It should have been


First Stop   Sunhee's Birthday Part 1



After weeks of observing, Yoorin completed the puzzle that Sunhee gave her. And that completion is also the completion of Sunhee's violation of her rules. She was happy for her best friend. They didn't actually have to establish those rules. What they have to do is to set Sunhee's fear free. She was happy because that fear will be gone soon. All they have to do is to help her.


It was already Sunhee's birthday.


After all these years, she got used to celebrating it with her mom alone. Of course, she was very happy and grateful that her mom was there. But it's not complete without her dad.

The pain didn't ease. She just got used to it.

Even after years, she still had the same birthday wish. She wants to have a complete family again. She wanted to celebrate every occasion with both of her parents. She wanted her mom and dad to be there when she finishes photography. She imagined having a boyfriend and the first people who would know about this are her parents.And someday, when she will get married, both of them must be there to accompany her to the altar.

Even when she was a child, she already knew what she wanted. She wanted them.


Sunhee went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Unfortunately, her mom can't leave her work today so breakfast is the only time they have to celebrate this special day. They shared the small feast prepared and talked about anything under the sun.

After eating with her mom, she planned to look for beautiful sceneries and take a picture of them. She wanted to spend the day doing the hobby that she really loves. Then she went to her room to get her camera.

When she grabbed her camera, there was a post-it attached to it. It said:


Love is like water, when there's no water you get thirsty and sad.

But when there's too much,  you don't realize how precious it is.


Go to the uppermost part of the SM building.^^


At first, she didn't know what to do. Is this just a prank? Or maybe is this something urgent? Maybe an adventure for today won't do any harm, she said to herself as she went down. She kissed her mom's cheeks and headed to SM's building.


When she arrived, she went straight to the rooftop.

"Happy Birthday, Hee!" Yoorin hugged her as soon as they saw each other.

"It was you who left a post-it on my camera, huh? So what are we going to do here?"

Her best friend just chuckled at her puzzled look and replied, "Ha! Your guess is wrong. It wasn't me. I'm just here to give you something."


Even before Sunhee could say anything else or ask another question, Yoorin gave her a box, said goodbye and walked away.

Curious of what was given to her, she sat on a bench and opened the box. When the content of it was revealed, she was quite surprised. It was the puzzle that her father gave her during her 14th birthday. And it was also the puzzle that she handed to Yoorin when she thought of the rules. To her surprise, it was already completed. So this means only one thing..

She violated all of the rules.

The puzzle formed a message written on it:  Fear is that little dark room where negatives are developed.

She was afraid. Is it already the time for her to take a risk? She was afraid, and it was trapping her inside a dark box where she won't see the beauty and happiness of life.


Then she stood up and found another paper. It said:


Once there was an island where all the feelings lived.

It was announced that the island was going to sink in the ocean.

All the feelings prepared to leave.


Love asked Richness: Can I come with you in your boat?

Richness: Sorry, but many gold and silvers are here.

Love: Sadness, please stay.

Sadness: I'm so sorry, I want to be alone.

Love: Happiness, I'll go with you.

But happiness didn't hear what love said.

Time: Love, come I'll take you with me.

Love felt so blessed and overjoyed.

Love: Why did you help me, Time?

Time: Because only time understands how great love is.



A man is outside the building. He will drive you to the next destination.

I'm just here. I won't grow tired waiting for you.


After reading what was written on the paper, she went out of the building. Then a man approached her. "Let's go, ma'am."




I'm so sorry it took me a really long time to update. I lost my drafts and I had to rewrite it again. I hope you'll continue to read and support my fanfic ^^ And leave comments, too. It serves as a really good inspiration to me~ ^-^

Enjoy reading! ♥

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Chapter 29: please update soon! the suspense is killing me!!! *nailbiting*
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Update soon! :)
pinkyminnie #4
I love the story because I'm a Sungmin bias ;) Everything's great. Keep it up! :)
shanaenae123 #5
yay! another update!! and... Oh my frigin gosh! what in the world is happening !?
heemin13 #6
shanaenae123 #7
yaaaayy!!!! you finally updated! and it's okay! i feel you... I'm taking university exams too and they are pretty hard...<br />
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update soon ^^