very easily done. It’s amazing how Woohyun knows Sunggyu’s body inside out, when they’ve barely gotten beyond holding hands. Especially when he’s looking up at him like that. All sparkly eyed and amazing, just really amazing. “Really... it’s okay.” His voice, tender and soft but quiet - like he’s mentally assuring the younger that it’s okay to try again, eyes settling on pouty, red lips that taunt him - and Woohyun closes the gap without a second thought. Hoping luck is on his side this time round. And lo and behold. Clumsily slipping his lips chapped lips onto Sunggyu’s wet pair - just as soft as he anticipated, even if the angle is off. But he’s not taking the time to enjoy it, because he’s full of hormones and teenage excitement.
Dear god, hyung, I want to jump your bones, he thinks. A set of his own fingers resting on Sunggyu’s warm thigh. Intensifying his feelings times infinity. He gets his fireworks, his sparks of electricity jolting up and down his spine. He gets his angels singing and almost feels like he’s limitless for a moment. 
A soft gasp from Sunggyu gives him the time to attempt to slip his tongue inside the elders mouth, wet and sly as he slides his fingers into the older boys dark locks. Tongues entangling with each others, soft and poetic. (He tastes so good, too. Like lemons.. which would make sense? Bitter but sweet. Woohyun has died and went off to heaven.) A soft gasp becomes a groan. But not for the right reason, because teeth clink awkwardly as they try to get the gist of things. And just when they’re getting there, Woohyun’s mum is yelling their names and something about dinner being done. And to get inside right now or else.
Causing Sunggyu to bite down on his tongue hard enough to draw blood and scarper backwards in panic, leaving Woohyun to fall onto the ground in agony. This is not at all like Woohyun imagined. And he really kind of wants to die.
A/N: Still can't work this site, we should all pray that I accquire some common sense from somewhere eventually. This is, idk. I've lost all hope of understanding the way my head works by this point. I just want to write fluffy Woogyu, going on dates and holding hands and being super, duper adorably cute. The other fic.. doesn't really let me do that.
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woosoogyu #1
Hi...! I'm a new reader here who is currently drowning in Woohyun's fluffiness.... :D
This is an awesome story...! So sweetie & cutie...!
Is there any hope of you updating this fantastic woogyu story soon...? ^_^
GOD~ this fluffines is killing me srsly >.<
oh my my my, I love it so damn much when woohyun said, "if you were mine.." oh my, nam woohyun, you better dont break sunggyu's heart >.<
omg omg you updated! ;v;

The fluff, THE FLUFF, it's just too much for me to handle (in a good way). ;A; Woohyun going to his friends for advice (HAHA ugly Myungsoo..), Sunggyu crying, ohgad ;-; and ofc the kiss, which was absolutely perfect and so freaking cute gnsisdnfsv. Naive, dumb Woohyun is the best for fluff fics imo.
YOUR WRITING IS AWESOME. Your story flows well and the details are wonderful, and they're just so awkward and human which makes it even more perfect. ;~;
Awwww!! They are so adorable ;o; <3
oh my this is so adorable, sweet, cuteeeeee <3
This is perfect on so many different levels. I can only squeal like insane. 。◕‿◕。
I love it. It's so fluffy, and sweet and all kinds of perfect. Gyu's character is beyond adorable. While Woohyun, well Woohyun is just another teenager. Their characters fit each other REALLY well. I was seriously giggling the whole damn time while reading this. (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*
This is just, PERFECT. ;-; You write Woogyu so perfect tbh. In the beginning it's just so cute and fluffy and I just wanna pinch Sunggyu's cheek at how adorable he is... But I have to say I love the end the best. xD LOL poor Woohyun.

Seems to me like you're getting pretty used to the site~ ^^