Just Keep Calm

My House is Haunted by U-Kiss?!


I mused once I stepped into my new home.


The place was rather small, but neatly designed with simple and modern furnitures furnishing the cozy space.

It had a little musty smell to it from the various plants lined amongst the windows and coffee table and some may not like this sort of scent, but I personally, loved it. It felt fresh and comforting like a summer garden.

Xander must be one hell of a interior designer.

Sliding open the glass door with a heave, I stepped outside to the veranda. The warm sun tickled my skin as the bright light shone into my eyes, blinding me for a moment. When I rubbed them back open I saw two little white straw chairs neatly place side by side to each other.

A great place to read a book while drinking tea!

After going through inspecting the house, I figured it’s about time I start to unpack. So I passed the small kitchen into the hallway where there were two doors.

Funny. I swear Alexander told me I was renting a one room apartment. Oh well. More room for me to put my crap away into, I figured.

Starting with the door on the left, I flung the white door open into a lovely bedroom with a queen sized bed right in the middle.

I was really liking the vibe this house gave off. The sunlight that shone through the many windows created a lively happy image within the home. All this for a decently cheap price, too! I really hit the jackpot on this one.

Throwing the suitcase onto the bed, I contemplated whether I should use the other room or this room as my main sleeping headquarters. I decided to make the final decision after seeing what the other room looked like, first.

Heading over to the next room I wrapped my fingers around the door knob as I tried to turn it open. After moments of looking like an idiot struggling with the door knob, I finally realized it was either stuck or locked from the inside. I’ll have to ask Xander on this matter, later...

Sighing I realized how hungry I was getting. The clock had already struck past two in the afternoon and I hadn’t eaten anything since I got off the airplane this morning.

I can unpack later. Now, is the time for me to eat.

I smiled at the thought of the Korean foods I missed out on for so long. My mouth watered at the thought of eating Kimbap dipped in Dukboki sauce. And, oh! Who can forget the Ohdang gook on the side? Mmmm... Can’t wait!

Locking the door and leaving the apartment building, I met a small group of old ladies in the elevator. I slightly bowed and smiled at them as I entered the elevator.

They gave me weird looks and began whispering among each other, glancing at me as they gossiped.

Old ladies talking crap about me? Did I do something wrong??

I panicked and scratched the back of my head.

“Did you just moved into Unit 402 on the F floor, lady?” One of them asked.

“Neh? Ah.. Yes, I just moved in today. It’s nice to meet you.” I tried my best to smile as the lady scowled at me.

“You know your house is haunted.” She whispered to me while the two other ladies solemnly nodded their head behind her.

“E-excuse me? Haunted you say?”

“Yes, come closer here,” She motioned me to get closer. I leaned into her as she whispered into my ear.

“That house has been empty for three years, but there are always strange noises coming from there! Once, I heard a screeching sound that sounded like a scream. The lights also turn on by themselves all the time!”

I gave her a weird look but tried to remain polite. What the heck did these ladies have for breakfast, CooCoo flakes??

“That’s right! I heard that a chicken delivery man named Onew, once went to that house by mistake, thinking it was the house that ordered the chicken. Instead, a tall black figure loomed over him and swallowed him whole!!” Another lady told excitedly.

Okay, now they’re just talking BS.

“Ahh... Jungmalyo?” I weakly smiled at them. I’ve had enough of their silly ghost stories.

“Yes, and the house has been empty this whole time I tell you! No one has ever seen anyone walk in or out of that apartment. It must be haunted by ghosts. After all, it’s on the 4th floor... The number of death.”

“Thank you... for warning me. I’ll be sure to be careful.” I thanked. But rolled my eyes when my back was turned to them. People these days are watching way too many movies...

“You know, there used to be seven guys who used to live in that place... They were young men and foolish in love. Little did they know one same girl was playing with all seven of them! The guys were enraged after realizing the girl they had loved was cheating on them with their own friends! One night, they got into an argument and somehow one had managed to smuggle a gun into his hands. He shot three of them before getting the gun taken away and shot by another. In the end they all somehow managed to kill each other. That’s why their spirits are full of regrets and rage. They can’t move on to the next world without their souls being cleansed. That’s what’s causing those weird events to occur and that’s what’s haunting apartment 402, the house you just moved into!!”

