Deathly Mission

Under the same sky but differents ages


Seoul, 30th August 2012
                     Central Base, 02:34 AM



In a big room an important meeting was going on, there are men from the marine, military, secret agents, policemen and more. All of them were listening at the man in the center of the room.


"We have to make decisions fast. The men are all ready" a tall man shouted making echoing his voice between the walls, "we just have to wait until the enemy does a fake step. And with this, it's all. The meeting ends here."the man took his cap and glasses leaving the room.

He walked to his room, yes.. he lives in the central base, he's a workaholic and he wants to be ready all the time if something happens.

When he arrived in front of his room's door, he opened it and quickly entered closing the door behind him. He threw himself on the bed sighing loudly, even if he didn't show his tiredness and worries he had a lot of it. He was glad every time he could finally go in his room and relax. He started to think about the meeting.

Finally, after months and months of searchings, arrests and chases they found the head of a major drug traffic. His traffic of drug was all over the world but until now nobody knew nothing about him.
Not that they didn't know how to capture a simply drug dealer. No, this was a different case. He had power, money and many men under his command. This was one of the reasons why nobody ever could catch him, and now he blackmailed the President worsening his actions and raids.
He was slowly becoming a big and dangerous problem, but they discovered the boss and finally they could trap him.

The tall man's phone suddenly started to ring, he rushed to pick up and answer the phone.
"Commander Jung here. What's going on?"
"Sir, they sent us a vocal message. We're waiting you to listen it."
"Nothing else? Only the vocal message?"
"Yes sir." the man in the other line answered
"Are you sure it's not some trap?"
"Negative sir, we've already controlled."
"Okay, I'll be in the control room in two minutes." the tall man said hanging up the phone.
He left the room and headed to the control room with fast steps.

When he entered the room a man approached him and they went over the main screen and played the vocal message.

'I guess you've received my message~ Finally you discovered me! *claps* Good good~ But don't worry, the game didn't start yet. I was just joking around with you all until now *laughs*
Aaand, commander Jung? Was it this your name? Whatever... I warn you, you're not going to win this. *laughs again* Even if you come to know all about me and my plans, you're not. going. to. win.
Anyway good luck, the game finally started.'


The screen turned off and the room filled in silence. The commander looked at his watch and turned to his men
"You've to find out were is he hiding, locate him!"
"Yes sir!" they shouted and went back to the computers and screens.

The tall man went back to his room and laid down on his bed closing his eyes, he only wanted to sleep in this moment, nothing else.
Counting his breaths he slowly fell asleep, reaching the dreams world.


Yunho POV

The next day I got a mission from higher people, there was an imminent meeting between some rascal of the mafia and drug dealers. I just have to arrest them with my team and send them in jail by kicking their . An easy job.

The meeting will be held in a warehouse near a harbour of fishing boats.
We'll surprise them jumping from the roof in the middle of their meeting, I was already on the car ready to go. I waited a little more for my team, and finally we started the mission.

We did our moves silently, when we arrived in front of the warehouse we paid attention not to be discovered by the guards at the principal door. We climbed the wall up to the rooftop and then waited... waiting for the signal.

When the signal came we jumped down into the warehouse with the ropes, some men who were doing the meeting started to fight us and called the guards.

They started to shoot us and we shoot back at them. I was in the middle of a fight with two men when I noticed something strange, there was a computer with a screen blinking blue. I beated the two men and walked towards the computer, I saw a number. It was written 18 and then 17 ... it was a countdown, a countdown ...

Suddenly I panicked "ALL MEN OUT! NOW!" I shouted and the men did so. I started to run outside, not fast enough to leave the warehouse before the explosion.
The power of the bomb made me fly few meters outside and my view became blurred and then, it was all dark.

Five hours later, hospital

I felt something, something... warm. Like if someone was hugging me but not physically. I searched in the dark for the source of this feeling but I couldn't see anything, too much darkness...

The warmness slowly disappeared and pain came through all my body, I opened my eyes greeted by a strong white light. I blinked few times and got up sitting on the bed where I was. It was a hospital room.

I reminded the mission, the bomb and the explosion. I got up and left the room, outside were standing some men from my team. They greeted me and reported the nurses that I was okay now and could go back with them.
We went back at the central base by car and during the trip I asked what happened after the explosion and how long I was in the hospital.

"Sir, you were hospitalized for 5 hours. We tried our best to discover why there was a bomb. The mafia members and drug dealers we arrested don't know anything. Then we found this into the rubbles..." the man said and pulled out of a plastic bag a card.
There was a symbol on the card, a big wild black horse and a warrior with a lance that was trying to stab the horse. 

"This is ..." I started to say
"Yes, the symbol of that man." said the man.
So we were again into one of his affairs...That damn man. We absolutly have to catch him, before he expands his plans into something bigger than what it's already.


