
Boyz Nite Out Farewell

I listened as the song faded away. Silence filled my ears. I looked down in sadness. It’s over, I thought. My heart squeezed uncomfortably. My eyes watered. I envied the others who managed a glimpse of him. My heart pinched.

It's really over.

I remember his voice. His sweet, sweet voice. How it vibrated around me, how it sent chills down my spine. How it made my head spin with excitement, and how it made me smile as I listened to him sing. I had been giddy with happiness. I don't want him to stop.

No. Don't stop.

That's when he stopped singing. He stopped, and I stopped breathing. I could hear, in the live streaming, his angelic voice, shouting to all his fans, "GOODBYE! I LOVE YOU ALL!" And he left. It was almost as if I could hear his footsteps across the stage.

As he walked a step a tear felt like coming out of my eyes.

I felt like I died. I felt like I became an angel. An angel that just went to heaven.

But I also had the heavy feeling inside of me. And it made me a butterfly. The butterfly. I fell, and fell, and fell. And I knew he wouldn’t catch me.

He wouldn't catch me because I'll never know him. I'll never be with him. And yet something inside me loved him forever more. It didn't stop, and it made me feel like I was going to explode because of it anytime.

As he walked to the end of the stage, he glanced back at the audience. I jumped high with a glimmer of hope that he would spot me (like he could see me anyway). Then I realized how wrong I was. He stared into nowhere and waved. Fans screamed but I couldn’t join them. He was just doing fan service. He didn’t look at you in the eye. He didn’t smile at you. My heart shattered into a million pieces. My dream was just a pipe dream. Of course, only 1 thing stood between me and him.


But reality didn't waver the undying love that I harboured. I loved him too much. But to know that I was not the only one broke me to no end. I could wish and pray every single day, hour, and minute, but yet know, that it will never happen.

Undying love was something I'd always cherished. Now I realize it was nothing. Because he'll never love me back. He might never even see me. Ever. That thought made the whole world crash down on me again and again, as I realized the devil was using a hammer to smash my hearts into tinier pieces.

The devil. How I wished that it did not exist. No, on the contrary, I wished that the angel did not exist. Because while the angel gave me hope, the devil crushed it. The hope was false hope, and no matter how much I wished that it was real, I knew full well, that it was not.

It was like he was the devil and the angel. He was the one who had my heart.

And broke it.

He didn't let it go.

He didn’t know it, but he wasn’t letting go.

And I was struggling to not break into a million pieces like a fragile porcelain vase. Like a glass slipper. Like ... like a butterfly. Just one day, I thought. One day, when you see me you'll know I'm the one. I'm the one for you and no one else. But for now, I’m in the shadows. In the sidelines.

I wished to tell him, a butterfly was fragile. I keep repeating butterfly for a reason. I quote a song lyric:

Everything happens for a reason.

But for no reason, he held onto my heart. Perhaps there was a reason, a reason that I had yet to know of yet. Perhaps, there will be a day, where the false hope becomes real hope. But while waiting for this day to come, I will hold weakly onto the broken shards, waiting, and praying, for him to put it back together.

But it was true. A butterfly would die if its wings were injured. You injured me. I am dying. I am dying. My heart is breaking slowly. It hurts. It really hurts. I looked around myself, as if the fans were there. Fans were crying and shouting: "NO!!! Don’t end!"


Like you know my pain.

Will he come? I might never know.

But all I know my determination is what makes me stay on the surface of the water, what makes me stay alive in this world. Without him im nothing. Nothing, not something to hold on to, not something to save.

Save me, I will be waiting. Save me before I go, before I lose my strength.

Save me, please. I need you. You may not know this, but I need you. You’re the only thing that's keeping me going. That's making me survive in this wilderness. That's making me float above the surface in this violent ocean. And you don't know it. You help so many people. You may not know it, but you help me the most. Whatever people say, you help me the most.

But the float i was holding onto punctured as realization knocked into me. You were just helping everybody. To you i was just somebody who needed help. So i sank in the dark waters. Not my body. My heart. It was bruised, cut, sliced and battered. I'd rather you slice it into 2 once and for all. I have heartache. And it hurts. Real bad. I wanted to scream shout cry laugh. I don’t know how I should feel. I must be crazy.

Someone send me to a mental institution.

If only he had known me, had seen me somewhere. Then he would've known it was me that he was supposed to be with. But right now I feel like I was a thousand emotions at once, some I don't even know how to explain. The knife that cut my heart was sharper than any knife in the whole universe. That knife even has a name.

It is called love.

Alas! Thy knife bestowed upon is too sharp.

But I could not stay away from that knife. No matter how hard I tried, I could not. It was far out of my control. But somehow, the pain of the knife seemed so addicting. Like a drug. So harmful, yet so addicting.

It was then I decided to leave the thought. To try and ignore the fact I was in love with someone who did not even know I existed. I turned the TV on, and the sound blared in front of me, like it was trying to get my attention.

But it wasn't the type of show I was looking for.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"

The tears that had once flooded my eyes came back once again. I couldn't sense anything around me as I kept on watching Romeo and Juliet. Somehow it did not comfort me at all.

Somehow it did not make me feel any better at all.


Hey! This is MVP4Life, taemin1121 and shiningstar1116!!

We made this up on skype, so it might be a little ... weird. o.O

But we hoped you enjoyed it anyways!!!!! ^^ ^^ ^^

-The Trio

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love it!!!
youxme #2
MVP4Life #3
@taemin1121: wassup dawg XP jk jk i dont speak like that ...