I yawned from the old lady’s blabbering. When will they just shut up?? Urgh.

“Just, be careful alright miss? I wouldn’t stay in that house for too long if I were you.”

Yeah well you’re not me. And I could give a rat’s on who’s haunting my house.

“Thank you. I will keep that in mind..” I said through gritted teeth.

I just want to get my food! I’m starving!! But these stupid old hags won’t let me through!!

Just as the lady was about to open her blabber mouth again, Xander stepped out of the elevator and smiled when he recognized me.

I looked at him with pleading eyes to help me get away from these people.

He chuckled as he walked up to us.

“Ahnyeonghasyo, Mrs.Lee. How are you doing these days?” He smiled charmingly.

“Ah! Alexander~ You know I’m still looking for a son-in-law and my daughter is still single!” She happily exclaimed, completely ignoring me for the new eye candy that appeared before us.

“Son-in-law?” I mouthed to him behind her back.

Xander gave me a scared look and had to try hard to stifle my laughter so I wouldn’t be rude to the lady.

“Haha thank you Mrs.Lee but I’m kind of already have someone I like...” He weakly smiled. “I hope your daughter finds someone soon. Have a good day!” He bowed her goodbye and grabbed my wrist as we hurriedly escaped from the old ladies and out the building doors.

“Wait, Alexander, I’m not finished yet-” She called after us as we left.

The two of us burst into the laughter as soon as we were out of earshot of them.

“Haha seriously? She’s trying to set you up with her daughter?” You .

“Hey! What can I say? I’m irresistible to women of all ages~” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“You babo~” I punched his arm lightly.

“At least I saved you from them, right? You should be thanking your knight in shining armor!”

“Oh, but you already have a girl in mind, remember Sir Noble knight? Who is it anyways?” I nudged as his face turned beet red.

“N-noone! I was just saying that to escape being the old lady’s dreadful son-in-law.” He made a disgusted face. “I’d rather marry a toad than do that. And I HATE frogs. They give me the creeps!”

I laughed.

“Anyways, would you like to join me for some Dukboki, my lady?” He smiled as he offered me his hand.

“I would be delighted to, good sir.” I slipped my hand into his and giggled.

“Great! You’re paying.” He stuck his tongue as he ran ahead.

“What? No way! Come back here you frog knight!” I exclaimed and chased after him.



“Thanks for the dinner, Yejin-ah~” Alexander thanked me in front of my door.

He had somehow convinced me to pay for him after he ate over a dozen dishes of Dukboki. His cute face just made me become broke for the week. Great.

I rolled my eyes. “You pig. You owe me big time alright?”

“Of coarse! I promise to make it up to you. Goodnight!” He waved and went across the hall to his own apartment.

“That silly frog...” I chuckled and stuck my keys in to the door.

That’s strange... It was unlocked...

I pushed the opened door to enter my home. I could have sworn I turned the lights out before I left. What’s going on??

I suddenly remembered the stories the old ladies had told me earlier today.

“Your apartment is haunted.”

I shook my head.

No way that there are ghosts in this world! I don’t believe in those things. That’s stupid. Absurd! Impossible. I hope...

I slowly stepped inside to close the door behind me.

A sudden loud high pitched scream shot through my ears in pain. A loud thunk followed right after the scream.

I began to panic. Was there a burglar in my house? Or could this place be really haunted?!

No. Just keep calm Park Yejin, and call the police. I nodded.

Reaching for my phone in my back pocket I realized I had left it here in my room before I had left for dinner with Alexander.

CRAP!! I’m so screwed!!

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. I knew I should be going to Xander for help, but my feet were glued to the floor and I was unable to move from fear.

The footsteps stopped.

“Hey hyung, did you leave the door op- HOLY !!!” A young man cursed aloud pointing at me with round eyes. “WHAT THE HELL, WHO IS THAT??!!”

That’s it. I can’t keep calm anymore.


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icephoenix13 #1
Chapter 3: PLZ UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
zatieywookie #2
Chapter 3: keep updating, author-nim :)
KISSmeBecca #3
Chapter 3: LOL well THAT was an intresting turn of events. XD
Chapter 3: Please Update
BaeSeungYeon #6
Are they really ghosts? Cause between what happened and what the old ladies said......I'm confused! Can you please explain?
Please update soon ~ I wanta know what happens next T^T