Chapter 28

She's My Manager.


Aleyah POV


"I will miss you noonaaaaa.." Sehun whined as he hugged me. I was pressed against his chest due to the huge height difference.


"Yes I know Sehun. You told me that since 2 days ago.." I rolled my eyes as Chanyeol rolled his too. Sehun had been really whiny, or rather childish ever since the incident. This change in character kinda makes me wonder which is the real him. The icy cold an expressionless Sehun or this whiny little brat.


"Drama king, let's go." Chanyeol grabbed Sehun by the back of his shirt and dragged him off me.


"I will miss you noonaaaa! I will...." Sehun's voice disappeared down the corridor.


"Take care of urself Aleyah. Give me a call if there's anything. If my phone can't get through call Kris or Luhan. They always have their phone with them.. And.." Suho nagged.


"Nehhhh oppa...." I bowed to Suho on purpose to show how much I've understood his instructions.


"Good. Stay this way. Oppa." Suho smiled as he patted my head. Kyungsoo just smiled at me with his usual Mong face.


"Na du. Oppa." He then pointed to himself with a huge grin. He was younger than me..


"You wish!" It was funny that they were all this drama yet I was beyond annoyed as the Exo members took turns to say their goodbye speech when they are leaving china for 3 days. I repeat, 3 days. They sound like they are never coming back, especially Sehun.


"Aleyah ah..." I turned around to be greeted by Kai and Baekhyun Oppa. Kai was in front and he just smiled before walking out of the house without saying anything.


"Yes Oppa. I will take care of myself. I will call you guys. I will remember to take my medicine. I will remember to...."


"Just remember to miss me." He finished my sentence that made me stunned. I didn't see that coming.


"I've stocked up our fridge yesterday. There's plenty of food. Don't go out and buy food ara? If possible stay in the house.. I've ordered catering service for ur 3 meals so you don't have to tire urself to cook.."


"Sigh. Oppa, I'm not three years old anymore. I know how to take care of myself.."


"It's the first time you are not going overseas with us ever since you are our manager. All of us are just worried.. So just listen to us so we can perform in peace in china okay?" He gave his all time boyish smile as he said this. Now he make me sound like some whiny little girl who wish to run out to play when Oppa is not around.


"Arraso..." I nodded my head.


"I'm going.." I sent him out of the door.


"Take care Oppa."


"I will. You too.. don't miss me too much." He pinched my nose before running down the corridor to meet the rest.


Walking back to the room, I saw something nicely folded on my bedside table.


Don’t catch a cold when you are outside.


It was Kai’s jacket.


Kris POV




"Taegoon hyung can we talk?" I signalled to the corner of our dressing room backstage.


"How is the progress on the case?" Aleyah's assault case has not fully close as the person who attempted to injure Kai and injured Aleyah in the end was still out there.


"Nothing much.." He shook his head as he sighed. All of us are still keeping watch on her even though she's discharged. We don't know when this crazy fan will strike again.


"But I heard that Aleyah receive something when she was in the hospital. Most likely it's from that crazy fan"


"What is it?" I tried to recall the times where she was left alone in the ward and can't remember any. The EXO members will never leave her, they know how dangerous it is.


"A dissembled bloody doll." Taegoon hyung said.


"What doll?!" I raised my voice causing everyone else to turn. Lay and Tao came towards me.


"What happen?" Tao asked.


"Nothing..." I denied.


“It’s about Aleyah right?” Lay asked. “C’mon, Exo is one. You shouldn’t hide from your bros”


“Lay is right..” Taegoon Hyung said


“Everybody, attention please!!” He shouted as he clapped his hands.


“Can all staff kindly leave the room for 5 minutes? I need to inform Exo about something..” the staff left the room one by one as the rest of the members looked at one another, confused.


“What is it about?” Luhan asked.


“Yeah Hyung, what is it about?” Suho joined again as the rest of them started to crowd around us.


“It’s about Aleyah.” He said seriously. All of their eyes were bigger than the normal size as their heads shot up.


