A BANA Experience

Its A BANA Thing [One-Shot]


B1A4… 08082011-09082011

(Listen to : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1HBuERgzAo)

It has been a couple of months since Khalidah and her friends, Haida and Novia, liked B1A4 and them coming for a showcase to their country, they all freaked out. They still remembered the first time when B1A4 had their Meet & Greet in their country for the very first time.

 Khalidah, Haida and Agnes was so excited and kept screaming when they saw B1A4 members on stage at Illuma, Singapore. But it was sad that Agnes was so sick that day. She went home when she was lining up with them. They promised her to take good care of her camera and take as many pictures as possible. Khalidah and Haida managed to take as many pictures as possible as B1A4 enetered. Khalidah and Haida was in state of shock when they were lining up to get up on stage. When it was their turn to high-five the boys, Khalidah couldn’t believe the first member was Jung Jinyoung. She freaked out when she went up stage as she held his hands tightly for 3 seconds. Haida couldn’t believe she managed to hold Gongchan’s hands for 3 seconds too as Bling Girl was playing in the background. She could’ve held longer but the security guards kept pulling her bag to move faster. They held their bias' hands like theres no tomorrow and felt such electric connection with their bias. They then moved onto Baro, Sandeul and CNU. When they got off stage, they got a free REAL autographed poster of B1A4. And they held it with all their might as they watched the rest of the people walked up stage. It was such a memorable moment.

 All the fangirling of B1A4 finally paid off. They finally get to see B1A4 LIVE! AGAIN! B1A4 had their showcase and both of them went with Novia and Rui Hui. They lined up outside the auditorium as they waited for the gates to open. Novia was lucky to get a photo taking session with the group and other BANAs. She managed to get a simple high five from Gongchan. She was supposed to stand next to Gongchan but she was forced to moved infront of him. Eventhough she didn’t get to stand beside him, she was thrilled to even see them up close.

As they entered the gates to the auditorium, they felt such great air, like they are breathing the same air as B1A4. Novia and Rui Hui got different seats from Haida and Khallidah. As the lights dimmed, the atmosphere of the auditorium just got more lively with BANA’s and KPOP fans screaming for the boys to come out. But they showed some clips on the screen for about 5 minutes.  When the boys finally came out with their usual crazy white outfits, where teddybears and other unusual things was sewed to their clothes, the crowd went wild. There was even a point where Khalidah kept saying that Jinyoung looks like a construction worker with the jumper that he was wearing. During the showcase, quite a few fans were called upstage and played some games with them. There was one lucky girl that managed to get serenaded by the members as they sang “With You by Chris Brown” . It was so sweet and everyone was so envious of her. She didn’t even react to them singing to her. I mean, who can maintain like her? If it was me, I would  try to close my mouth and prevent from screaming out loud and probably cry…

Anyways, they sang all their songs in the 1st mini album. It was sooo AWESOME! Almost everybody felt like crying during “Only One”. Khalidah just started balling away when she stood ontop of her seat as Haida tried to take pictures and vids with the camera. She couldn’t help herself. When the show ended, Khalidah, Haida, Rui Hui and Novia met outside the auditorium and they just started talking about the show that they walked everywhere in the mall.

It was such a great experience that they wont ever forget about B1A4. This is why, they think B1A4 is the most awesomest KPOP group ever. 

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KimJoonHae #1
Wah~ Im so honoured!
KimJoonHae #2
First to Comment!! Give me a COOKIE~~!! :D XDD