I Told You You Would Never Lose Me Again

I Told You You Would Never Lose Me Again


Bang, bang, bang. That were the only sounds she could her the whole day. Drivers slamming their car door shut, teachers hitting their rulers on a table to capture the half –asleep student’s attention, soccer players in the muddy field down below kicking the ball into the trees. She stopped; her mind flickered back to that incident. Life was so perfect, so simple and easy going before. How fast it all changed. She snapped out of her trance and shook her head wishing that her memory might have fallen out. “No,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” She walked towards the tree which had been her and Kai’s special place for over ten years. It had been over seven months now but she but still wasn’t ready to let go. She slowly turned her head and looked back to the lake where the police had found his body.


”No!” She screamed as tears streamed out. “You can’t take him away from me. That’s not him, he can’t be…can’t be…” She couldn’t finish the sentence. Fresh tears found their way to her eyes and she began to sob again. The rain was getting heavier but she didn’t care. She wouldn’t leave until she saw his body. “I’m sorry Miss but you need to leave. This is a crime scene,” a man called out to her. “No, you can’t make me.” She yelled. She pushed her way forward until she found a group of uniformed officer s standing huddled around something. She ran up to the group and forced the officers away. She crouched down next to the body hoping it was someone else on the floor but she knew it was inevitable. His body lay there, limp. Blood ran down his face slowly pooling around his head, staining his newly dyed brown hair. She stood there frozen to the spot, unable to take in the sight. Only after the ambulance arrived and the E.M.T’s started carrying his body away did she realise his hand was wrapped tightly around an object. She heard herself yell for them to stop as she ran up to the body. Carefully, she loosened his grip and looked at the object; a white and pale pink glass pendant and a letter.

-End of flashback-

She clutched the pendant suspended on a chain as she reread the letter she had already memorised.

Dear _____,

       I’m sorry for leaving so soon like that. I shouldn’t have waited until it happened before telling you. I wasn’t supposed to meet you in this lifetime. I was supposed to hand you the pendant now. I wasn’t murdered. This is what happens when you leave the past. I knew that I had stayed too long but I couldn’t leave you.  I knew I would eventually be sent back somehow whether it be by myself or by someone else. This wasn’t a random murder. The year, date and time were already chosen as soon as I left the past. But I am not gone. I have simply returned back to the past where I belong and you have stayed where you are. That is how it was meant to be. The pendant that I have given you is unique. I am forbidden to tell you what it does but when you figure out, you will never lose me again.




She had been trying over and over again how to use the pendant. Everything she tried was unsuccessful but she never gave up. She was determined to meet him again. She looked down at the note, the last thing he had left her. His messy handwriting was beginning to run because of the tears she shed each time she read it. The paper was slightly ripped and crumpled after seven months. Her tears had already dried up but her puffy eyes were beginning to show. She folded the sheet and placed it back into the envelope marked ‘To _____’. She tucked the envelope under her cashmere jacket and slowly got up. The pendant hung from her neck the tip of it just visible. At first look, people would have thought it was just an ordinary necklace but to her, it meant something much more.

_____ awoke with a start. “How long have I been sleeping?” she wondered, her eyes glancing at the clock in her kitchen. She could barely remember much of yesterday. All she knew was that she fell asleep on the couch, too tired to get to her bed. Sitting up, she lightly traced the outline of the pendant. That was her practise every day to assure her that he wasn’t really gone from her life. Sighing, she stood up just as the chain broke letting the pendant slip, smashing it into pieces. Shocked, Jinah hurriedly moved to pick up the pendant, now scattered along the floor. But she was too slow. The pieces vanished into the air. She ran around the house panicking not realising that the whole setting had changed. She was in another room, a small cramped up area. “Why is it so familiar?” she thought. She had never seen this place before so why did she know it? She walked up to a wooden desk. On the desk were a few ink pens, an ink pot, stacked papers… and a letter. _____ picked up the letter and read the title written in calligraphy;

26thof February, 1634, 03:30am.

“_____?” a voice startled her. But she knew that voice, the voice of someone she had been missing for seven months. “I told you you would never lose me again.”



(sorry for the early readers. i accidentely clicked the hidden setting so you couldnt read it. but please comment and subscribe still >_<)

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is this a cliffhanger o.o ?
This reminds me of the drama "Rooftop Prince" lol
Kai? what happen? I don't understand
callumhood #4
Its an awesome story! The other are probably just confused because it ends as a cliffhanger! ^^
Idont know why others r confused. You are a very clever person to make something like this. It is very beautifully written and so romantic. In any other words, I loved it!
this is good. but is it only one chapter?
i think you must have accidentally hit the finish button...
i'd really like to read the continuation..
whats this? is it really completed???