But... the symbol was so familiar, not only because it was the symbol of the enemy, no... there was something else. I looked carefully the symbol but nothing popped in my mind. Mh that was weird, like the dream I had back in the hospital.

We reached the central base and went to the analystic room, my team started to search some proof from the rubbles they took from the warehouse. I helped and controlled some database.

Time passed and my phone started to ring, I went outside the room and answered.
"Commander Jung here."


"Hello?" I asked and then I heard a familiar laughter
"Did you like the gift? It was very explosive, right?" the voice started to laugh again.
"You damn bastard, what do you want from me? Why did you call me?"
"I want to make a deal with you...but we have to meet."
"Why me? I'm not so stupid to fall in this trap." I said keeping an aggressive tone.
"Hahaha I can kill you when I want, why do I need to arrange a meeting with you by phone? Anyway.. I'll believe I see you tomorrow at the address I send you after this call. See you tomorrow at noon." he said laughing and then closed the call.
I watched the screen of my phone and the address appared.

I was about to turn off the phone but a message came, I opened it

'If you don't come, you should start to worry about your President ahaha
And you have to be alone tomorrow.'

I turned off my phone and started to think about a plan.
Of course I wasn't going alone tomorrow, but we don't know what that man can do.

I'll place some men not so far away from the meeting place, so if something happens they'll be ready to intervene. Most important now is the security of the President, I'll call our personal bodyguards to take care of him.

Yes, I would do like that.

I convocated one man of my team and told him about the call and my plan. He did what I ordered him and went back with the team.
I looked out the windows, the sun was setting, I have to rest for tomorrow.

Seoul, 1st September 2012
               Central Base (Airstrip), 10:04 AM

No One POV


"Sir, we're ready." one of the agents around the tall man in black uniform said after receiving a call.
The tall man just nodded and started to walk towards the helicopter ready to fly away.

"Contact the President and the bodyguards. This time we have to catch him!" the tall man said in an aggressive tone, the men nodded and got on the helicopter after him.

The helicopter departed flying towards the addressed place.
They would stop few palace before the place so that the commander's team could get off, then the commander would go alone at the meeting. He had a micro communicator in his hear, his team could hear all so to be ready anytime.

He finally reached the place, it was a big garage and probabily abandoned. He was thirty minutes early but decided to enter the garage anyway. It was dark, not a noise, he kept on walking and then he reached a big office. He looked around, not sure on what to do.
He had again that weird feeling, the warmness around his body. For a moment he believed that he could smell a perfume, but rumors of steps distracted him.

He stayed on guard, waiting for the proprietary of the noises to come out.
He saw a profile in the dark and then he heard clapping.

"My, my, my. What do we have here?" the man stepped forward. He was tall, brown hair and a smirk on his face. He was too young, or so seemed, to be the man the commander tried to catch for so long. No, it was impossible.
"Who are you?" the commander asked
"What? Am I too young to be your biggest enemy?"  he said like as if he read the other man's mind, "Anyway, call me Changmin please." he started to laugh.
Yes, it was definitely him.
The commander cleared his throat
"I came here because you wanted to make a deal, what is it?"
Changmin suddenly stopped to laugh, he looked straight in the commander's eyes.
"And if I'm not wrong... I said you do come alone."
"I'm alone..." did he discover his team?
"I'm not stupid you know, I already sent few of my men to bring here your friends." he smirked, a scary smirk. 
Yunho POV
It can't could he-? 
I couldn't finish to think that he pulled out a gun and pointed it to me.
He took me off guard.

“You know, it was funny to play with you at this game, but everything has an end, right?” he smirked pulling the trigger, “I hope you'll have a nice trip.” he smirked and pulled completly the trigger.
That was what I saw next.
And then warmness, that feeling. My body was dragged by a mysterious force, and I found myself in an open space.

I looked around, there were a lot of trees, cherry trees. The petals were falling because of the strong wind, and the grass moved like silent waves. 
Where was I?
Was I dead? Did that bastard kill me? No...that couldn't...I can't die like this...
The wind started to blow harder and I covered my eyes because of a sudden bright light.
I heard an angelic voice, he was saying something
Did I hear right? Was he calling my name? 
I waited to hear something else, but nothing came. Was that an angel ready to bring me in heaven or wherever should he take me?

I started to feel dizzy and I fell, or rather I fainted.

A/N: So here it's the first chapter~
I don't think this will be a one shot or two keke a lot of ideas came in my mind so... :p
Anyway, I hope you like it! And sorry for my grammatical errors.
I feel bad for Changmin...why did he become a bad guy?! >.<

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alexian #1
Chapter 1: excited to know what wil happen next
plz update soon..
alexian #2
Chapter 1: excited to know what wil happen next
plz update soon..
zoldyk #3
Sounds good.. Update soon nee.. Thank you..