“What happen to her?!” Baekhyun pulled out his phone, attempting to call someone.


“Chill Baek. She’s fine. Hyung wants to talk about the assault case.” I held his wrist as he sighed in relief.


“Apparantly, that fan sent a present to Aleyah when she was in the hospital..”




“How come we don’t know”


“We were always with her right?”


“On je?!”


“What present?!”


“Can you all let Hyung finish his story without interrupting?” I stared at them before Chen, Xiumin, Sehun and Chanyeol shut their mouth immediately.


“The fan sent her a disseminated bloody doll. She disseminated the doll’s body parts and it was poured with red liquid all over.. she left a note for Aleyah. She warned her that if dares to go near to Kai again she will be like the doll, disseminated.”


“What the ?” Chanyeol cursed.


“She’s damn etic? Crazy? Geez, I can’t even find a word to describe her!!” Xiumin scolded.


“Why didn’t Aleyah say anything?” Kyungsoo asked.


“She told the nurse to dispose the doll but the nurse felt that it was life-threatening to her if she doesn’t report it. The police are still looking into it.” Taegoon hyung took out his phone and showed us the pictures of the doll and the note:


Looks like someone is getting all of Exo’s attention now? Even the SHINee Oppas are looking after you right? I told you to not go near Kai Oppa and looks like you’ve learnt your lesson and distant yourself from him. You better keep it this way or else you will end up like this doll. Broken all over…..


The room fell into a complete silence after everyone saw the picture. Nobody knows what to say after cursing at the saesang fan. Aleyah was nearly killed and now that she didn’t die the fan is threatening her again.


“I guess Aleyah doesn’t want you guys to know that’s why she didn’t mention it. So please pretend you all don’t know anything about it.” Taegoon hyung reminded us. “The police can’t protect her 24/7. Only you guys can.. so please take good care of her.”


Everybody froze as all of us went speechless. Kai’s face looks the worst among us. It was his fan who hurt her afterall…


“Guys.. let’s protect our guardian angel together alright?” Suho spoke.


“Let’s all put our unhappiness with one another aside and concentrate on protecting her safety. Exo, are we one on this?” He stretched his hand out in the middle.


“One.” I placed my hand above his and gave him a supporting nod. Her safety was the top priority now.


“One.” Chanyeol, Tao, Xiumin, Luhan and Kyungsoo joined one after another.


“Anything for my noona, as long as she’s safe.” Sehun looked like he was about to cry as he put his hand in.


“One.” Chen reached in with a smile on his face.


Baekhyun walked over and put his hand on top of ours with an unreadable expression.


“Kai…” Suho called him as he looked at us feeling somewhat nervous.


“For Aleyah. This is the least you or we could do.” Baekhyun said to Kai without turning his head to look at him.


Kai started to walk slowly towards us and put his hand above Baekhyun.





Hello! An update for SMM!

Thank you for your support for this FF, please support me in my new FF Stranger's Love

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I will try my best to write a fluff chapter for Kai&Aleyah, Kris & Aleyah and Baek & Aleyah since these are the few couple that are mentioned in the shoutout.

I'm getting annoyed with SM.. when are they gonna release the drama version man!! 

I need to watch my Kai and lulu fight.

Btw did you all watch the chinese version of Wolf live? I'm so amazed by boys remembering the choreography because it's totally different!

and poor Sehun doesn't have any lines. ):

Shall continue writing the next chapter. Seeyah subbies!

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Chapter 61: Hihihi! I’m giggling on my own.
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Chapter 56: AAAAARGH!! She's such a maniac!
Chapter 43: I hope Kai didn't see that!
Chapter 39: Hahaha Sehun and Chanyeol are so cute!
Chapter 30: Poor Taemin..
Chapter 27: So they're getting along, good for them!
Chapter 21: I wonder what happened to them...
Chapter 16: Oh noo.. Guys from the same group are in love with the same girl... That's not good..