
My Alien Warriors
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The water fight eventually died down, and all 7 of you were soaking wet. You guys were breathing heavily and sitting on the floor.

“Ah!” Zelo shrieked. 5 heads snapped Zelo's direction. “Himchan hyung!” Zelo frowned turning to Himchan, who innocently blinked at him. “What?” “Hyung, don't play innocent!” “What? What did I do?” “Hyung~!” Himchan burst into laughter, causing everyone else to laugh but Zelo, who was still upset.

You suddenly sneezed, making everyone stop laughing and look at you. You rubbed your nose and another sneeze came. Yongguk got up and walked towards you.

“Eunjung, I think you should go change. You'll catch a cold if you keep on wearing those wet clothes.” Yongguk pushed you towards the door. Before you could protest, you sneezed. “Go. Go change.” You rubbed your nose and headed out of the greenhouse.

You let out another sneeze when you stepped out of the greenhouse. BAP couldn’t help but smile at your cute sneeze.

You mumbled incoherent words while walking back inside The Flower Shop to change. Halmoni was at the counter wiping it clean. She looked up when you stepped in sneezing.

“Aigoo, Eunjung-ah, you need to change quickly.” halmoni said concern. You nodded and headed to the back to change. After changing to came out in your school uniform with your hair in a messy bun.

Just as you stepped out, BAP were just coming in. you looked up at them and saw that they were still in their wet work uniforms. “You guys should change. You’ll get sick.” You said pointing to the back. “Don’t worry about us. We don’t get sick easily.” Youngjae smiled. You rolled your eyes, “Right. Now go change.” You nodded towards the back. BAP went to the back and changed back into their school uniform.

“Halmoni, we’ll be going now.” You bowed. “Neh, go home safely.” Halmoni smiled. You nodded and headed out. BAP bowed and followed you.

You guys got on the bus and headed home. The bus ride home was quiet and so was the walk home. When you guys arrived home, umma was in the kitchen drinking a cup of water.

“We’re home.” You called taking off your shoes. “Oh. Eunjung-ah, you’re home. Boys, welcome home.” Umma smiled coming out of the kitchen. BAP bowed at umma and headed up to their room. You also did the same.

As you entered your room, you plopped onto your bed exhausted. Your hair was still wet from earlier. A knock came at your door. “Come in.” you called and sat up. A blonde head appeared at the crack of your door, “Eunjung?” You smiled, “I don’t bite Zelo.”

Zelo shyly chuckled and opened the door wider for you to see his whole frame. “Uh, hyungs said for you to use the bathroom before we use it.” “Oh. Okay. Thanks for telling me.” You smiled. Zelo nodded and left your room.

You grabbed your towel and went to use the bathroom. After showering, you dried your hair and did some homework before going to sleep.

Your alarm went off waking you up. you groaned and sat up, ruffling your hair you got out of bed, did your daily routine, and wore your uniform. Once you were done, you headed to BAP’s room to wake them up.

You knocked on the door. There were some yelping, mumbling, and rustling happening inside the room. You tilted your head in curiosity and knocked again. “Coming.” A deep voice called.

The door finally opened, revealing a dressed Yongguk. You blinked in surprise. “Good morning.” Yongguk greeted smiling. “Oh. Good morning.” You smiled. “Eunjung!” Zelo pushed past Yongguk, hugged, and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You giggled, “Good morning Zelo.” “Good morning.” Zelo linked arms with you and pulled you away from BAP’s room. “Hyungs, we’ll see you guys downstairs.” Zelo hollered walking down the stairs with you beside him. You chuckled at Zelo’s childish act.

Once you and Zelo were in the kitchen, you prepared breakfast: toast and eggs. “Mm. Something smells good.” Himchan smiled stepping into the kitchen. You turned around and smiled, “Good morning.” “Morning Eunjung.” Youngjae greeted sitting down. “Morning.” Jongup beamed plopping down next to Zelo, who had started to munch on the toast.

“Yah! How can you already eat?” Yongguk asked stealing the toast from Zelo before he could take a bite. “Hyung~” Zelo pouted. Yongguk shook his head and bite into the toast. You giggled and shook your head. “Here you go Zelo.” You handed Zelo a plate of toast and eggs. “Thanks Eunjung.” Zelo beamed before digging in. You patted Zelo’s head and

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Chapter 53: i hope you can make part 2 of this story just like an adventure time
Chapter 53: i hope you can make part 2 of this...
SofeaShazrina #3
Chapter 8: I want your story.I love gangsters!
MinhosLover #4
Chapter 8: Nah, you should do a love story between zelo and the reader. And you should have the members be vampires.( I love vampires)
Fragezeichen #5
Chapter 53: Awww... I really love your Story :) it was REALLY sweet. For me, it is the perfect ending.....but I wouldn't say no to a sequel ;D
Greetings from Germany :)
Chapter 53: MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASES!!!^.^
Chapter 53: Pls make a sequel
Chapter 53: I didn't keep myself updated with the story updates and didnt see this but came over it again today and I read a few chapters straight and I'm so sad. I finished your story. It's like one of the best story I've read so far from AFF and everything is perfect. The plot, characters ;) (ILHOON AND DAEHYUN), grammar and everything.

Chap50 was so cute when they got together and and and
I cried so much for chap 51, 52 and 53~ I cried sooooo much~~

I LOVE YOU~ please make a sequel of this? orrrrr~ make more sweeet stories :DDDD
Chapter 53: please make (my alien warriors - part 2)~~~ pleasseeee ~~~~
Chapter 38: uwaaa! poor ilhoon TT;TT
ohmyyshemayy jongup! XDD always saying things that are already known =___= XDD